Aphrodisiac products for men, list

Aphrodisiac products for men, list

People have always attributed miraculous properties to food. She can heal, energize – and make you fall in love. And it doesn’t have to be rare delicacies.

Aphrodisiacs – this is the name for foods that awaken passion and attraction. The first thing that comes to mind is oysters. They can actually play an aphrodisiac role thanks to the zinc in the composition – this trace element is responsible for sexual function. But experts tend to think it’s more about the placebo effect at work: oysters are so touted as an aphrodisiac that the brain is forced to agree.

And on our list of aphrodisiacs, there are foods that really work. Importantly, you can buy them at any store near your home and not go broke.

This healthy sweetness can not only soothe a sore throat, but also enhance libido. It’s not just that the honeymoon is called honey! The trace element boron contained in honey can increase the level of testosterone in the blood – and this hormone, as we know, is responsible for the sexual desire of both men and women. And what will happen if there is honey every day, you can read HERE.

This spice with an amazing scent is immortalized in legends, like honey. In many cultures, basil is considered a symbol of love between a man and a woman. He has a magical ability to both calm the nerves and increase libido. The fact is that basil is rich in trace elements and minerals that have a very beneficial effect on men’s health. Maybe that’s why Italians, Spaniards and Greeks, fans of Mediterranean cuisine, have a reputation for being the most passionate men?


These nuts are rich in protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Experts assure that they are very useful: they help regulate blood pressure and even lose weight, and reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. And at the same time, they reduce the symptoms of erectile dysfunction. This is due to the fact that thanks to pistachios, blood flow increases. True, to feel a tangible result, you need to eat 100 grams of nuts every day for three weeks.


The fruit that has earned the name “apple of love”. According to legend, Aphrodite once planted the first pomegranate tree on earth with her own hands. And from her, the fruits of this tree received the ability to influence fertility. But seriously, pomegranates are rich in antioxidants, they have a beneficial effect on the hematopoietic system. And thanks to the combination of these two properties, they are able to increase the sensuality of pomegranate lovers.


It sounds completely non-sexy, and brings to mind more about fitness, diet and fasting. But in fact, celery is a unique product, whose properties are completely in vain reduced to a dietary function. Although here he is on top.

The fact is that celery contains phytoandrogens – substances similar to the male hormone testosterone. He invigorates the representatives of the stronger sex, and attracts women to them.


This spice was in special honor even among the ancient Roman legionnaires, who considered its specific aroma and taste to be extremely exciting. As it turned out, the legionnaires were not mistaken: they found a large number of substances that stimulate the production of estrogen in the seeds of anise. Anise normalizes the functioning of the gonads and restores reproductive function. It also relieves menstrual pain and weakens PMS.

One more item has been added to the list of the healing properties of aloe: the healing juice contains antibodies and the so-called T cells, which stimulate the immune system, balance the hormonal system, and at the same time increase libido. The substances contained in aloe juice cause blood flow to the pelvic organs.

While scientists are researching the stimulating effect of the agave, others can use the recipe of traditional medicine, using aloe juice with honey, a teaspoon of 3-4 times a day.

The stimulating properties of nutmeg are not only described, but also confirmed by experiments, however, on mice. Animals that ate nutmeg mated twice as actively as their counterparts. But be careful: in large doses, this spice has an adverse effect on the psyche.

These tiny nuts contain deposits of zinc, one of the key minerals responsible for potency and sperm production in men.

Due to their high protein content, pine nuts have a positive effect on the level of hormones in the body. For a noticeable effect, it is recommended to consume a handful of pine nuts with a spoonful of honey every day for three days.

Now, of course, is not the season. But take note: the fruit and berry answer to Viagra is a juicy and ripe watermelon. Due to the high level of citrulline in its pulp, watermelon stimulates blood flow in the lower parts of the body.

The fact is that after consuming watermelon, citrulline is converted into arginine – this amino acid has a beneficial effect on the heart and the entire circulatory system, dilating blood vessels like Viagra.

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