Aphids on dill: how to get rid of folk remedies and chemicals

Aphids are small insects whose body length does not exceed 7 mm. The life cycle of an aphid begins with the emergence of a larva from an egg, usually this happens with the advent of heat. This insect pretty much spoils the life of gardeners. It parasitizes various plants and often leads to their death. You can get rid of aphids on dill using a variety of effective methods.

Aphids on dill: how to get rid of folk remedies and chemicals

Reasons for the appearance of aphids on dill

The main reason for the appearance of aphids are ordinary ants, which are attracted by the honeydew (sticky liquid) secreted by aphids in the process of life. Ants not only consume this liquid, but also bring the larvae of harmful insects into anthills for the winter period, which helps to preserve offspring. To overcome aphids, you need to get rid of ants.

Aphids on dill: how to get rid of folk remedies and chemicals

A possible reason for the appearance of aphids on dill is the successful wintering of eggs in the ground on the site.

Another reason for the occurrence of a pest on the site can be a lack of phosphorus or an excess of nitrogen in the soil under dill.

Methods for dealing with aphids on dill

Harm from aphids obvious and undeniable:

  • deprives the plant of nutrient reserves, the tops of the plant are deformed and dry out;
  • sticky discharge (pad) from aphids inhibits the process of photosynthesis and is a favorable environment for the reproduction of various fungal and viral diseases;
  • attracts other pests.

Dill is most often attacked by willow-carrot aphids, which can produce up to 17 generations during the summer period.

Ash-like scales (old aphid shell) indicate the presence of a pest.

On closer examination, black or green aphids can be found on the inside of the leaves, on shoots or umbrellas.

There are many ways, methods and preparations to protect dill from aphids.

Pest control is complicated by the fact that the culture is eaten throughout the season. Based on this, the methods and preparations used should not leave toxins after treatment.

In order to get rid of aphids, use the following methods:

  • folk,
  • “original”;
  • physical;
  • biological;
  • chemical agents.

With the massive appearance of aphids on dill, it is recommended to use special preparations that are safe for humans.

How to deal with aphids on dill in folk ways

You can get rid of aphids with:

  • herbal decoctions and infusions that are effective and absolutely harmless to humans;
  • aphid enemies (for example, ladybugs).

Aphids on dill: how to get rid of folk remedies and chemicals

Herbal infusions and decoctions

With small lesions of dill aphids, infusions or decoctions can be used. Re-treatment of dill will be required, since the duration of action of infusions is shorter than that of chemicals.

Herbal infusions

The ingredients for herbal infusions are readily available and the recipes are not difficult to prepare. At the same time, they are effective and safe.

From nettle

Nettle contains nutrients that make dill resistant to aphids. Nettle is crushed, diluted with water and insisted for a week. The infusion is filtered and watered with dill for several days in a row.

Aphids on dill: how to get rid of folk remedies and chemicals


The following infusion will help get rid of aphids. 35 g of onion are cut and, together with the husk, are kept in 1 liter of water for 5 hours. Filter and add 1 tsp. crushed laundry soap. Add water to a volume of 1 liter and spray the affected dill.

From tobacco

Due to the pungent smell, tobacco helps to get rid of aphids. Dilute 200g of tobacco in 5 liters of water. Leave for 2 days. Bring to a volume of 10 liters, filter and spray the areas of dill affected by aphids.

from garlic

To prepare the infusion, pour 1 liter of cold water and grind 200 g of peeled garlic. Insist for 4 days under the lid. Add 10 g of laundry soap to better bond the solution to the surface of the leaves. The resulting concentrate (25 g) is diluted in 10 liters of water.

From spices

Aphids don’t like strong odors. Take 20 g of red, black pepper, cinnamon and coriander and pour 2 liters of cold water. Close the lid and insist for 1 day. Dill is sprayed on a sunny day.


For the preparation of herbal infusion, tansy, nettle, wormwood, celandine and yarrow are suitable. The grass is finely cut and filled with water. Close the container with a lid and insist 24 hours, filter and process the affected dill.

from chamomile

100 g of dried chamomile flowers are poured into 1 liter of water and infused for 12 hours. For spraying, dilute the infusion with water, maintaining a ratio of 1: 3. Additionally contribute 1 tsp. crushed laundry soap.


To get rid of aphids, it is recommended to use an infusion of dandelion leaves and roots. This will require:

  • 200 g of dandelion leaves;
  • 100 g of roots.

Finely cut a flowering plant, add 10 liters of water. Infuse for 4 hours and treat the resulting infusion with dill affected by aphids.

From citrus peels

To prepare the infusion you will need:

  • 100 g peels from any citrus fruits;
  • 1 liters of warm water.

Insist for three days.

Herbal decoctions

Herbal decoctions have insecticidal properties and are effective in controlling insect pests, including aphids.

From the tops of tomatoes

In plants of the nightshade family, the leaves and stem contain the substance solanine, which is deadly to aphids. To get rid of insects, you will need the following decoction:

  • 5 kg of tomato tops;
  • 10 L of water.

The composition is brought to a boil and insisted for 0,5 hours on low heat. Before spraying, add 30 g of soap and dilute with water in a ratio of 1:3.

From hot pepper

Required components:

  • 100 g of hot peppers;
  • 1 L of water;
  • 40 g of laundry soap.

Boil the composition for 1 hour under the lid. Insist 2 days, filter. For spraying, dilute with water in a ratio of 1:10.

From celandine

In order to get rid of aphids, the following decoction will help:

  • 0,5 kg of fresh stems, leaves and flowers of celandine;
  • 1 L of water.

The celandine is crushed and water is added. Insist for two days. The resulting broth is boiled for 30 minutes, cooled and filtered.

Soda and salt

Soda and salt are affordable and effective remedies for garden pests, including aphids.

Aphids on dill: how to get rid of folk remedies and chemicals

Important! For the preparation of folk remedies, baking soda is used, since soda ash contains a large amount of alkali, which contributes to the death of the plant.

To prepare an insecticidal agent, you need to dissolve 10 tbsp in 10 liters of water. l. baking soda or 1 kg of salt. Treat dill bushes affected by aphids.


Ammonia is also an effective and readily available means of getting rid of aphids on dill. In addition to the fact that pests are repelled by the smell of ammonia, it is also a good nitrogen fertilizer. To prepare the solution you will need:

  • 1 st. l. ammonia;
  • 1 L of water.

The resulting solution is sprayed with dill 2 times a week in the evening, after watering.

Important! Excessive application of ammonia negatively affects the well-being and growth of dill.


Soap is part of any folk remedy, as it has a gluing effect. The aphid sticks and cannot eat and move, which is why it dies.

To make an effective solution for aphids, laundry soap is suitable, but tar soap is also possible:

  • 150 g of tar or 250-300 g of laundry soap, grated;
  • 1 L of water.

Then another 9 liters of water are added and dill is sprayed with the resulting solution.

Aphids on dill: how to get rid of folk remedies and chemicals

For greater effect, add 10 tbsp to the solution. l. soda (it is safe for humans and dill, but detrimental to aphids) or 200 g of vinegar per 10 liters of the finished solution.

Advice! It is not recommended to exceed the indicated dosages, as excessive acidity can cause dill leaves to turn yellow.
Advice! To make the soap dissolve more easily, it is placed in advance in warm water, and in the evening it is sprayed with a cold solution.

Infusion of ash

Ash (wood waste) is a good fertilizer containing Ca, K, some P and many trace elements. In addition, ash is successfully used to get rid of pests, including aphids.

To prepare a solution from aphids take:

  • 2 cups of ash;
  • 5 L of water.

Infuse for 12 hours, stirring occasionally. Filter and add 15 g of soap.

Instead of an infusion of ashes, you can make a decoction. Take water with ashes and simmer for 40 minutes. Cool, filter and add 15 g of soap. The resulting decoction can be used every day until the complete elimination of aphids.

Aphids on dill: how to get rid of folk remedies and chemicals

Important! Spraying is carried out after watering the dill and preferably in the evening to avoid burns on the leaves.

To get rid of aphids, ash is also used in dry form. A small bag of gauze folded in half is sewn in advance. 1 tbsp is placed in the bag. ash, red pepper (ground) and mustard (powder). The resulting mixture is crushed on plants. After 7 days, water the bed with dill from a watering can.


The acetic acid solution is weak, but at the same time concentrated and can be dangerous for plants. Therefore, the dosage is pre-calculated so as not to burn the leaves. When using 7% vinegar, you will need 1 tsp. for 1 liter of water. This solution is sprayed with dill every other day.

“Original” methods of dealing with aphids

Craftsmen, using ordinary products, have also achieved excellent results in getting rid of pests, including aphids.

For example, the most common vodka or Coca-Cola, which is sprayed from a spray bottle on the affected plants, will help.

Another recipe: add 50 drops of lavender, tea tree and cedar oil to 15 g of cream and pour 2 liters of water. Sprayed three times a day.

How to get rid of aphids on dill with biological products

Biological products (consist of the waste products of bacteria) are safe for humans, animals, plants and destroy insect pests.

Spraying of dill is carried out in dry calm weather at a temperature not lower than +22 ⁰С.

Important! Biological products work best at temperatures above +25 ⁰С and are ineffective at temperatures below +18 ⁰С.

Spray not only dill leaves, but also the soil under the plant.

To get rid of aphids, you can use the effective preparations Confidor, Extra, Strela.

One of the effective drugs is Fitoverm.

Aphids on dill: how to get rid of folk remedies and chemicals

After its use, almost all pests die after 3 days, and the effect of the drug lasts for 7 days (up to 3 weeks in dry weather).

Enterobacterin has an effect even at high air temperatures.

Another effective biological product is Biotlin, which completely destroys insect pests 5 days after spraying.

Aphids on dill: how to get rid of folk remedies and chemicals

Important! After rain, spraying is carried out again.

In order to use the biological product, dilute the contents of the sachet in water following the instructions for use written on the package. Spraying is carried out in the evening after watering the dill. The result from the use of a biological product will appear 2 days after application, and dill is suitable for food after 6 days.

Advice! Do not use the same means in the fight against aphids, as it may develop resistance to the substances that make up the drug. It is better to alternate various biological agents with folk methods.

Processing dill from aphids with chemicals

To kill aphids on dill, use the following chemicals:

  1. Preparation – C30. Spraying with the drug is carried out in early spring. According to the instructions for the preparation, 400 ml is diluted in 10 liters of water.
  2. Carbophos refers to moderately toxic pesticides. 1 tbsp dissolved in 10 liters of water. When spraying, pay special attention to the bottom of the sheet. After spraying, when the soil dries out a little, it is loosened and a little ash is added.
  3. Leaf feed. Take 1 tbsp. potassium chloride and 2 tbsp. superphosphate, diluted in 10 liters of water. The solution is treated with the lower part of the leaves. The procedure is repeated in a week.

Despite the fact that the action of chemicals lasts about a month, their toxicity persists for the same period. Because of this, many gardeners avoid the use of chemicals on their plots and use other methods and methods for the destruction of aphids.

Physical control measures

Having found aphids on their dill, gardeners first treat the affected plants with a stream of cold water from a hose.

Aphids on dill: how to get rid of folk remedies and chemicals

 In the process, numbness of the limbs of aphids occurs, insects fall and die. Single individuals are removed with a cotton swab.

Biological methods of fighting aphids on dill

Biological methods to get rid of aphids include:

  1. Allied plants, which are divided into frightening and attractive. Repeller plants include herbs with a strong odor: coriander, onion lavender, garlic, mint, mustard, basil, chamomile. These crops are recommended to be planted next to dill. Attractive plants include crops that attract aphids. These include: petunias, mallows, begonias, poppies and beans. They are planted away from the garden plot.
  2. Insects and birds are natural enemies of garden pests, including aphids. Insects that feed on aphids: ladybugs, lacewings, hoverflies, some types of wasps, predatory bugs. To attract these insects to the site, plant carrots, parsley, daisies.

    Aphids on dill: how to get rid of folk remedies and chemicals

  3. Aphids are prey for small birds such as tits, kinglets, wrens, robins and linnets, so it is advisable to place a feeder on the site.

    Aphids on dill: how to get rid of folk remedies and chemicals

  4. Lizards and hedgehogs are also helpers in the fight against aphids.
Important! When attracting insects and birds to the site, it is better to refuse the use of chemicals.

What to do if aphids on cut dill

It is very easy to remove aphids from cut dill. Dill greens are put in a deep bowl, poured with salted water, left for 10-15 minutes. After the specified time, the water is drained, and the greens are thoroughly washed under running water.

Preventive measures

To prevent the appearance of aphids on plants, follow certain rules:

  1. For planting dill, choose sunny and well-ventilated areas. The soil should not be too wet.
  2. When choosing a place to plant, it is worth abandoning the neighborhood with crops such as parsnips, parsley, dill, carrots.
  3. The best neighbors of dill are plants with pungent odors: onion, garlic, coriander, rosemary, mint, basil.
  4. It is necessary to thin out seedlings in a timely manner and remove weeds.
  5. Dill requires moderate watering.
  6. Top dressing is carried out with a solution of potassium and superphosphate in a ratio of 1: 2, which will improve the protection of dill.
  7. In autumn, the remains of plants are carefully removed from the site, since it is there that aphids overwinter.
  8. Dill bushes are inspected a couple of times a week for aphids or other pests and diseases.
  9. In the spring, they prepare the site for planting. To do this, remove debris, weeds and disinfect the soil. The day before planting dill, the selected area is poured with boiling water or covered with polyethylene for 3 days in hot weather.
  10. Periodically, anthills located on the site are poured with boiling water.
  11. When ladybugs are found in the garden, they are taken to a bed with dill.
  12. It is not advisable to plant dill near bird cherry, viburnum or linden.

By following these recommendations, you can grow healthy and healthy dill.


You can get rid of aphids on dill using folk methods, but their effectiveness and duration of action are shorter than those of chemicals.

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