Aphids on cucumbers: how to fight
Aphids are small but dangerous pests. Its danger lies in the speed of its reproduction. In a short period of time, many of these pests can appear on your seedlings. Because of it, the growth of cucumbers may stop, diseases may appear, and with a large area of damage, plants may die. It is important to understand in time that you have aphids on cucumbers on your site, and take the necessary measures.
Always carry out prophylaxis in order to prevent the appearance of aphids. After all, instead of later processing cucumbers from aphids, you can follow several rules.
To prevent aphids on cucumbers, plant nearby flowers that repel this pest.
Preventive measures include:
- Cleaning and weeding the land. Remove all biological plant debris and weeds. Weed and loosen the soil before planting.
- Inspect the seedlings regularly.
- Also plant aphid repellent flowers nearby. Also, the presence of ladybirds on the site contributes to pest control.
- Avoid nests.
By following these rules, you can prevent the appearance of aphids in your area.
You can understand that pests have appeared on the cucumber seedlings, according to the following signs:
- Anthills appeared on the site.
- The leaves and stems have become slimy.
- The flowers fall off.
- The leaves are drooping.
- Accumulation of insects on the underside of the leaf.
When examining seedlings, pay attention to these signs, then you will notice aphids in time.
How to deal with aphids on cucumbers
Try the following methods when dealing with aphids:
- Ash and soap solution. Add a glass of ash and a quarter of grated laundry soap to 5 liters of water. Leave it for a day to infuse. Then treat the plants.
- Soda. Add 3 tablespoons of baking soda to a bucket of water and stir. Sprinkle them over cucumbers.
- Use chemical agents: “spark”, “fufanon” and others.
- Try biological agents: fitoverm, biotlin and others.
- Get rid of the nests. For this, the “anteater” is suitable.
- A solution of vinegar. Dissolve two tablespoons of 9% vinegar in two liters of water. Spray the seedlings.
- Pest picking by hand can only help in the early stages of pest emergence. When most of the plant is affected, this method is useless.
Try to use chemicals as a last resort, as aphids can develop addiction to them. If you notice the appearance of eggs at the initial stage, then it will be easier to destroy them.
In order to prevent the appearance of aphids on plants, keep track of the planting material that you use and regularly inspect the seedlings. If insects appear, take action as soon as possible.