Aperol: what is it, composition, how to drink + 5 cocktail recipes

Briefly about the drink

Aperol – an aperitif, which is often called a liquor. Although, in terms of its taste characteristics (bitter), it is more likely to be one of the most popular in Italy bitters from the amaro series.

Very often, when referring to Aperol, people confuse it with the famous Aperol Syringe cocktail, which is fundamentally wrong.

The history of the creation of Aperol

The Italian drink of the aperitif plan, Aperol, was created in 1919 by Padua: Luigi and Silvio Barbieri. However, this bitter decoction, which has a delicate tangerine aroma, began to win the hearts of Italians (primarily young people) only after World War II.

This happened due to the comparative cheapness of the drink, which was extremely relevant for that time, as well as its unsurpassed ability to ennoble the rough white wines of Northern Italy. It gained worldwide popularity only at the beginning of the XNUMXst century, as an indispensable cocktail ingredient.

Composition and fortress of Aperol

The composition of the drink includes about thirty components. Among them: bitter orange, cinchona fruit, gentian, rhubarb and a number of Piedmontese herbs.

Of course, the authentic recipe of the Padua elixir is kept secret. In particular, the owners of Campari Group, who became the owners of the brand in 2004, solemnly vowed not to disclose or change the original composition and proportions of the drink.

The classic fortress of the popular bitter is 11 degrees.

The only exception is the export version, designed for the German market. The amount of ethanol contained in it reaches 15%. This is due to the reluctance of the manufacturer to bottle their products in disposable packages prescribed by German law for drinks with a strength of less than 15 degrees.

How to distinguish the original Aperol from a fake

Any well-publicized brand usually becomes a favorite target for falsification. In this sense, Aperol is no exception. To protect yourself from unpleasant surprises when buying your favorite aperitif, you should remember a few rules.

  1. The drink is bottled in branded, well-recognized transparent glass bottles.

  2. On the front side of the vessel, directly below the label, there is a conspicuous engraving: “Aperol”.

  3. The authentic bottle is crowned with a blue cork with a company logo and a circular inscription at the top.

  4. On the “shirt” going to the neck, there are two inscriptions: “Aperol” and “DAL 1919”.

  5. And, of course, we must not forget about the high-quality and competent execution of labels, as well as the presence of a neatly pasted excise stamp (except when the drink was bought at Duty Free.).

How to drink Aperol + cocktail recipes

According to the intention of the creators, this drink should be consumed before meals from chilled liquor glasses or with a few small pieces of ice. In principle, an aperitif, as such, does not need an appetizer. However, if you really need it, you can accompany the pre-dinner glass of the mentioned bitter with a slice of unsweetened orange or tangerine.

Much more often, the drink is used as part of simple refreshing mixes with ice. In this case, Aperol is usually paired with soda, tonic, citrus sodas, citrus fresh juices, dry white wine, sparkling brut, as well as vodka or gin. With non-alcoholic or low-alcohol partners, the amount of bitter is 1/3 or even ¼ of the total volume of the drink. In a duet with alcoholic heavyweights, its share reaches 2/3 of the total volume.

And, finally, cocktails are considered classics of the genre. First of all – the famous “Aperol Spritz”, which brought the real world fame to the Padua aperitif. Although, as we will see below, the cocktail possibilities of this bitter are by no means exhausted. Moreover, in addition to being used in authentic drinks, it is quite capable of replacing the related Campari in appropriate cocktails.

Aperol syringe

List of ingredients

  1. Aperol – 60 ml

  2. Prosecco – 90 ml

  3. Soda water – 30 ml

  4. A mug of orange – 1 piece

Method of preparation

  1. Pour bitter into a highball ice.

  2. Add sparkling wine and water (if desired, it is permissible to replace it with Fanta or Sprite).

  3. Decorate with an orange (in the homeland of the drink, in addition to an orange, an olive is often used as a decoration).

  4. Serve with a straw and cocktail stick.

Betty’s operol

List of ingredients

  1. Aperol – 60 ml

  2. Orange fresh – 60 ml

  3. Grapefruit juice – 40 ml

Method of preparation

  1. Shake all ingredients in a shaker.

  2. Serve in a glass with ice.

Aperol Sauer

List of ingredients

  1. Aperol – 60 ml

  2. Lemon juice – 20 ml

  3. Simple sugar syrup – 10 ml

Method of preparation

  1. Shake all ingredients in a shaker with ice.

  2. Pour through a strainer into a glass with ice.

Paper airplane

List of ingredients

  1. Aperol – 30 ml

  2. Whiskey – 30 ml

  3. Soda – 30 ml

  4. Lemon fresh – 20 ml

  5. Lemon – 1 slice

Method of preparation

  1. Whiskey, bitters and fresh shake in a shaker with ice.

  2. Strain through a strainer into a glass filled with ice.

  3. Add soda.

  4. Decorate with a lemon wedge.

  5. Serve with a cocktail stick.


List of ingredients

  1. Aperol – 20 ml

  2. Whiskey – 60 ml

  3. Simple sugar syrup – 10 ml

  4. Fresh mint – 5 leaves

  5. Lemon – 4 slices

Method of preparation

  1. Mash lemon and mint.

  2. Place the result in a shaker with ice.

  3. Add alcohol and syrup.

  4. Shake thoroughly.

  5. Strain through a strainer into a glass.

Relevance: 21.09.2017

Tags: other alcohol

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