Low alcohol refreshing drink with hints of fruit, light citrus bitterness and moderate carbonation. In Venice, tourists and locals alike drink about 300 servings of Aperol Syringe in one day. Due to its simplicity of preparation, this cocktail is easy to make at home. It contains only three ingredients: champagne, bitters and mineral water.
Historical information
According to one version, the Aperol Syringe cocktail appeared in Venice in the middle of the XNUMXth century after the Austrian Empire captured the region. Arriving soldiers diluted local wines with water, as was customary in their homeland – in the Austrian Wachau Valley, which is famous for its wine-making traditions. True, in those days, bitter Aperol had not yet been invented, so that drink can only be considered the progenitor of a traditional cocktail.
According to another version, the recipe for Aperol Syringe was invented by the military of Austria-Hungary, who occupied the northern part of the Veneto region during the First World War. Like their predecessors, the invaders also diluted sparkling wines with water (mainly sparkling Prosecco), adding low-alcohol Aperol, which was just beginning to gain popularity.
Translated from German, “Spritz” means “to splash.”
Aperol (Aperol) – bitter 11% alcohol, produced in the Italian city of Padua. It has an orange-red color and a bitter taste. The composition includes oranges, rhubarb, gentian, quinine fruits and other herbs growing in Piedmont. The drink was first produced by Barbieri in 1919.
The classic recipe Aperol Syringe
- Prosecco (dry champagne) – 60 ml;
- Bitter Aperol – 40 ml;
- soda (soda) – 20 ml;
- ice cubes – 200 grams.
Instead of Prosecco, any dry or semi-sweet sparkling wine (champagne) is suitable, even “Soviet”. The bitter Aperol can be replaced with the more common Campari, resulting in a kind of cocktail called “Black Syringe”. Some bars add tonic instead of soda, but this is not for everybody.
1. Fill a large wine glass or rock with ice (alternatively, chill it hard in the freezer).
2. Add champagne.
3. Pour Aperol in a thin stream, then water. Stir gently.
4. Decorate with orange slices.
5. Drink through a straw.
The complete cooking technology is shown in the video.