Apartment or kennel? 7 tiny studios for crazy money

Just a glance at this apartment makes you feel claustrophobic. But sellers in all seriousness paint it as ideal for life in Moscow.

“Small, but its own”, “You will live in the Central Administrative District!” – ads made up of such phrases cannot be counted. In Moscow, the housing situation is, to be sure, special. It is not for nothing that this is the most expensive city in the country. Visitors sometimes rent not apartments or even rooms, but a place in a room where two or three other neighbors live. Some decide to buy their own homes, but taking into account the capital prices, they are not enough for a mansion. We have collected some of the most “tempting” offers – tiny studios for which it is still possible to save up. 

Starokirochny lane: 4 rubles, 752 meters

297 rubles per square meter

This is the largest studio in our selection. Apartments, that is, from the point of view of the law, not a living area. The photos were taken at night, which makes the proposal even more unattractive than it is. Among the advantages – the city center, near the metro station, well-developed infrastructure. Among the shortcomings – firstly, the status of non-residential premises, and secondly, the size of the studio. 16 “squares” is the total area. If you subtract the bathroom and the corridor, there will be a tiny room where a maximum of a couple who prefer an ascetic lifestyle can be accommodated. For almost 5 million, recall.

Cherkizovskaya: 2 189 999 rubles, 10,6 meters

206 604 rubles per square meter

Six minutes to the Cherkizovskaya metro station is really good. True, minus a bathroom and a dressing room for life, a little more than seven square meters will remain. This is, without exaggeration, a room that will squeeze in the shoulders. The height of the ceilings is standard, so it will not be possible to take out the berth on the mezzanine. Only the dressing room saves, where you can shove everything that has been acquired by back-breaking labor. The seller calls such a layout convenient, but it seems to us that, by definition, housing of this size cannot be comfortable. Calculation, by the way, is only in cash. Even more convenient. 

Arbatskaya: 5 rubles, 190 meters

346 rubles per square meter

Enviable location, high ceilings – you can still sleep under the ceiling and save space. Moreover, two whole windows are a rarity for studios. True, the repair will have to be done from scratch, inside the apartment there are just bare walls. This is probably why the photo is very blurry, in contrast to the photo of the house outside. Yes, the house is really nice. True, the status of the premises should be clarified additionally. 

Proletarian: 2 rubles, 940 meters

253 rubles per square meter

The seller indicates the kitchen area is 2 meters and leaves 9,6 meters for the living area. However, the calculation is a bit strange: there is usually no kitchen as such in the studios, but there is a bathroom. Somewhere the realtor twisted his heart, but the essence of this does not change: a tiny apartment in a panel house will cost almost 3 million. Housing requires repair, it is not suitable for a mortgage and maternity capital – only cash. For some reason, such requirements are always alarming. 

Tverskaya: 4 939 998 rubles, 12,5 meters

395 rubles per square meter

Perhaps the leader of our rating is in terms of price. You can only find out how the studio looks like when you look at it – the seller did not show real photos, he limited himself to the apartment plan and an approximate design of how the house might look after renovation. In general, an ad from the “buy a dream” series. “Two tall windows! We will build a mezzanine – the second level – and increase the usable area by 40 percent. As a result, we get – 17,5 meters! ” – the seller describes the advantages of the studio. In fact, the living area of ​​the room is just over 10 meters. But the place is really luxurious. 

House on Klinskaya: 4 rubles, 500 meters

346 154 rubles per square meter

One of the few decent proposals. Decent – in the sense that it does not arouse legal suspicion: the price is equal, the mortgage is possible. True, the house is panel. And the first floor. Moreover, housing is called a one-room apartment, which implies the presence of a kitchen. However, the kitchen here is extremely small – if you look closely, in the second photo you can see a kettle and a slow cooker on the shelf in the hallway. The owner of such a studio will not be able to afford more, with all the desire. But the chandeliers are luxurious – massive, palace design. In a room of this size, it looks, to put it mildly, strange. Well, we would still ask a question about the status of the premises.

Loft on Proletarskaya: 4 rubles, 600 meters

383 333 rubles per square meter

Yes, the seller proudly calls the premises a loft. Although a loft is, first of all, space. “Good quality repair with expensive materials” – well, at least you won’t have to invest in repairs. If, of course, you like the gloomy design of a tiny room. Now, according to the realtor, the studio brings 35 thousand rubles a month in net income. It inspires, as does the fact that the house is really historical, built in 1928. 

By the way

The market is full of ads offering studio apartments. Even historic buildings in good districts are being repaired and “sawed” into tiny kennels with an area of ​​9-12 meters. But you need to know that apartments are not housing from the point of view of the law. This is a commercial area with all the ensuing consequences. In some of these studios it is impossible even to register, and payment is required in cash – and this is several million rubles. 

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