The expert told about the pitfalls to watch out for when choosing a new home.
Many seek to buy an apartment in a new building in order to become the first owner. Still, it is safer to live when you know that nothing frightening has happened on square meters and that no one has left an aggressive energy trail. After all, even the walls store information about past tenants. However, new buildings also have their drawbacks. We analyze which ones, together with an expert.
Buying a new apartment can turn into not only joy, but also unexpected problems.
Material quality
“The construction of residential areas is happening very quickly. However, this is given to the developer by sweat and blood, – says real estate specialist Ekaterina Konovalova. – The state of the construction market is now very unstable. Many companies are barely making ends meet to boast of another new building. Therefore, they try to count every penny and save on what they can ”.
Let’s add: and what is not allowed. For example, on the quality of building materials.
Defect of frame structures
“Deficiencies in load-bearing structures cannot be identified at the purchase stage, – the expert approves. – When the house is more or less populated and five years have passed, then it will be possible to identify any flaws. “
However, fixing them will be very difficult, often even impossible. And it will be very difficult to sell such an apartment.
Shrinkage of the house
This phenomenon occurs to a home for five to seven years after purchase. During this time, the walls and ceiling with your luxurious renovation can crack, that is, “float”. The only way out is re-repair.
The new building may not be as beautiful as you imagined it
Underdeveloped infrastructure or lack thereof
Young districts are being built on wastelands, where there are no shops, hospitals, schools, and they are not promised to be built in the near future. Residents of apartments in new neighborhoods often complain that there are not even zebras at the crossings, there are no traffic lights and no public transport stops. And often there is such a “neighborhood” next to which it is dangerous to live.
Transport accessibility
Often, new buildings are located not close to the center, since everything has been built up there for a long time. The fact that there is a forest and ponds next to the house is wonderful! But the traffic jams and difficult transport connections will piss you off after two weeks of commuting to and from work. Therefore, it is better not to buy into the beautiful views from the windows.
“I would like to note that now the location is the primary criterion for choosing housing,” the specialist adds.
When one of the buildings of the microdistrict is handed over, the next one must be handed over faster. Many developers completely forget that they need to put at least lanterns and garbage containers, not to mention laying asphalt. While the area is “wild”, in winter it will be difficult to get to the entrance.
The outskirts of the city always attract especially dangerous elements or adventure seekers. If the house is located in a remote area, then the chance of meeting one of them is very high.
Before starting a move, you should carefully weigh everything.
While the house is at the stage of settlement, you can enjoy the silence. It will seem to you that the neighbors do not exist at all. But it is worth living for about a year, the new building begins to come to life from the constant noise of a drill, knocking on the walls and dust from building materials. Such a confusion can go on for a very long time!
Expensive repair
Of course, you won’t be able to live comfortably right away. You will have to wait a few more months until you get electricity, water and a bathroom. Then you have to bring the remaining meters to mind.
“I hint that additional financial costs cannot be avoided in addition to buying the area itself!” – says Ekaterina Konovalova.
No one is safe from power or water interruptions. If the management company has all the documents for these services, then you will not have any problems. And vice versa.
The quality of a new building can only be checked by time! For example, a leaking roof and a damp basement can come as a surprise. If the seams of panel houses are not properly sealed, then one day you will find mold on the walls.
Lack of lift
“Based on many years of experience, I can say that the installation of an elevator is postponed until the last moment. If the company has taken care of its availability, then you should find out information about the manufacturer and check the serviceability, as far as possible, ”advises a real estate specialist.