apartment design: mistakes

apartment design: mistakes

Our home is as imperfect as we are. Here are some suggestions to help remedy the damage we’ve done to the right design and decor.

1. You have chosen everything by style and color.

You also need to learn how to combine things that are outwardly inappropriate to each other.

2. You threw away all the old things and replaced them with new ones.

These houses seem to be perfect, but there is no joy in them at all. Families don’t usually live for show, and you shouldn’t. If you really don’t like some of the things in the house, look for something unique and vintage to replace them to give your home a unique look.

3. You have purchased the finest antiques.

Very few people feel comfortable living in a room with oriental carpets and furniture made from expensive tree species. Sure, it showcases your impeccable taste, but you feel like you’re living in another century. Add modern furniture to sit comfortably on.

4. You buy things of only one color.

Monochrome is now at its peak of popularity, but the effect it achieves seems rather boring! Don’t get hung up on achieving this effect. If you are lacking inspiration, look in reference books to find out which colors work best with your favorite and add them.

5. You buy only whole sets of furniture from catalogs.

The so-called collections are another of the modern and very effective, but uninteresting trends in decor. We recommend combining different items from different stores. Or at least browse specialized sites before purchasing everything from one shopping cart.

6. You only use two contrasting colors.

You base the entire color scheme of your room on just two vibrant carpet (or painting) colors. There is nothing wrong with that, although three colors would be better. The main thing is to vary the tone. This will help soften the contrast in all colors, which usually increases the survivability of your room. Because the more contrasting the colors, the sooner people get tired of them. Yes, they attract attention, but they don’t hold it.

Works of art, even the most mediocre ones, go a long way toward helping a home become a real home. And it doesn’t have to be expensive.

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