Anyuta grapes: description
Many gardeners have fallen in love with grapes “Anyuta” due to their high yield and unpretentious care. If you want to grow grapes, but are not ready to spend a lot of time and effort on it, then this variety is perfect.
Description of grapes “Anyuta”
The plant is classified as a mid-season table variety. The grape bushes grow rapidly. Conical bunches are medium-sized. Pink berries grow chaotically on the brush. Fruits of an oval shape are distinguished by a large mass. The rather dense skin allows the berries to tolerate transportation well and maintain their presentation.
Anyuta grapes are not attacked by wasps
Digital characteristics of grapes:
- bunch weight – 1 kg;
- fruit length – 3,5 cm;
- berry weight – 25 g;
- shoot length – 3 m.
The ripening period is 145 days. The variety does not tolerate temperature extremes.
In order for the seedling to root well before the onset of the winter period, it is necessary to plant grapes in May. The best place to grow is a sunny, windless area of the garden. Before the procedure, make sure that the seedling has a white root.
During landing, do the following:
- Prepare a hole that is twice the size of the root system of the bush.
- Fill the bottom with a drainage layer of fine gravel.
- Cover it with layers of humus and fertile soil.
- Dip the seedling into the hole so that part of the root collar remains on the surface.
- Install the support.
- Fill the hole with soil mixed with mineral fertilizers.
After the procedure, you need to water each seedling abundantly.
The variety needs regular moisture during the growing season, flowering and the beginning of fruit formation. Watering should be done very carefully, as excessive moisture can lead to cracking of the berries.
When leaving, you can not skimp on fertilization. Grapes need abundant feeding with organic matter in the form of humus, as well as compositions with a high content of phosphorus and potassium
The variety, in addition to the standard pruning in spring and autumn, needs the timely removal of excess brushes. Otherwise, the bush may not withstand the load and receive mechanical damage. It is important to remember that the crop must be harvested as soon as the berries ripen. If the bush is covered before the onset of winter, then the variety will survive even severe frosts well.
If you want to get a rich harvest every year, but do not have experience in growing, then be sure to choose the grape variety “Anyuta”. However, in order not to waste time and effort, use the above tips.