“Any pregnancy can lead to oncology”: Emma Malinina debunked the myth about the danger of IVF

Any pregnancy can lead to oncology: Emma Malinina debunked the myth about the danger of IVF

According to the star obstetrician-gynecologist, artificial insemination does not always lead to disease.

Any pregnancy can lead to oncology: Emma Malinina debunked the myth about the danger of IVF

Emma Malinina, unlike most of the wives of artists, is famous not only for being the wife of a famous person. Even before meeting with Alexander Malinin, she was a successful doctor. Today, Emma is a practicing obstetrician-gynecologist and periodically shares with her 111 thousand followers on Instagram the latest scientific discoveries and other interesting information from the world of medicine. He also writes for various publications.

So, in his article for the portal “Letidor” Malinina revealed an always topical topic – the doctor listed all the necessary stages of preparation for bearing a child and explained why it is important not to neglect them.

The physician cited statistical data: 77,4% of Russian women have prenatal pathology today, and over the past 18 years in Russia the frequency of male infertility has doubled.

In addition to passing the usual tests, Malinina advises future parents to also check themselves for tumor markers. This will save not only the fetus, but also the woman herself from the possible development of a serious illness.

For those couples who cannot conceive a child naturally, Emma recommends taking a closer look at the IVF procedure. And do not be afraid of her.

According to Malinina, she has worked with women who have tried IVF up to 18 and have successfully become mothers as a result. “Any pregnancy in the presence of cancer in the body is a stimulating factor for the disease,” the doctor says.

Malinina said that every citizen of Russia has the right to a free IVF procedure. To do this, the woman needs to provide a certificate with the diagnosis of infertility.

Alexander and Emma have been married since 1990

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One of the key factors in a successful pregnancy, Malinina called a woman’s calmness. “In such a delicate story as preparing for pregnancy, there should be no place for claims, reproaches, accusations, tantrums, self-flagellation,” advises the candidate of medical sciences.

Photo: @ doktoremmamalinina / Instagram, Andrey Kalmykov / Healthy Food Near Me, PhotoXPress.ru

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