Anxiety states – occurrence and symptoms. What types of anxiety are there?

Anxiety states are disorders related to the malfunctioning of the nervous system. They can manifest themselves as phobias, social anxiety or even obsessive-compulsive disorder. When are anxiety states an obstacle in our daily functioning? When does an anxiety state need to see a specialist?

When is an anxiety state?

Anxiety significantly worsens the quality of life. It may be about generalized anxiety, that is, anxiety that involves constant worry, seeing the future in dark colors. A person whose anxiety states are generalized has a very pessimistic view of life, he sees no good way out of any situation. This applies to many situations, e.g. financial matters, work, studies, family life.

To reduce stress, nervous tension and anxiety, try Harmonix 500 ml. Contains 10 herbal extracts and chokeberry juice. This natural product also influences the functions of the digestive and immune systems and regulates blood pressure. We also recommend Melissa – freeze-dried organic tea, which has a relaxing effect and helps to deal with anxiety. You can also try the sedative effects of Amnesia Haze Flowrolls CBD hemp dryness, which fights anxiety, reduces oxidative stress and improves well-being. A similar effect has the CBD Pineapple Express Flowrolls hemp drought, which additionally accelerates wound healing and reduces pain.

Symptoms of anxiety disorders

In addition to the fact that a person with anxiety states constantly complains and completely does not notice the bright sides of life, he also struggles with the feeling of increased muscle tension, especially around the neck and spine. There is also a characteristic tingling sensation around the abdomen. The person with anxiety is also prone to headaches, and is often nervous and constantly agitated.

Anxiety is also about social anxiety

The anxiety state that affects women more than men is social anxiety. Such people fear being judged by others. A public performance or even a meal in the company is an incredible stress for them, during which they sweat or blush. Such people avoid meeting people, which does not mean that they would not like them to happen.

If you suffer from various types of anxiety, reach for CBD oils that have a calming, antidepressant and relaxing effect. Oils of various strengths are available on Medonet Market.

A phobia is one of the types of anxiety

Phobias are about different situations – fear of animals, pain, trees, and even fear of making decisions or being touched. Phobias are anxiety states that usually arise from unpleasant past experiences. Perhaps the most common phobias are: fear of confined spaces (claustrophobia) and fear of being open to crowds of people (agoraphobia). The latter condition can be treated pharmacologically.

Obsession as an anxiety-related state of obsession

The person with OCD is often unaware of it at first. Only later, when the thought of performing an activity becomes an obsession, is it bothersome for that person. However, then most often the disease of obsessions is so developed that the patient, despite trying not to perform a given activity, cannot get rid of them from the head. This anxiety state can manifest itself in different ways: a sick person may be so afraid of, for example, catching the flu that he / she is notorious to take his body temperature. The most common symptom of OCD is frequent hand washing. In the long run, this condition may affect social relations.

Anxiety also affects panic attacks

Shortness of breath, heavy sweating, palpitations and muscle tremors – these are common symptoms of a panic attack. This type of anxiety may be due to a phobia, panic disorder, or depression. A panic attack triggers a person’s fear of death or loss of self-control.

To calm down, improve well-being, and to support immunity and digestion, reach for the Set of digestive and intestinal supplements – Harmonix + Cemmunix.

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