Anxiety neurosis – causes, symptoms, treatment. How to deal with anxiety neurosis?

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Neuroses are a group of disorders that are now called anxiety disorders. Sometimes there is also the name “anxiety neurosis”, which is not entirely correct, but is often used in colloquial language. See what an anxiety neurosis manifests itself in and how it can be treated.

What is anxiety neurosis?

We can talk about anxiety neurosis when there are emotional disorders, intrusive thoughts, as well as organ dysfunction or psychosomatic symptoms. Neurosis is characterized by the fact that patients are aware that their symptoms are psychological, which does not change the fact that they feel a strong anxiety related to them. In addition, there is a positive feedback loop as anxiety causes further somatic symptoms that trigger fear itself.

At the root of anxiety neurosis is often trauma or the lack of satisfaction of emotional needs in childhood. Equally often, the disorder develops as a result of an internal conflict between the patient’s natural tendencies or capabilities and the pressure of the environment.

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Anxiety neurosis can be linked to other mental disorders, so it is sometimes difficult to clearly define which symptoms result from a particular disorder.

People suffering from anxiety neurosis can be self-centered. In addition, they are sometimes characterized by perfectionism. There are also various forms of addiction.

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The causes of anxiety neurosis

It seems that the development of anxiety neurosis is influenced by biological, psychological, social and cultural factors. Contributing factors may include:

  1. Personality – Research suggests that people who were restrained as children may be more prone to developing anxiety neurosis as adults. Personality traits, such as emotional sensitivity and shyness, also increase the likelihood of worrying in the future.
  2. Learned Behavior – Our habits are learned and influenced by a range of environmental, social and family influences. The tendency to be preoccupied with imaginary worries can train our mind in habitual worry over time.
  3. family – anxiety (as a trait) may be inherited, and the family environment (including parental patterns) may influence the development of anxiety neurosis
  4. Brain chemistry – Some studies show that anxiety is associated with altered brain chemistry. However, it’s not clear whether anxiety causes physical changes or whether physical changes cause anxiety.
  5. Medical conditions – Certain heart, lung and thyroid conditions can cause anxiety-like symptoms or worsen anxiety symptoms. When talking to your doctor about anxiety, it’s important to undergo a complete physical examination to rule out other medical conditions.

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Anxiety neurosis often goes hand in hand with the use of alcohol and psychoactive substances.

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Symptoms of anxiety neurosis

An anxiety neurosis can manifest itself in many different ways. Patients may develop somatic symptoms, cognitive impairment, and emotional problems. The course of neurosis is very individual in each patient and the symptoms may or may not occur together.

Somatic symptoms can include a disturbance of the senses – for example problems with vision or hearing, but also altered or dull taste and lack of feeling. Pains of various locations are quite common. The neurosis can also show up as paresis, speech problems, and seizures. Finally, in rare cases, there is even a malfunction of the internal organs or conditions as serious as an imaginary pregnancy.

In terms of cognitive functions, people with anxiety neurosis most often develop intrusive thoughts and various types of motor obsessions – for example, compulsive hand washing. Problems with concentration and amnesia are also common.

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Finally, emotional disturbances can arise in the course of anxiety neurosis. It is primarily a targeted or undefined fear. Objects of phobias can be objects, animals, as well as activities (e.g. fear of traveling by public transport). In addition, sometimes there are unjustified panic attacks. Some people experience a depressed mood, an inability to feel pleasure and even depression. Some develop irritability and hyperactivity, and others, on the contrary, apathy.

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Diagnosing anxiety neurosis

If a patient has symptoms of an anxiety neurosis, the doctor will initiate an evaluation by asking questions about the patient’s medical and psychiatric history. The person may also undergo a physical examination. Lab tests do not diagnose anxiety neurosis, but some can help doctors check for physical illnesses that may be causing symptoms.

Anxiety neurosis can be associated with:

  1. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD);
  2. Thyroid disorders;
  3. Heart disease;
  4. Epilepsy;
  5. Bipolar disorder;
  6. Pheochromocytoma;
  7. Use of caffeine, decongestants or albuterol.

If your doctor suspects that a medical condition or a substance abuse problem is causing you anxiety, he or she may do more tests, which in turn may include:

  1. Blood tests to check hormone levels that may indicate thyroid disorders;
  2. Urine tests to check for substance abuse;
  3. Gastric reflux tests, such as a digestive x-ray or an endoscopic procedure to look at the esophagus to check for GERD;
  4. X-rays and exercise tests to check for heart disease.

The physician bases the diagnosis of anxiety neurosis on reports of the severity and long-term course of the symptoms, including any problems with everyday life caused by these symptoms. The doctor then determines whether the person has the specific anxiety disorder or generalized anxiety disorder.

In order to be diagnosed with anxiety neurosis, symptoms must interfere with daily life and be present for more than not at least 6 months

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Anxiety neurosis – treatment

If no other medical condition is found, the patient may be referred to a psychiatrist or psychologist. They are mental health professionals trained to diagnose and treat medical conditions, including anxiety neurosis. Treatment most often involves a combination of drugs and cognitive behavioral therapy. However, the patient’s daily habits can make a difference.

Anxiety neurosis – therapy

Cognitive Behavior Therapy involves meeting regularly to talk to a mental health professional. People treated for anxiety neurosis often take part in this type of therapy, during which they learn to recognize and change the thought patterns and behaviors that lead to the feeling of fear. This type of therapy helps reduce distorted thinking by taking a more realistic view of your worries. It may even be more effective for anxiety neurosis than for other types of health conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or social phobia (social neurosis). During therapy sessions, the patient will learn to recognize and manage his anxious thoughts. The therapist will also teach the patient how to calm down when unpleasant thoughts arise.

Drugs for anxiety neurosis

While they’re not a cure for anxiety neurosis, they can help relieve symptoms. Your doctor may recommend medications called benzodiazepines, often used for the short-term treatment of anxiety neurosis. They are rarely prescribed because they can be addictive or sedative and can interfere with memory and concentration. They work by reducing the physical symptoms of anxiety, such as muscle tension and anxiety. Common benzodiazepines include alprazolam, chlordiazepoxide HCl, diazepam, and lorazepam. These drugs can exaggerate the sedative effects of many other drugs and are also dangerous in combination with alcohol.

Certain antidepressants, such as duloxetine, escitalopram oxalate, fluoxetine, paroxetine, sertraline, and venlafaxine are also used to treat anxiety neurosis over a long period of time. It may take several weeks to get started, but they are safer and more suitable for the long-term treatment of anxiety neurosis.

Home remedies to relieve the symptoms of anxiety neurosis

These lifestyle habits can also help:

  1. exercise;
  2. yoga;
  3. healthy diet;
  4. getting enough sleep;
  5. avoiding caffeine;
  6. avoiding alcohol and other drugs;
  7. meditation;
  8. biofeedback;
  9. relaxation techniques such as deep breathing.

Are you experiencing disturbing symptoms? Make an online appointment with a psychiatrist.

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Side effects of anxiety neurosis treatment

Dependence on sedative-hypnotic drugs (benzodiazepines) is possible if these drugs are used on an ongoing basis.

The side effects of antidepressants that are used to treat anxiety neurosis vary depending on the specific drug and the person taking them. Common side effects can include sleepiness, weight gain, nausea, and sexual problems.

There are no negative side effects to therapy or a healthy lifestyle. Whether they are sufficient to deal with anxiety neurosis or if medications are also needed should be taken with your doctor.

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Anxiety neurosis – frequency of occurrence

It is assumed that anxiety neurosis affects about 3-6% of adults and 5% of children and adolescents (usually it starts at the age of 8 to 9). In terms of prevalence, about 2% of adults in the United States and Europe are suggested to suffer from anxiety disorders in any given year. However, the risk of developing it at any time in life was estimated at 9,0%. It should be added that although it is possible to experience a single episode of anxiety neurosis in a lifetime, most people experiencing neurosis experience it multiple times in their lifetime as a chronic or continuous condition.

Moreover, researchers believe that anxiety neurosis is diagnosed twice as often in women than in men, and is more often diagnosed in separated, divorced, unemployed, widowed or low educated people, or among people with a low socioeconomic status. It has been suggested that the higher incidence of anxiety neurosis in women may be due to the fact that women live in poverty more often than men, are more discriminated against and are more sexually and physically abused than men.

Prevention of anxiety neurosis

An anxiety disorder such as anxiety neurosis cannot always be prevented. But there are a few things you can do to control or reduce your symptoms, including:

  1. Seek advice and support after a traumatic or distressing experience, or if we notice that we feel more anxious than usual. Better to tackle the problem, not avoid it.
  2. Lead a healthy, active lifestyle.
  3. Prioritize things in your life. You can reduce anxiety by carefully managing your time and energy.
  4. Stay in touch with others. Don’t isolate yourself.
  5. Take breaks when we start to worry. Try to free yourself from worries about the past.
  6. If you have an anxiety treatment plan, stick to it.
  7. Ask your doctor or pharmacist before taking any over-the-counter medications or herbal remedies. Many of them contain chemicals that can make anxiety symptoms worse.
  8. Avoid using unhealthy substances. The use of alcohol and drugs, and even the use of nicotine or caffeine, can cause or worsen anxiety. If you are addicted to any of these substances, quitting smoking can make you anxious. If you cannot stop smoking yourself, it is a good idea to contact your doctor or find a treatment program or support group to help.
  9. Practice stress management techniques.
  10. Consider joining a support group for people with anxiety.

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How to deal with anxiety neurosis?

Ways that can help a person control or reduce anxiety include:

Structured problem solving

Organized problem solving is a way to turn fruitless worries into strategies for finding solutions. It is best to practice on a small worry or problem first and limit yourself to working on one problem at a time. Once the person has become proficient in this technique, you can solve larger, more complex problems. It is recommended to write down all the steps while carrying them out. Structured troubleshooting steps include:

  1. Identifying the problem and being precise.
  2. Carrying out the so-called brainstorm every possible solution you can think of without censoring any idea at this early stage. Allow yourself to mention even absurd or bizarre possibilities.
  3. Evaluate the solution one at a time, paying attention to the advantages and disadvantages of each.
  4. Definitely the most appropriate solution. Sometimes it is better to choose a solution that can be implemented immediately, even if it is not “the best”. Avoid choosing solutions that are too ambitious or difficult to implement.
  5. Plan how you intend to implement the solution. Factors such as resources required (such as money), help required from others, time constraints or deadlines, possible difficulties that may be encountered along the way, strategies to deal with anticipated difficulties, trials (such as practicing what say during an interview) and methods of monitoring and verifying the effectiveness of the plan.
  6. Review the plan as necessary, for example by adding or removing points.

Relaxation and Mindfulness Meditation

Many people who experience excessive worry say they don’t know how to relax. Regular practice of relaxation techniques, such as gradually relaxing your muscles (systematically tightening and relaxing different muscle groups), can help reduce the physical symptoms of anxiety.

Mindfulness meditation, the practice of focusing our attention on the present moment, involves both physical relaxation and creating a peaceful state of mind. During meditation, brain activity – when mapped by a device called an electroencephalograph (EEG) – differs from any other measurable state of consciousness, including sleep. The brain waves produced are called alpha waves, and this state of the brain has been found to promote relaxation of the entire nervous system. Scientific research shows that regular meditation practice can be a powerful tool in dealing with anxiety.

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Exercise has proven to be an effective strategy for helping people cope with symptoms of depression and anxiety. There are different theories explaining how exercise can improve your mood. They include:

  1. altered brain chemicals – researchers in Queensland have found that regular exercise, followed by an increase in physical performance, changes the levels of a chemical in the brain called serotonin, leading to improved mood and well-being.
  2. reduced adrenaline – physical activity reduces adrenaline, which promotes a more relaxed body and mind.
  3. distraction – enjoyable training can be distracting enough to break the vicious cycle of anxiety.

Anxiety neurosis – when to seek help?

Many people who struggle with anxiety neurosis experience symptoms for a long time before they seek help. Reaching for a diagnosis can be difficult, especially when anxiety is so constant and so common.

According to the Women’s Preventive Services Initiative (WPSI), only about 20% of people with symptoms of anxiety seek treatment. In 2020, a national coalition of women’s health professionals recommended that all women 13 years of age and older be screened for anxiety. The lifetime prevalence of anxiety disorders is about twice as high in women as in men, so preventive screening can be helpful in ensuring that women and girls receive adequate help to improve their health and well-being.

Contacting a mental health practitioner or other healthcare practitioner is a bold step that can help explain what is happening and therefore lead to a care plan that can help you find relief and regain well-being. When you decide to seek help, consider how difficult it is for you to feel calm, comfortable and reassured about your worries.

If a person is constantly seeking refreshment from others or is unsuccessfully trying different methods of coping with stress and relaxation, it is worth contacting a professional.

Also, be aware that the absence of panic attacks is another major reason people don’t seek help to cope with anxiety. Their worry can be chronic and distressing, but since there are no periods of severe panic attacks, they just consider themselves to be constantly worried. They may even be told by others when they seek comfort. Keep in mind, however, that anxiety neurosis is different in that panic attacks do not usually occur, so this factor must not be allowed to stop us from seeking help.

In addition, you need to pay attention to the physical symptoms that come with worry. As anxiety persists, you may face more and more challenges of headaches, digestion, anxiety, and fatigue. If you find that your worry is excessive and is starting to lead to other physical symptoms, it’s worth talking to your mental health professional about it.

Anxiety neurosis and alcohol

Drinking alcohol can make you feel less anxious almost immediately. Therefore, people who suffer from anxiety may start drinking alcohol to feel better.

However, it should be remembered that alcohol can have a negative effect on our mood. Within hours after drinking, or the next day, we may feel more irritable or depressed. Alcohol can also interfere with medications used to treat anxiety neurosis. Moreover, some drug and alcohol combinations can be fatal. If we find that drinking is interfering with our daily activities, talk to your doctor. We can also find free support to stop drinking by joining Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).

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