Anxiety: meditation for those who can’t sit still

To one degree or another, anxiety is common to all of us. Moreover, in many ways it is useful: at least it protects against rash acts. But what if it becomes a permanent state?

“Do not worry!” is one of the most useless pieces of advice that can be given to a person in a state of anxiety. If only he could, he would not worry: anxiety takes a lot of energy, unsettles, and sometimes completely paralyzes. But how do you get it under control?

Breathing like an ambulance

From the point of view of Chinese medicine, anxiety states are a “throw” of energy upward. All medicine is built on the concept of qi – life energy. This energy has its own circulation laws. Normally, it accumulates in the abdomen and from there it is distributed throughout the body. When the energy rises sharply up to the chest and head, we blush, our ears pound, our hands tremble. Anxiety wins over any arguments of reason.

What to do to lower the energy down, return it to its proper place? One of the best ways to manage energy is breathing.

Sit or stand, straighten your back, take a deep breath, imagining how it “flows” into the abdomen. To make the breath more accurate and free, accompany it with hand movements:

  • arms at chest level
  • while inhaling, “seeing” him down, the hands move along the body to the stomach,
  • on exhalation rise again.

With your eyes closed, imagine how with each breath you lower your life energy down into your stomach.

Meditation in motion

Meditation is an effective way to deal with anxiety, but it is impossible to master it for someone who is constantly in a state of anxiety. A vicious circle is formed: in order to cope with anxiety, we sit down, close our eyes – and fall into even more anxiety, because even more disturbing thoughts emerge in stillness and silence.

The way out is meditation in motion. In this case, attention completely switches to the body, “travels” through it in search of a new type of movement. To understand how this works, try to master Xingseng – qigong for the spine. This is a set of exercises that are performed:

  • slowly and smoothly, in relaxation,
  • exactly – we are looking for the most correct movement for each individual vertebra.

Exercises completely attract attention. With each new practice, we train the skill of a calm, balanced view of the world, getting rid of anxiety and back pain. Having mastered this practice, which you need to devote at least 15 minutes a day, you can change your relationship with anxiety: it will gradually recede, and pretty soon positive experiences will begin to dominate in life.

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