Anxiety disorders – causes, symptoms. Are anxiety disorders curable?

Anxiety disorders are classified as diseases and are subject to both diagnosis and treatment. They affect every tenth person in the world, and severe intensity of symptoms is observed in about 10% of the population. Often, these types of disorders coexist with other conditions such as depression or addiction. Many forms of anxiety disorders show a somatic manifestation.

Anxiety disorders – what should you know about them?

According to statistics, anxiety disorders are more often diagnosed in women. However, it is estimated that about 30 percent. anxiety disorders are undiagnosed – due to cultural and social factors, many men downplay this type of ailments. People with anxiety disorders generally tend to visit the clinic more often. Anxiety disorders occur in both adults and children.

There is a thesis that some of the emotional disorders in children are of genetic origin. In many cases, they are rather a reaction to specific life events. Anxiety attacks are caused by a sense of social misunderstanding, fear of harm and criticism. In addition, they are caused by the fear of taking action, undertaking various tasks and also the fear of entering new social roles.

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The causes of anxiety disorders

It is very difficult or even impossible to pinpoint a single cause of an anxiety disorder. However, it is important to know that it does not always have to be caused by bad upbringing. Many of the disorders result from, among others, from changes in the brain or from stress – people who live under stress for a long time are most likely to get sick. According to scientists, anxiety disorders cause changes in the structures of the brain.

Diet also contributes to causing anxiety disorders. It turns out that people who rarely eat fruit and vegetables have this type of problem much more often than fruit and vegetable lovers. Interestingly, they are about 30% more likely to be diagnosed with anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorders are also more common in obese people – an increase in the level of adipose tissue also increases the risk of disorders.

Anxiety disorders are also caused by psychoactive substances such as amphetamines, marijuana, and alcohol. What’s more, tranquilizers can also trigger anxiety. People with anxiety disorders often begin to consume more and more of these substances, which over time perpetuate anxiety. Anxiety disorders can also be caused by pregnancy, the birth of a child or a change of job.

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Emotional disorders – types, causes, symptoms, treatment methods

Symptoms of anxiety disorders

They are usually various types of phobias. They can concern various situations, objects that constitute the inflammatory factor that causes panic. However, avoiding the triggers of anxiety disorders is not the way to get rid of them, and what’s more, it makes life difficult for the patient and makes the problem worse. As a result, the person becomes isolated and depressed.

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Anxiety causes chest pain, and disturbances in breathing and heart rhythm. The patient may complain of dizziness, abdominal pain and a violent fear of death. The common features of various anxiety disorders include constant worry, anxiety and a feeling of being overwhelmed. People with drug disorders experience relapses of unpleasant conditions – this is a particularly common affliction of people after traumatic experiences.

Symptoms of anxiety disorders are also rumination – the patient has persistent doubts about the quality of his work. In addition, he has compulsive behaviors, i.e. unmanageable reactions. He may then feel a strong pressure to perform a certain activity, but at the same time he also feels discomfort with perceiving this behavior as quirky by society.

The female brain promotes anxiety, depression, insomnia and eating disorders, the male brain breaks the law. This is what the results of American research say. Will they be questioned by the proponents of gender theory?

Anxiety disorders – classification according to ICD-10

The currently valid International Classification of Diseases and Health Problems (ICD-10) distinguishes 11 categories of anxiety disorders. They include, among others neurotic disorders induced by stress and in the somatic form – these are phobias, anxiety disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorders. There are phobias: specific, social, agoraphobias.

Specific phobias are anxiety states about specific phenomena, situations or objects; Social phobias are related to functioning in society, and agoraphobias are related to the sense of threat caused by the spatial factor. ICD-10 also classified panic disorders and anxiety-depressive disorders.

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Anxiety disorders in children

Anxiety disorders in children are manifested by separation anxiety and selective mutism – they are diagnosed in 0,3-0,8% and 3-5% of young patients. Selective mutism is when a child does not communicate with words, although he has no problems with speaking – this type of disorder can appear during contact with a specific group of people. The child does not show emotions then, has pursed lips and does not look at the interlocutor.

Separation anxiety, unlike selective mutism, is a natural phenomenon. You can notice its symptoms in children under 3 years of age. They are a strong need to accompany an adult and a reluctance to remain alone. According to doctors, separation anxiety is not an anxiety disorder, but only until the above-mentioned 3 years of age.

The diagnosis of anxiety disorders is a task for an internist, psychiatrist or psychologist. They then conduct an interview and appropriate tests. The effectiveness of treatment depends on various factors, including the severity of the disorder. Equally important is the patient’s willingness to cooperate.

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