Anxiety disorders (anxiety, anxiety): what is it?
The anxiety disorders group together various disorders related to excessive anxiety and difficult to manage, which manifest themselves in a very variable way. It can be acute panic attacks or attacks, phobias, generalized anxiety disorders. There are also several classifications of these disorders, differing slightly between countries.
In the general population, all anxiety disorders have a prevalence of about 15% over about 12 months (and up to 20 to 30% if we take into account the entire life)1. They are among the most common mental disorders. Generalized anxiety disorder affects 2-6% of adults (slightly more women than men).
While point anxiety is normal, people with anxiety disorders struggle with a excessive, persistent anxiety, which seriously affects their quality of life. The diagnosis is made if the fear is disproportionate (in duration, intensity or frequency) compared to the real situation, and if the symptoms persist for more than 6 months.
It is a mental health disorder that requires adequate medical and psychological care.