Anxiety and obesity – is there between – Psychology – Articles |

Fear and anxiety

Nowadays when pharmacotherapy is very widespread, and there are temptations to eliminate fear and anxiety from our lives. In theory, this can be done very easily with many different chemical specifics. However, it is not always necessary and necessary. The key seems to be understanding what is supposed to signal us the fear we feel. To do this, however, it is worth first to distinguish between this emotion and fear.

Already Sigmund Freud made a distinction between “Ordinary anxiety”, today called “fear”, a “Neurotic anxiety”, referred to simply as “anxiety”. The first feeling appears in a situation of experiencing a real danger that poses an external threat to us. Fear, on the other hand, is an emotion inadequate to the threat, which is often only imaginary, unreal or exaggerated.

Diet, obesity and emotions

Fear it is associated with a specific object or person. It is an emotion that protects you from danger. Fear can show up in people obese – most often concerns concerns for your life and health, which is threatened by excessive kilograms. So it concerns a specific, objective threat. Additionally, the adaptive function of fear can be seen in situations where, for example, we are persuaded to starve in place of a healthy weight loss diet. Here, once again the fear of undertaking it warns us against the threat to the body that such a diet can cause (for example, leading to significant exhaustion).

Bow it is also an emotion that can be even more closely associated with obesity and weight loss.

Experiencing fear

The anxiety we experience is difficult to connect with a specific event. It can be described as an appearance horrorwhich is difficult to control, stop, but also not always possible to link it to a specific concern. People who are slimming can often experience anxiety. They are often amazed at this and cannot give a rational cause for the emotion, which is natural and consistent with the definition of fear. However, the key is to name the feeling that arises. The next step is to reflect on the question: “Where can this state come from “?

An example of such a situation may be the circumstance when the feeling of fear causes people to reach for food to deal with this emotion. However, this behavior stagnates weight loss and leads to the maintenance of obesity. The mechanism like this unconscious can protect an overweight person. Before what? Most often, obese people are most afraid of them imaginations related to the state when they would achieve a slim figure. For them, it may be associated with the need to take up new challenges, change their lives – which on the one hand is desirable by them, but on the other hand – as every change and novelty causes fear. In such situations, it is important to talk to someone you trust. Thanks to it, you can deal with the anxiety that will no longer be an obstacle on the way to achieving goals.

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