Anxiety: a guide to survival

We have all experienced this at least once: you get on a plane and, for no reason at all, you suddenly start to worry terribly – what if the engine fails? Or you stand in a traffic jam and paint a picture of a “bright” future: being late for an important meeting, a broken contract, losing a job. Or you leave the child alone at home to run to the store, and you yourself sort out possible scenarios: a fire in the living room, an attack by robbers. How to stop winding yourself up and overcome feelings of anxiety – in a review prepared by experts.

Cataclysms in our life

“Thunderous mood”, “clear smile”, “blooming view” – comparing the human condition with natural phenomena is not just a beautiful figure of speech. We are really very similar to nature. As a living organism, the Earth reacts very sensitively even to influences that are weak by geocosmic standards, responding to disharmony with storms, hurricanes, and earthquakes.

The human mind works the same way. A small push – and we are covered with a hurricane of aggression, a storm of resentment and irritation. Deeper changes in the mental components of a person can manifest themselves in self-doubt, laziness, apathy, lack of motivation, depression and other negative conditions.

Unfortunately, with the flourishing of pharmacology, the inner connection between nature and man is increasingly blurred. In ancient times, many diseases were treated with herbs and other methods that are now in vain forgotten, which strengthened not only health, but also the human spirit.

Such a different anxiety

A common aphorism says: anxiety is the wrong work of the imagination. From the point of view of psychology, everything is somewhat more complicated. A feeling of anxiety can occur even in a person with a completely “ordinary” imagination. An unexpected situation, unwanted communication, expectation of something are often accompanied by a chill of anxiety … which, however, goes away, as soon as the situation changes.

Another thing is if anxiety is unreasonable, arises spontaneously, causes painful experience and even depression. This condition is called anxiety neurosis and is corrected by a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist. Most often, medication – sedative infusions or antidepressants. But this method has its drawbacks. After all, the drugs have a strong sedative effect and, moreover, are addictive.

Where does that come from

Why do neuroses arise at all? The three main reasons are severe stress, prolonged experiences and strong emotional stress.

According to the theory of Karen Horney (1923–1952), an American psychologist and psychoanalyst, neurosis is a defense mechanism that allows a person to cope with feelings of anxiety. The psychologist identified three types of neurotic personality: helpless, aggressive, detached. And she concluded that a balanced and well-adapted personality successfully uses all three lines of behavior, and a person becomes neurotic if one of them dominates.

Horney saw in the feeling of anxiety the basis of human motivation, noting that it makes one strive for security and self-realization. And the psychologist believed that a person is able to be a psychotherapist for himself, and emphasized the important role self help and introspection.

help yourself

interesting system self help and introspection developed by the English scientist Edward Bach (1886–1936). He was one of the first to notice that if the cause that provoked the disease was stress, fear, resentment, self-doubt, obsessive thoughts and other emotional states, then it is they who should be treated – the cause, and not the body – the consequence.

“Disease cannot be defeated by materialistic methods, for it is itself immaterialBach noted. — Health is a complete and absolute unity of the soul, mind and body… And it is so simple and natural that most of us do not even realize it…»

Long-term observations of the doctor helped him to identify 38 feelings and behavioral factorsdisturbing the harmonious life of people. Bach understood that we sometimes experience many of them unconsciously, accidentally. A momentary emotion that has come and gone is not terrible. It is scary to allow these conditions to take root in the mind, having a devastating effect on health.

For each emotional state, the doctor created a certain elixir, obtained from flowers – the energy substance of plants, collected at a certain time and prepared in a special way.

Subtle matters

All our organs vibrate at a certain frequency: for example, the brain – with several different frequencies, depending on the type of activity at the moment. The delta rhythm of a sleeping person is 0,3–4 Hz, and the alpha rhythm of an awake person is 9–13 Hz.

Human senses have vibrations of higher frequencies – vibrations. The rhythm of vibration of different senses is different. Edward Bach has selected a suitable plant for these vibrations, whose vibration resonates with the human emotion.

For example, the Aspen relieves anxiety, Mimulus – from a certain fear, Willow – out of resentment Holi – from anger, jealousy, Larch – from self-doubt. For each of the 38 remedies, Bach provided a recommendation. According to these descriptions, it is easy to choose “Bach Flowers” on your own, and at the same time study yourself.

“Bach Flowers” – homeopathy or herbal medicine?

The technique differs from homeopathy, the principle of which is “like cures like”. Treatment with the opposite is the principle of “Bach Flowers”: the positive energy of a flower neutralizes a person’s negative emotion. This is a milder method that does not cause exacerbation and discomfort.

The method differs from phytotherapy. For the preparation of preparations “Bach Flowers”, as in herbal medicine, plants are used, more precisely, their flowers. However, the treatment does not take place with active substances, but with the energy substance of plants.

How to pick up an elixir

Already at the stage of selecting “Bach Flowers” we embark on the path of self-knowledge and self-improvement. After all, it is up to us to decide which elixirs we will take! Analyze your life, your actions, your feelings. Answer honestly to yourself the question of what negative emotions undermine you from the inside, create an internal imbalance, preventing good luck and happiness.

Decided on the “internal enemies”? Then choose the appropriate elixirs. A complete list of them with a detailed description can be found on the website. Several elixirs can be selected at the same time (up to 6–8).

Emergency aid

In addition to 38 flower essences, Edward Bach created another tool – a complex universal elixir “Rescue Remedy”. It is based on a combination of five Bach colors.

«Рескью Ремиди» helps to quickly calm down and pull yourself together in any stressful situation: exams, air travel, shocking news or situations, strong excitement before important events. The small bottle with dispenser is easy to use. It fits easily in your purse or pocket.

With Rescue Remedy, you can be sure that no shock will take you by surprise. You can easily find the right solution, no matter what happens in life. After all, as psychotherapists like to notice, it is important not to avoid stress, but to respond to it correctly. This is the key to a happy and harmonious life.

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