AnviMax against influenza and ARVI

AnviMax against influenza and ARVI

How to deal with colds and flu

How do you tell the flu from the common cold? It’s no secret that the symptoms of flu and colds are almost the same. To figure it out, you need to analyze all the symptoms. Cold symptoms: cough, nasal congestion, mild sore throat, temperature not higher than 37-38 degrees. Also, a cold can be caused by an adenovirus, then the symptoms will look like this: runny nose, conjunctivitis, temperature 38-39 degrees, weakness.

Flu symptoms: very high fever, cough, weakness.

To quickly and effectively get rid of colds and flu, it is necessary to neutralize the activity of viruses in cells. This can be done with the help of antiviral agents. There are no more than two dozen such funds today. And among them is rimantadine, an active element against the influenza virus. It is rimantadine that is part of AnviMax * – a combined remedy for colds and flu. AnviMax is a new name for the well-known drug Antigrippin-Maximum. AnviMax is a unique dual-action drug that includes components of antiviral and symptomatic action: rimantadine, a powerful antiviral action; rutoside, a component for improving the condition of the vascular wall; calcium gluconate, improves capillary circulation; loratadine, a modern anti-allergic agent, relieves swelling; vitamin C, has a tonic effect. 

AnviMax is produced in the form of sachets (sachets) with soluble powder for preparing a drink. Four different flavors – lemon, lemon with honey, raspberry and blackcurrant – allow you to choose the most pleasant one for yourself.

* There are contraindications, consult your doctor before use.

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