Antipascha (Fomino Sunday) 2023: the history and traditions of the holiday
Antipascha falls on the eighth day after the Resurrection of Christ. We explain who and why opposes this day to the main Christian holiday

In the modern sense, the prefix “anti” means the opposite. If anti-peace means war. Antipode means another person, unlike the one with whom they are compared. In the case of Easter, “anti” takes on a different meaning.

Anti means “instead of” in Greek. Antipascha – instead of Easter. The day is opposite Easter. The day on which we again plunge into the holy Paschal service and fully remember the Resurrection of Christ.

When is it customary to celebrate a holiday

In 2023 Antipascha falls on 23 April.

Fomin’s week

Antipascha falls on the eighth day after the Resurrection of Christ. This day is marked in Scripture by another important event, because of which this week is also called New.

She became new for a reason. It was a moment of Truth for one of Christ’s disciples, the Apostle Thomas.

The Gospel of John says that after His Resurrection, Christ came to the disciples in the house, where they all locked themselves up from the Jews.

“He showed them his hands and feet and his side. The disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them a second time: peace be with you! as the Father sent me, so I send you. Having said this, he breathed, and said to them: receive the Holy Spirit. (John 20:20-22)

For some reason, Thomas, called the Twin, was not among the apostles at that moment. And, of course, he did not believe his brothers in Christ about the miraculous appearance of the Teacher. Here, they say, if I see Him myself and “I will put my finger into the wounds from the nails” (It’s 20:25), then I believe. According to theologians, Thomas loved Jesus Christ very much. And His death became for the hot-hearted apostle the collapse not only of hopes, but of the whole world. After all, once, as the Gospel narrates, Thomas was even ready to die for Him – “Let’s go and we will die with Him.” There is an opinion that this is why he did not believe the other apostles about the Resurrection of Christ, so as not to sow senseless hope in his soul. What if, in fact, the Teacher did not resurrect? How then to live on?

And the Lord came. Again he came to the house where all the apostles gathered on the eighth day after Pascha. But he came precisely to Thomas. “Then he says to Thomas: put your finger here and see my hands; give me your hand and put it in my side; and do not be an unbeliever, but a believer. Thomas answered Him, My Lord and my God! Jesus says to him: you believed because you saw me; blessed are those who have not seen and believed.” (This is 20:27-29)

Christians honor the memory of this event, as it is written in the Gospel, “on the eighth day” after Easter. The Lord again came to the disciples to enable the Apostle Thomas to gain faith.


Antipascha seems to complete the circle of Easter services. At the All-Night Vigil of Antipascha, which takes place on Saturday in Bright Week, the doors of the altar, wide open throughout the entire Easter week, are closed.

Antipaskha is also called Red Hill, because. a series of weddings and weddings begins with her in Our Country.

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