Antidepressant lamps – can they be effective according to experts?

Recently, the so-called anti-depressant lamps, and the interest in them is growing especially in the autumn and winter period. During this time, many people experience a depressed mood that results from a lack of sunlight, due to the shorter days that we usually spend indoors. How do anti-depressant lamps work on our body? Do specialists recommend their use?

Antidepressant lamps. How do they work?

The operation of phototherapeutic lamps (commonly known as anti-depressants) is extremely simple, and their main task is to compensate us for the shortage of natural sunlight. The light they emit inhibits the production of melatonin, a hormone that promotes sleep, and at the same time increases the production of serotonin. The aim is to balance the circadian rhythm (sleep-wake), so it is best to use it in the morning. The advantage of anti-depressant lamps is the fact that while using them, we can simultaneously perform other daily activities, such as preparing breakfast, reading a book or professional duties.

– The noticeable effects of light therapy can be achieved when using lamps with an intensity of at least 2,5 thousand. lux. You do not need to look directly at the lamp, it is important that the light reaches the retina of the eye. The illuminance depends on the power of the device and the distance we are from the lamp. In the technical information from the manufacturer, we can find detailed technical data. If it is an intensity of 10 thousand. lux, it is enough to stay about 30 minutes a day at an appropriate distance from the lamp to feel an improvement in mood, concentration or sleep after two weeks. I personally recommend their use to my patients – comments Marta Starzyk, a psychiatrist from the HARMONIA Mental Health Clinic of the LUX MED Group.

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The anti-depressant lamp is a medical device, therefore its selection should always be preceded by the analysis of information provided by the manufacturer. It is also worth consulting a psychiatrist or psychologist to adjust the purchase of equipment to our needs.

The rest of the text is below the video.

When to use anti-depressant lamps?

The lamps are intended primarily for people struggling with the fall of autumn and winter mood. Light therapy then contributes to an improvement in mood, sleep quality and cognitive function, and to an overall better functioning during the day. Their use also increases work efficiency, the level of focus and concentration. Despite the wide application, it should be remembered that the lamps will not replace a visit to a specialist in the case of ailments more serious than seasonal depression.

– The term “anti-depressant lamp” may be a bit confusing for many patients. Its use will be effective in the case of a seasonal drop in mood or as an additional therapy when the patient experiences an increase in depressive symptoms in the fall and winter season. However, it cannot be used as a substitute for the treatment of depression of other causes – emphasizes Katarzyna Baranowska, psychologist from the HARMONIA Mental Health Clinic of the LUX MED Group. And he adds: – In such a situation, the help of a specialist and the implementation of pharmacotherapy and / or psychotherapy are necessary. If I noticed that a patient’s decline in form is correlated with seasonal light deficiency, then I would consider phototherapy with the patient. An anti-depressant lamp can be a great way to take care of your mental health in the fall and winter season. However, if the symptoms persist after a week or two of phototherapy, it is worth consulting a specialist – he adds.

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Contraindications to the use of antidepressant lamps

Each manufacturer of anti-depressant lamps should provide information on contraindications to the use of a specific model of equipment. They include, among others use of pharmacological agents that may cause photosensitivity. Additionally, the lamps cannot be used by patients suffering from eye diseases such as glaucoma, conjunctivitis, and ailments related to the retina and the lens. This solution should also not be used by people suffering from migraine headaches. However, there are no contraindications related to the patient’s age.

Antidepressant lamps should not be used by people who are struggling with insomnia. It is important that patients not burdened with this problem also do not use them at night or shortly before bedtime, because they may then disturb our circadian rhythm. The final part of the day should be related to the proper production of melatonin, while the antidepressant lamp inhibits its production.

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