Anticipatory anxiety: what is it and how to keep it at bay
Apparently, it is natural and human to feel anticipatory anxiety because thanks to it we can prepare ourselves to be able to face possible dangers or novel events

We said on another occasion that we are experts in putting ourselves in the worst. When this happens we are carrying out the so-called defensive pessimism, which means that we protect ourselves in the sense that before connecting with reality and seeing that the negative has happened, we anticipate and predispose ourselves to accept said result. Something similar happens with anticipatory anxiety, the way in which the brain informs us of a possible future risk or danger to which we must be very attentive.
The clinical psychologist Miguel Ángel Rizaldos Lamoca comments that without this anticipatory anxiety we could not have survived many dangerous situations that human beings have faced: «The brain is fundamentally
a “machine” for survival, not for well-being, and anticipatory anxiety has been his great tool. “
Apparently, it is natural and human to feel anticipatory anxiety because thanks to it we can prepare ourselves to be able to cope with potential hazards or novel events. The psychologist Rizaldos Lamoca explains that it is a sensation that can be felt a few minutes before having to speak in public, and we anticipate that it will be a failure: «Faced with this type of anxiety, you may suffer panic attacks when faced with an interpretation catastrophic of future situations ».
Before an exam, a job meeting where you have to present a project or a job interview, it is normal to feel anxiety. «Anxiety helps us prepare for this event, but it is a problem when you spend most of the day anticipating negative possibilities instead of enjoying and living in the present ”, says the expert. It could be said that you suffer for something that has not yet happened, or that will never happen.
Anticipatory anxiety is closely related to difficulty in assuming uncertainty. People affected by this type of anxiety experience a significant degree of intolerance to uncertainty and with it the absolute need to have everything under control. Miguel Ángel Rizaldos Lamoca summarizes that these people “want to have everything under control to feel calm.” For this reason, it is very often that they are very demanding about their own performance and that of others.
“The negative is stronger than the positive, according to research, and our brain is built with a tendency to negativity. The negative bias of the brain inclines us to give more value to negative thoughts and that explains why they are more abundant in our mind, “he says. These negative thoughts fuel anticipatory anxiety and make us see the world through a negative and biased view of reality, “As if we were wearing black glasses that darken the days, even though they are bright.”
How to keep it at bay
Normalize it. Suffering from anticipatory anxiety is very human, but if you interpret it as something negative it makes you feed back and give more strength to the anxiety. «It validates as something natural having anticipatory anxiety before novel or dangerous events. Don’t try to be calm when he’s not playing. Anxiety fuels you to do things better. », Advises the psychologist.
Don’t fight or avoid your negative thoughts. Avoiding them or trying to disassemble them will only give them more strength. «Try to see them for what they are: words or images that go through your head and not all of them deserve your attention. Do not get tangled up with them or make value judgments or argue and counterargument against them (negative thoughts). Let them be. And keep in mind that as they come they will leave », recommends Miguel Ángel Rizaldos Lamoca.
Face and do not avoid. Avoidance is a temporary solution, which will cause you to have even more anticipatory anxiety the next time, and it will become increasingly difficult to overcome it.
Live the moment. The psychologist explains that mindfulness or mindfulness is an adaptation of oriental meditation techniques, in which the spiritual part is suppressed: «Its function is that you become more aware and live in the present moment. This will clear your mind of negative anticipations.
Relaxation and breathing techniques. «They are two very effective techniques and that psychologists usually recommend in consultation, the progressive muscle relaxation and deep breathing. On the Internet you can find many audios and videos in which these techniques are carried out under the guidance of a psychologist ”, he says.
Go to a psychologist. If you still have tried all of the above, you cannot regulate and manage anxiety, I recommend that you go to an expert health professional, a psychologist.