The stimulating effect of alcohol is known to all, but disputes about its nature continue. Scientists Bruce Bartholow and Adrienne Heinz from the University of North Carolina (USA) suggested that the very expectation of drinking alcohol changes the emotional state of a person.
The stimulating effect of alcohol is known to all, but disputes about its nature continue. Scientists Bruce Bartholow and Adrienne Heinz from the University of North Carolina (USA) suggested that the very expectation of drinking alcohol changes the emotional state of a person. In the first experiment, they showed the participants (for 0,3 seconds) pictures, some of which were associated with alcohol (for example, a case of beer), and then asked them to “assemble” a word from the letters. Those who saw the “alcohol” picture found it easier to come up with words expressing…aggression. In the second experiment, alcohol advertising contributed to the perception of the hero of a short story as more hostile. Apparently, the stimuli that we associate with the “disinhibited” state (for example, alcohol advertising) seem to cause the effect of intoxication and provoke aggressiveness, although there is no alcohol in the blood yet.