How to get rid of cellulite: proper nutrition
In the fight against cellulite, your first step should be to change your diet. Eliminate strong sweet carbonated and alcoholic drinks, fried and fatty foods. Eliminate or minimize the consumption of sweet and pastry products. You can replace all these excesses with fruits and vegetables, legumes, mushrooms, dairy products, honey and nuts with the addition of sprouted cereals.
Try to drink at least 2 liters of water daily. It must be filtered, mineral, gas-free, clean. It is advisable to replace sweet drinks and juices that are sold in stores with freshly squeezed juices. It is better to use chicory instead of coffee, and green tea instead of black tea with sugar.
Special exercises for cellulite
Increase the load on the muscles, forcing those groups of them to work, which are directly responsible for the appearance and condition of the buttocks. Dancing, jogging on a treadmill, jumping rope exercises, brisk walking help a lot. If possible, visit the pool or gym at least twice a week, where you can perform a special set of exercises under the guidance of a trainer.
At home, it is useful to do exercises for the buttocks and hips several times a day. Orange peel helps well: – squats; – “walking on the fifth point”; – lunges forward; – lifting the pelvis from a prone position. In the process of performing all these exercises, you need to feel the tension of the gluteal muscles.
Squats can be done from the starting position on your knees. Stretch your arms straight out in front of you, straighten your back. After that, sit down now to the left, then to the right of the knees. Do this 10 times. To walk on your buttocks, first sit on the mat, then stretch your arms forward and straighten your legs. Take 10 “steps” on the buttocks back and forth.
Forward lunges are performed as follows: stand on one leg, while your hands should be on your belt. After that, step with the other leg forward, then sit down deeply. Get up and put your leg back. Do this with each leg 8-10 times. Make sure your back is straight. Kneeling down, lean on your forearms. After that, straighten your leg at the knee, as if kicking a load from yourself. Repeat this exercise 10-15 times with each leg.
Having taken a prone position, bend your knees and place them shoulder-width apart. Rest your heels on the floor, put your hands on the floor, palms up, parallel to your body. Place your hands on the floor, and then lift your pelvis until your hips and core are in line. Hold this position for a second and lower your hips to the floor. Repeat 10-15 times.
Anticellulite massage
Do an anti-cellulite massage of the buttocks daily. Before performing it, take a contrast shower, and then apply any anti-cellulite product. Then do strokes, rubbing and kneading movements, slapping and pinching, stroking, etc. Over time, the skin of the buttocks will become more elastic, smooth and tender, and its shape will become more appetizing and lifted.