“Antibody cocktail” against COVID-19 tested on humans in the USA
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A drug that can prevent COVID-19, as well as treat if infected, is currently being tested in multiple locations across the United States. If the attempt is successful, the so-called the antibody cocktail will be available in the fall.

New clinical trial of a drug for COVID-19

A clinical trial of a new drug containing anti-COVID-19 antibodies began a few days ago and is under the responsibility of Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc. The “antibody cocktail” will be tested in four different study populations, which include: COVID-19 patients who are hospitalized, COVID-19 patients who have symptoms of the disease but are not hospitalized, healthy people but at risk of falling ill, and people health who had close contact with the sick person.

Dr. George Yancopoulos, Founder, President and Scientific Director of Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc. He said in a press release that his company has created a unique cocktail of antiviral antibodies that can both prevent infection and treat it when it becomes infected. “Ultimately, the world needs many solutions, and the innovative biopharmaceutical industry is working hard to help as many people as possible, with a variety of complementary approaches,” said Yancopoulos.

Antibodies are proteins produced by the body to protect the body against pathogens such as SARS-CoV-2. Monoclonal proteins, ie proteins that target a specific pathogen, were used in the investigated ‘antibody cocktail’.

High hopes for an anti-COVID-19 “antibody cocktail”

Scientists hope that the ‘antibody cocktail’ they have developed will be used to treat the symptoms of COVID-19 and to protect high-risk people – the elderly, the sick and health workers who come into contact with sick people on a daily basis.

The first phase of the study will test whether antibody therapy is safe for use in humans. It is worth knowing that the “cocktail” does not work like a vaccine and does not provide permanent protection. It’s a type of passive immunization that works right away and could potentially be available before scientists develop an effective COVID-19 vaccine.

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc. is not the first company to test anti-COVID-19 antibody therapy in humans. A similar study is conducted by AbCeller. From June 1, they are testing one selected antibody in COVID-19 therapy.

Check if you may have contracted the COVID-19 coronavirus [RISK ASSESSMENT]

What do we know about antibody therapies in the fight against COVID-19?

  1. Scientists want to use passive antibody therapy to protect against COVID-19
  2. Do convalescent antibodies protect against coronavirus? WHO has doubts
  3. Scientists have discovered an antibody that can block the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus
  4. Plasma of convalescents does not help in treating COVID-19 patients? New study

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