It is over 7 years old and copes better with modern diseases than the most modern and expensive drugs. Just plain flax.
Most of us associate them with a rough, iron-resistant fabric rather than a panacea for health problems. Until a few years ago, scientists started working on it. It turned out that it has the potential to be overestimated. Because the modern descendant of good linen is the one who will not only dress and help to deal with common ailments, but will also replace the antibiotic where it is ineffective or completely ineffective.
Perfect linseed oil
Perfect dressing
The wisdom of nature and the knowledge of scientists
According to scientific estimates, more than 25 Europeans die each year due to infection with dangerous bacteria. Bacteria can kill, although they are primitive and simple organisms. For over 80 years, people have waged an unequal war against them. We invent new, more modern antibiotics, and microbes are mutating and becoming resistant to them more and more quickly. According to scientists, we can lose this race. Unless we believe in the strength of linen.
Scientists from Wrocław genetically modify flax to have high concentrations of healing compounds. – In order to expand the list of applications of flax, e.g. in medicine, it had to be enriched or even equipped with new properties – says prof. Jana Szopa-Skórkowski, head of the Department of Genetic Biochemistry at the University of Wrocław, who has been researching this plant for many years. introducing genes of other plants, e.g. petunia and potato, thanks to which flax produces large amounts of anti-inflammatory compounds. Linen fiber and seeds have been enriched with a number of antioxidants that affect the healing process. The agent can be used on badly healing wounds resulting from venous ulcers, atherosclerosis, diabetic foot syndrome or bedsores. For this reason, almost half a million patients in Poland suffer.
Put it on the wound
From the powdered green parts of the plants, a gel is formed containing active wound-healing substances. It contains compounds that penetrate and destroy bacterial cells. The team has also developed, inter alia, Linen dressings that help in the healing of resistant wounds, and intermediates for the production of drugs based on flax. They cleanse, destroy bacteria and accelerate the renewal of healthy cells. Chronic wounds are very often infected with rapidly mutating bacterial strains for which there is often no effective antibiotic. The effectiveness of the preparation was assessed on 16 hospital strains of Staphylococcus aureus and many others. Works great.
Positively unsaturated acids
Flaxseeds, small and shiny, called linseed, are enough to deal with everyday ailments. They contain mucus compounds, proteins, sterols, organic acids, enzymes, mineral salts (including magnesium, zinc, iron) and vitamin E, known as the vitamin of youth. The most important advantage of flax seeds is the high content of 40 to 45 percent. Fat with high nutritional value due to the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, including linolenic acid (ALA) and linoleic acid (LA). None of them is synthesized in the human body and therefore they are a very important part of our diet. They also have healing properties, incl. lower cholesterol, prevent diseases of the heart and blood vessels, have a positive effect on the immune system and the nervous system, have anti-inflammatory properties. Unsaturated fatty acids support metabolism, seal the epidermis barrier, contributing to its better hydration and lubrication.
Flaxseed is known primarily for its beneficial effects in peptic ulcer disease. The mucilages contained in the seeds coat the mucous membranes of the esophagus, stomach and partially the duodenum, protecting them against hydrochloric acid and reducing inflammation. The seed is also a good antitussive, especially effective in bronchitis, but also helps with skin diseases, minor burns and frostbite treatment.
Nutritionists are increasingly talking about beneficial lignans. These are substances from the group of phytoestrogens that act in our body like the female hormone, estrogen, which begins to decline around the menopause. When we regularly eat products that contain lignans – and flaxseed contains the most – bacteria in the digestive system convert them into several substances that our body needs, helping to prevent breast cancer in women (and also prostate cancer in men). Additionally, they are powerful antioxidants that help protect the body against atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases.
Diet of youth and immunity
Linseed oil is also a source rich in beneficial fatty acids. Dr. Budwig, a German biochemist, nominated several times for the Nobel Prize, developed a diet based on cold pressed and unrefined linseed oil. It is to help in the treatment of, among others atherosclerosis, allergies, skin diseases and even depression or stop Alzheimer’s disease. Linseed medicine is a daily portion of a paste made of mixed linseed oil and lean white cheese (the proportions are important: 5-6 tablespoons of oil for 125 g of white cheese with the addition of your favorite herbs, salt, pepper, paprika and garlic). The linen menu is complemented by any products, provided that we choose easily digestible, as little processed as possible, without artificial additives. However, it is worth remembering that oil is uneven, because if stored poorly, it quickly loses its valuable properties, especially the richness of omega-3 fatty acids. Linseed oil with health-promoting properties is the one that is cold pressed and stored in a dark glass bottle at a temperature not exceeding 10 degrees C.
One such
A group of scientists, under the supervision of prof. Jan Szopa-Skórkowski is still working on more and more effective use of the advantages of linen, so it will probably turn out that he can do even more. – It is impossible to make an effective dressing for the treatment of chronic wounds from a fiber other than new flax – argues Prof. Jan Szopa-Skórkowski – There are also no preparations with such a broad spectrum of activity as the one made from new flax seed pomace.
Linen preparations for the treatment of complicated diseases are not yet available in pharmacies. They are made available by the Linum Foundation: Is there a chance that, in addition to patches or gels for external wounds, there will also be linen pills that will more effectively deal with bacterial infections, without destroying the digestive tract like an antibiotic? According to scientists from Wrocław, it is very real. There is a chance of making oral flax preparations if there is money for research.
Tekst: Joanna Zielewska