Anti-wrinkle cream – a must-have in your make-up bag!
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Anti-wrinkle cream should be in the cosmetic bag of every person who cares about their appearance. Sooner or later, everyone will be faced with the problem of skin aging. However, you can delay this process and reduce the appearance of wrinkles on the skin. And a good one will help anti-wrinkle creamwhich will keep the face smooth and firm for longer.

Table: Anti-wrinkle creams – what ingredients should you avoid?

Harmful ingredients of creamsThe risk associated with their use
parabens Not only can they disrupt the body’s hormonal balance and cause allergies. Their use also contributes to faster skin aging – e.g. methylparaben reduces the amount of collagen in the skin, making the skin dry, flaccid and prone to wrinkles.
Synthetic dyes and fragrances They belong to the most allergenic ingredients in cosmetics. Some of them are carcinogenic.
Silicones They block the pores in the skin causing blackheads. They hinder the absorption of other ingredients. If used for a long time, they lead to skin dryness.
EDTA Destroys the skin’s hydrolipid coat, reducing its resistance to harmful factors. It can be contaminated with carcinogenic chemicals.

Anti-wrinkle cream – how to choose the best one?

There are plenty of anti-wrinkle creams – there is a wide range of care products on the market that are to help us fight the signs of the passing time. How to choose the best one out of so many proposals? It is definitely worth paying attention to the composition of the cream before buying. In short – the less chemicals in the composition of the product we are interested in, the better.


A good anti-wrinkle cream should not contain any ingredients with suspicious effects (see table above). So if you see silicones or parabens in the composition of the cream, it is better to avoid such a product – its use may be counterproductive. What cream will be safe for our skin? One that is based on substances obtained from nature and well-researched. The most effective anti-wrinkle active ingredients include:

  1. coenzyme Q10 – an antioxidant that occurs naturally in our body, but its level decreases with age. Delivered externally to the skin, Coenzyme Q10 combats free radicals and stimulates collagen production. Therefore, it works preventively when it comes to skin aging, it also helps to slightly reduce the already existing wrinkles,
  2. lavender – the extract obtained from this plant has firming properties and increases the skin’s ability to bind water. It also improves microcirculation, eliminates inflammation and stimulates repair processes,
  3. Acanthopanax Senticosus Extract – Siberian ginseng extract is a real source of youth – the abundance of natural antioxidants and other valuable compounds that protect the collagen fibers of the skin against damage and breakdown,
  4. guarana extract – we can find in it, among others natural caffeine, which eliminates swelling and oxygenates the skin, as well as ingredients that counteract sagging skin, intensifying collagen synthesis,
  5. butcher’s broom extract – strengthens blood vessels and eliminates their excessive permeability. The perfect ingredient to fight spider veins on the skin and redness,
  6. bud extract – thanks to its highly nourishing properties, it comprehensively improves the condition of the skin: it increases the level of its hydration, tension and firmness. In this way, wrinkles become less visible,
  7. Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide – an anti-inflammatory peptide – inhibits skin aging induced by unwanted inflammation. It also has a regenerating effect.

Richevon anti-wrinkle cream – a natural and effective way of care!

As an example of a cosmetic that contains all the active ingredients mentioned in the previous paragraph, Richevon wrinkle cream can be mentioned. It is a product distinguished by its concentrated composition. According to experts, products with serum properties have the most effective anti-wrinkle action.

I was looking for a cream that would have a really anti-wrinkle and firming effect, and not only stick to the skin with silicones and mask imperfections. The Richevon anti-wrinkle cream met all my expectations. My skin looks beautiful all the time, and not just to wash it off – Sara

Using Richevon not only makes wrinkles smaller – it’s also a good lifting cream, making the entire skin of the face taut and improving its oval shape. Of course, this is not the effect of a facelift, but by reaching for Richevon early enough, we can avoid, for example, the problem of saggy cheeks or a double chin.

Richevon Firming Cream is suitable for all skin types. It is an anti-wrinkle day and night cream. Both for people who do not see the signs of skin aging yet, but want to take care of prophylaxis, as well as for those more mature with age. Importantly – Richevon is also ideal for allergy sufferers and people with very sensitive skin. Due to the natural composition and the absence of chemical fragrances, Richevon cream is not allergenic.

I have couperose skin that does not tolerate most cosmetics and often turns red. However, after using the cream, Richevon was calmed down and well moisturized. After a while I noticed that my wrinkles are less visible and my face looks healthier. And it’s not only my feeling, I got a lot of compliments about my appearance – Wiktoria

Anti-wrinkle cream – what will support its action?

A good wrinkle cream will undoubtedly help us reduce the lines that appear on the skin. Its use, however, is only one of the aspects of skin care that is important in keeping the skin in good condition. It is also worth paying a lot of attention to, for example, daily makeup removal. According to experts, there is nothing worse than going to bed with an uncleaned complexion. To help the cream work, we can also make moisturizing masks from time to time.

It is best to use ready-made products in which no chemical ingredients are present, or to prepare masks yourself, e.g. from honey, oatmeal or aloe. Hydration of the whole body and proper nutrition also have a beneficial effect on our appearance.

We are what we eat and drink, so it’s worth taking a closer look at our menu. According to specialists, moderate exercise, especially outdoors, will also have a positive effect on the condition of our skin. A leisurely walk will not only clear the mind, but also make our skin more supple and supplied with blood. If we do not take care of our health, even the best lifting cream will not help us maintain a beautiful appearance.

Anti-wrinkle cream and beauty treatments – what will be the results?

Regular use of the anti-wrinkle cream can be combined with beauty treatments. Treatments in the office of a cosmetologist or a specialist in aesthetic medicine will improve the appearance of the skin and help in cases where, for example, we want to reduce deep furrows.

Before visiting the clinic, it is worth not only checking the opinions, but also verifying the qualifications and education of the people performing the treatments. This will allow us to avoid unpleasant surprises that may have a negative impact on our appearance and health.

If you decide to inject Botox or hyaluronic acid, only do it in reputable clinics – says Justyna Masal – Ochotny, cosmetologist at Clinica Cosmetologica

All rejuvenating aesthetic medicine treatments, e.g. mesotherapy or lifting threads, interfere with our body relatively little. At the same time, they provide significant skin rejuvenation effects that go beyond the capabilities of even the best cosmetic.

Anti-wrinkle cream and natural beauty care

Firming cream supported by diet and treatments, that’s not all we can do for our beauty. Natural ways of taking care of your appearance are becoming more and more popular. This applies not only to Richevon wrinkle creams, but also to exercises called facial yoga. Facial yoga improves blood circulation, shapes our oval, reduces the depth of wrinkles and restores skin radiance. The first effects of exercising the facial muscles can be noticed after just 2 weeks. It is worth getting acquainted with this topic deeper and watching instructional videos, where you can see how to properly perform individual exercises of the facial muscles. There are separate methods to fight the vertical wrinkle between the eyebrows, crow’s feet or a sagging chin. Thanks to exercise firming cream it will be better absorbed into the skin, and thus, we will be able to observe its beneficial effects even faster.

Anti-wrinkle cream – summary

None of us can stop time, but we can act in many fields to delay the aging process of the skin. There are many methods. A proper diet and daily exercise, and above all an effective lifting cream, are reliable methods for a well-groomed and healthy appearance. To the fight for a healthy and young look of our face, we can also include care treatments performed by proven specialists.

Check also: Natural creams for wrinkles in the store –

FAQ – anti-wrinkle cream

1. How do I choose a good anti-wrinkle cream?

Effective anti-wrinkle cream can be identified by its composition. It should be dominated by valuable active ingredients, preferably natural ones – thanks to this the cream will be skin-friendly. A good cream does not contain any harmful ingredients. An example of a cream that meets these assumptions is a wrinkle cream Richevon.

2. What active ingredients of natural origin will form the solid basis of the anti-wrinkle cream?

Anti-wrinkle creams with coenzyme Q10, extracts from buds, lavender, guarana, butcher’s broom, Siberian ginseng and peptides will support our beauty naturally and safely.

3. Which anti-wrinkle creams are better to exclude from daily care?

If we want the best effect, do not apply creams with parabens, EDTA, silicones, artificial dyes and fragrances to the skin.

4. Is anti-wrinkle cream enough to remove deep wrinkles?

With advanced signs of aging, the anti-wrinkle cream may not give us the satisfactory results. We can then support ourselves with treatments offered in aesthetic medicine or cosmetic clinics.


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  5. Glaser D.A., Anti-aging products and cosmeceuticals, 2004

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