Anti-vaccines attack a renowned professor of immunology. They’re scaring a German lawyer
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Prof. Agnieszka Szuster-Ciesielska on her Facebook profile informed a few days ago that people associated with anti-vaccine movements were trying to intimidate her. However, she does not intend to stop her educational activities, which she admitted in an interview with Onet.

  1. The anti-vaccine movements around the world have become louder in recent weeks. Also in Poland, a vaccination point was set on fire and doctors were threatened. Anti-vaccinators also speak out sharply on social media
  2. A few days ago, a well-known immunologist – prof. Agnieszka Szuster-Ciesielska, who was accused of spreading disinformation about COVID-19
  3. One of the internet users threatened her by passing the information on to a German lawyer known to be negative about vaccinations and considering all actions related to the pandemic as a “scandal”
  4. Szuster-Ciesielska assured that the threats would not affect her work
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Prof. Agnieszka Szuster-Ciesielska from the Department of Virology and Immunology at the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin is one of the leading Polish experts in the field of virology and immunology. Known, among others from his positive opinions on vaccination against COVID-19, he quite often speaks in the media on topics related to the coronavirus, the projected course of the pandemic and how to prevent infection. Recently, she spoke for PAP on the fourth wave of the coronavirus and its subsequent mutations, which – in her opinion – will certainly be followed by appropriate vaccine modifications.

Facebook «scandal»

It did not take long for the anti-vaccines to react to the professor’s involvement in the vaccination issue. On his Facebook profile Agnieszka Szuster-Ciesielska informed that one of the Internet users “scared” her with a German lawyer. He wrote: “I am pleased to announce that I have sent a link to your FB account, as a researcher using his authority to influence the decisions of the public and the ignorant, to the lawyer, Mr. Reiner Fuellmich, dealing with cases related to deliberate disinformation on COVID-19”.

The text continues below the video

The professor expressed her surprise that someone was accusing her of misinformation and influencing society’s decisions. «I’ve lived to see it. It turns out that by using my authority, as a researcher with the title of professor, I influence the decisions of society and the unaware. Therefore, a link to my website was sent to Mr. Reiner Fuellmich, a German lawyer dealing with cases related to deliberate disinformation on COVID-19 ″ – writes prof. Szuster-Ciesielska.

Who is the lawyer who supports the anti-vaccine?

Who is Reiner Fuellmilch? According to, “Reiner Fuellmich introduces himself as a lawyer with 26 years of experience who is licensed to practice in Germany and California. According to him, no country in the world has reported an increased death rate due to COVID-19, and the restrictions related to the pandemic, including performing PCR tests, caused “countless deaths and led to the economic crisis”. The lawyer posted a video on the web that was watched by tens of thousands of people, claiming that the crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic “should be called a scandal” and that those responsible for causing it “should be prosecuted”.

  1. Doctor indignant at Niedzielski’s words. “Scandal”, “Resignation”

“I don’t feel intimidated”

We asked prof. Agnieszka Szuster-Ciesielska for a comment on this situation. She said that she was waiting for the situation to develop, but she did not think that the case would see the light of day. «I do not suspect that this lawyer would deal with my humble person. As far as I know, he is rather interested in large corporations (for example, he intends to complain to the CDC in a class action) »- wrote prof. Agnieszka Szuster-Ciesielska.

She also added that the whole situation did not affect her work and educational activities in any way. “I certainly don’t feel intimidated and I intend to continue my website in the same way as before, ie to educate in the field of virology, immunology and vaccination, and debunking myths” – she assured.

Also read:

  1. German strategy for the fourth wave. The unvaccinated has more and more difficult
  2. Epidemiologist: unvaccinated should not use public places
  3. Third dose. What side effects, how many infected? There is the first report

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