Anti-reflux milk or AR milk: how to choose the right milk?

What is anti-reflux milk?

It helps limit the reflux of gastric contents into the baby’s esophagus, a source of discomfort and sometimes pain. Milks marked “AR” are sold exclusively in pharmacies and are available on prescription. More thickened and nourishing than the comfort milks marketed in supermarkets, they are prescribed in the event of significant regurgitation. Parents are generally recommended to try a thickened comfort milk first before switching, if necessary, to an AR infant milk.

These leaves are thickened in order to “increase the gastric emptying time, that is to say the duration of digestion”, explains naturopediatrics specialist Candice Levy in her book “What milks for my baby?”(Ed. Le Souffle d’Or).

What is anti-regurgitation milk made of?

In accordance with the legislation on dietetic infant formula, AR milks are composed ofthickening agents of natural origin, to increase the viscosity of milk in the stomach. It could be :

  • Corn starch;
  • Rice starch;
  • Potato starch;
  • Or even carob flour.

Infant milks formulated from starch will take a thickened form only upon arrival in the infant’s stomach, while formulas containing carob flour will thicken as soon as the bottle is heated. 

“All infant formulas also contain vitamins and minerals,” adds Candice Levy. Proteins ensure the proper development of the baby. ” 

Some manufacturers also add lipids in the formula of anti-reflux milks, in order to counteract constipation and other digestive disorders. This side effect is common when consuming this type of infant formula, due to the presence of non-digestible residues in the composition. 

When to give AR milk to your baby?

If your child suffers from reflux, or you feel uncomfortable after meals, talk to a health specialist who will direct you to the right type of infant milk. AR milks are particularly recommended in case of: 

  • Repeated regurgitation;
  • Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) which is often accompanied by reflux and vomiting;
  • Swallowing disorders which require the use of thicker milk;
  • Colic.

If you switch to thickened milk such as comfort milk or AR milk, consider changing the teat to choose a model suitable for thickened milk.


How to choose an AR milk?

“An infant formula is recommended by a pediatrician or a doctor, who ensures that it is well adapted to the child,” recalls Candice Levy. Some babies may find it difficult to cope with corn or potato starch, causing discomfort during digestion. 

“In the event of GERD, an allergy to cow’s milk proteins should be sought. Indeed, 50% of cases are due to allergies, ”recommends the specialist.

A healthcare professional will be the most suitable to help you make your choice to relieve your baby according to his age, his symptoms, the quantity of rejected milk or the frequency of regurgitation.

How to avoid regurgitation in baby?

Before the age of one year, regurgitation is frequent due to the immaturity of the digestive system. Simple actions at home can help reduce reflux: 

  • Avoid dressing your baby in clothes that tighten him, especially in the stomach, such as tights or jeans. For even more comfort during digestion, the diaper can be loosened.
  • Respect the number of bottles recommended by the pediatrician, and remember to take breaks during feedings.
  • Avoid laying the infant down immediately after a meal.
  • Burp well after feeding and during a feed, especially if the baby is drinking fast; 
  • Do not move the child too much after eating and avoid the car for the next hour.

In all cases, follow the prescriptions and advice of your doctor.

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