Anti-inflammatory ointment – everything you need to know

Anti-inflammatory ointment is an effective and proven way to fight joint and muscle pain. The available preparations include active substances, mainly classified as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition to them, we also find a variety of ingredients with a warming or cooling effect. Below we present a handful of information that will help you choose the right anti-inflammatory ointment.

Anti-inflammatory ointment – what is it for?

The biochemical composition of the anti-inflammatory ointment includes painkillers and substances supporting the treatment of inflammation. The ointment reaches the diseased tissues through the skin and helps to eliminate pain and usually has no side effects. Among the anti-inflammatory ointments available on the pharmaceutical market, you can find products with a variety of effects and compositions.

The mode of action of the anti-inflammatory ointment is related to the activity of its main component. In the case of non-steroidal inflammatory drugs, the most commonly used are: acetylsalicylic acid, indomethacin, ketoprofen, diclofenac, ibuprofen, naproxen, nabumetone, meloxicam or nimesulide. They work by relieving inflammation, symptoms of fever, pain of various causes and severity, and swelling.

Painkiller ointments should not be used by people who are allergic or hypersensitive to even one of the ingredients. The preparations should also not be used by children under 12 years of age and nursing mothers, although some analgesic ointments are allowed for use in the first or second trimester of pregnancy. Contraindication is also contamination of the skin in the place where the ointment is to be applied, as well as wounds, blisters and rash on the skin.

What are the types of anti-inflammatory ointments and when to use them?

We divide anti-inflammatory ointments into two categories – warming and cooling. Warming ointments contain capsaicin, camphor, essential oils, glycol salicylate, and other warming ingredients. Preparations of this type are used in cases of back pain in the lumbar region or specific joints. Cooling ointments reduce acute pain caused by muscle injuries and strains.

There is no specific rule regarding the use of different types of anti-inflammatory ointments. For many years it has been considered that cooling gels are used to heal injuries that are accompanied by edema. On the other hand, warming ointments were used to relieve rheumatic pains and non-swelling injuries. However, recent studies show that warming up and cooling down can be equally effective. Therefore, a sick person should check both ointments – and choose the one that gives the best effect.

When is it worth using anti-inflammatory ointment?

Anti-inflammatory ointment is often used by people who feel pain caused by exercise – this trauma is most often caused by a lack of warm-up or excessive exercise. In this case, instead of an anti-inflammatory ointment, you can also use a warming ointment that will also relax tense muscles. People struggling with injuries caused by physical activity can also be helped by a cooling ointment that quickly soothes pain.

The gel can also be used in the event of neuralgia. Neuralgia causes pressure on the nerves, viral, bacterial and mechanical damage to the nerves. However, the use of anti-inflammatory ointment is sometimes insufficient and it is also necessary to take oral medications. Anti-inflammatory ointment is also a preparation often used to treat back pain.

The anti-inflammatory ointment is also used to treat any joint pains. However, in the event of such ailments, it is advisable to diagnose the cause before using the ointment. Occasionally, joint pain may indicate rheumatoid arthritis, which is treated with rehabilitation and pharmacotherapy. Anti-inflammatory ointment can also be used to treat sprains, sprains, bruises, fractures and other mechanical injuries. You have to remember not to use the ointment on a damaged part of the skin.

How to use anti-inflammatory ointment?

A few centimeters of the ointment should be spread on the cleaned surface of the skin, in the place where the pain is felt and in its immediate vicinity. Before application, you can gently massage the sore area, which will make the surrounding tissues absorb substances better. After application, the skin should be left uncovered for a few minutes until the ointment is fully soaked in.

The anti-inflammatory ointment should always be applied to cleansed skin. It is worth spreading it a little wider than just in the place of pain. Once the medicine is smeared, it won’t hurt to massage it in for a dozen or so seconds. As a result, more of the active substance will go to the injury site. The anti-inflammatory ointment should be applied 3 to 5 times a day.

What are the benefits of anti-inflammatory ointments?

Anti-inflammatory ointment, unlike orally administered anti-inflammatory drugs, has a highly concentrated dose of the active ingredient. This means that it can only work in the place where it will be applied – thanks to this, the risk of undesirable symptoms will be reduced to a minimum.

What to look for when buying anti-inflammatory ointment?

It is worth consulting your doctor or pharmacist about this. To help a specialist choose a strong ointment, it is worth determining in advance: who will apply the ointment (a child, adult, teenager, or maybe an elderly person?), How severe is the pain, what kind of pain causes the injury, is the source of the pain in one place, or in several, do movement or emotions cause pain? Once your doctor or pharmacist has been given answers to these questions, they will be able to better choose the type of anti-inflammatory ointment.

Anti-inflammatory ointment or tablets – what to choose?

The use of anti-inflammatory ointment rarely causes side effects. However, the same cannot be said about painkillers, which may be irritating to the mucosa and stomach. For these reasons, patients with gastric ulcer disease, acid reflux, heartburn and those who are taking medications that interact with analgesics should withdraw from painkillers.

However, supporters of tablets appreciate them for the fact that they are convenient to use. What’s more, you can use them at any time – it is not always possible to coat the diseased part of the body during the day. However, by taking the drug orally, it has an effect on the entire body, unlike ointments only on the site of the problem. In addition, the tablets can cause side effects and damage the body’s mucosa.

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