Anti-crisis: anti-crisis food: diet: losing weight: saving

Anti-crisis: anti-crisis food: diet: losing weight: saving

The sanctions against foreign goods have dealt a real blow to the wallet of healthy lifestyle lovers and those who are just planning to join them.

It used to be easy to follow diets: you replace fatty meat with lean beef, prepare a salad of asparagus, spinach, and now … A “light” food basket will cost two to three times more than usual. Ksenia Selezneva, Candidate of Medical Sciences, nutritionist at the Research Institute of Nutrition, co-host of the show “Wedding Size” on the Domashny channel, Ksenia Selezneva, told Woman’s Day how to lose the excess, but not lower the entire salary on healthy food and how to replace expensive goods.

You cannot save on food, because human health directly depends on it. “You are what you eat” – it was not for nothing that Hippocrates once uttered this phrase. From fish, a person receives not only protein, but also the omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids he needs, so finding a full-fledged alternative to fatty sea fish – salmon, trout – is quite difficult. Nevertheless, if you need to save money, then you can buy a cheaper representative, for example, cod, pollock, tilapia, and additionally take fish oil in capsules.

A person gets fiber from vegetables, which improves the digestion process and helps to remove all toxins and toxins from the body. Therefore, it is impossible to completely abandon lettuce leaves, cucumbers and tomatoes. You can add cereals to vegetables – bulgur, couscous. So for one serving you will spend less precious greens, the dish will become more satisfying, but at the same time the body will not be left without fiber.

Some people think that plant protein, which is found in mushrooms or nuts, is enough for the normal functioning of the body. But this is not so – no vegetable protein is 100% similar in composition to animal. So our body needs it, whatever one may say. Can’t afford veal and marbled beef? Your way out is turkey or chicken. They are no less useful and tasty.

Spinach and asparagus are too expensive for you? It doesn’t matter, not only can you make a dietary soup from them. Take a closer look at the pumpkin. It is inexpensive and will appeal to many. Cut the pumpkin into small cubes and boil. You can add some potatoes if you want to make it more satiety. After that, grind it in a blender, add a little milk and grated ginger root. Sprinkle pumpkin seeds over the soup before serving and that’s it. The dish that does not spoil the figure is ready! You can also make vegetable soup from broccoli, cauliflower.

Healthy breakfasts and snacks

You don’t have to buy expensive granola for breakfast. You can make it yourself: mix oatmeal, honey, nuts and dried fruits and bake it all in the oven. Or replace it with another healthy and non-nutritious breakfast option. I usually offer my patients a choice of porridge (any other than semolina), cottage cheese with honey and nuts (or any other curd dishes – cheese cakes, casseroles) and egg dishes (for example, an omelet with vegetables and whole grain bread). All this is tasty and healthy.

For a healthy and satisfying snack, make a diet sandwich. Remember: the main thing in it is the foundation. Use crispbreads or whole grain breads lightly dried in the oven or toaster. You can put a leaf of lettuce, a tomato or a slice of turkey on it.

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