Anti-cellulite massage with spoons. Video instruction

Anti-cellulite massage with spoons. Video instruction

According to the method of the famous cosmetologist Rene Koch, a spoon can be used not only as a cutlery, but also as an excellent tool in the fight against cellulite. This is one of the most effective, and most importantly, the cheapest way to get rid of the hated “orange peel” at home.

Антицеллюлитный массаж скребком Гуаша и обычной ложкой.

Benefits of anti-cellulite spoon massage

Cellulite is a familiar problem to most women. Therefore, there are a huge number of different techniques in the fight against this nuisance. Among such methods, based on positive reviews on health and beauty forums, one of the leading places is occupied by anti-cellulite massage with spoons, according to the method of Rene Koch. This procedure, unlike most others, is absolutely safe. Moreover, it does not cause discomfort. The cheapness of a spoon massage is also good news.

With regular spoon massage, your skin will become more elastic and its structure will improve.

In addition to external changes, internal changes will also occur:

  • blood circulation in the capillaries and lymph circulation in the body will noticeably improve
  • metabolism will accelerate
  • excess fluid will be excreted from the tissues of the body, which provokes edema

Technology of carrying out a spoon massage

In order for you to feel the effect of a spoon massage, you will need 1 or 2 tablespoons of silver spoons and regularity in performing this procedure. This technology is very simple. First of all, prepare your body. It is desirable that it be clean and warm, so it is best to do this massage after a bath or shower in the morning.

Cool or, conversely, heat the spoons slightly. Next, grease hot or chilled cutlery with anti-cellulite cream, essential oils or regular moisturizer. Apply cream or honey to your skin, but do not rub. The slower they are absorbed into the skin, the more effective the whole procedure will be.

The temperature of the spoons does not play a special role during the massage, it is only important for your comfort.

To prepare the skin, massage it lightly with the spoons in a circular motion. To activate blood circulation, light pressure will be enough. After a little warm-up, get down to action. Starting from the bottom, in smooth circular movements strictly clockwise, move the spoons to the thighs and buttocks. Tap the skin periodically to create a drainage effect.

You can massage with spoons not only problem areas with cellulite, but also the face in order to tighten and smooth wrinkles.

Remember, to achieve visible results, you need to do circular massaging movements on all problem areas vigorously, for 20-30 minutes daily.


  1. Where is the video?

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