Anti-cellulite massage at home. Video
According to statistics, 95% of women around the world have experienced such an unpleasant phenomenon as cellulite. Unhealthy diet, insufficient body care, overweight, metabolic disorders and other reasons can provoke the appearance of “orange peel”. There are many different methods for fighting cellulite. Some of them can be used at home. The greatest effect can be achieved with anti-cellulite massage and honey wraps.
How to deal with cellulite at home?
First of all, you need to give up junk food – fast food, semi-finished products, sugary carbonated drinks, smoked, fatty and fried foods. To get rid of cellulite, you should give up bad habits – smoking, drinking alcohol, excessive coffee addiction, or minimize them.
Wheat bread should be replaced with bran or cereal bread. You also need to increase the amount of fruits, vegetables, milk and lactic acid products in your diet. Fruit can be used as a snack to satisfy hunger without burdening the stomach.
With regular exercise, you can lose weight, keep fit and get rid of cellulite. Running is effective in that it helps to saturate the cells of the body with oxygen, dilates blood vessels, and removes toxic substances along with sweat. In addition, running leads to a smoother and firmer leg. Jogging can be a lot of fun as it releases the hormones of joy. To get rid of cellulite, it is enough to devote to running for 30 minutes a day. The main thing is not to accelerate, but to run measuredly, slowly, for your own pleasure.
Squats should also be included in the daily exercise program, which allow you to remove cellulite in the buttocks and make the skin of the thighs elastic.
You need to increase the pace of classes gradually. On the first day, you can perform 10-15 squats, the next day – 15-20, on the third day – 20-25. Gradually, the number of squats should be brought to 100, taking breaks between sets of 20 repetitions.
The hula-hoop shows an excellent result in the fight against the “orange peel”. It has a tangible effect on the most problematic areas of the body – the abdomen and thighs. An active “massage” with the help of a hoop breaks up cellulite bumps, but to get this effect you need to train constantly. To get rid of cellulite, during the day, do not sit in one place, try to move more and walk more. This way you can strengthen your leg muscles. Go for a bike ride, exercise bike, swim, or water aerobics.
A daily contrast shower will help fight cellulite at home. Finish by pouring cold water over it. This will improve blood microcirculation in adipose tissues. While taking a shower, work out problem areas with a massage mitt, and after the procedure, apply an anti-cellulite cream on them.
Take baths with various additives to help eliminate cellulite
This can be seaweed, sea salt, or other products. You can also add citrus essential oils to your bath to help burn fat. While washing, it is useful to use anti-cellulite scrubs, rubbing them with problem areas.
The wrap allows you to increase the smoothness and elasticity of the skin, get rid of cellulite in problem areas, and also remove excess fluid from the body. With each such procedure, you can lose from 1 to 3 cm.
Various means are used for wrapping, for example:
- natural honey
- coffee grounds
- black or white clay for cellulite
- algae
To make a honey wrap, heat the honey to a liquid state. It should not be hot, otherwise there is a high risk of burns. Apply honey to the problem area of the body, wrap it with cling film and lie down for 30-40 minutes. Then rinse the honey off with a warm shower.
The wrapping procedure is best carried out immediately after a shower or bath: the skin, warmed up and treated with a scrub, absorbs the active ingredients better
You can use coffee grounds to get rid of cellulite on your feet. After warming it to a warm state, apply this product to the problem area of the body. Cover it with plastic and lie down to rest for 40 minutes. Then rinse off the thick under the shower.
Clay effectively removes cellulite, especially in thin people. Anti-cellulite clay wrap should be done every other day for 2 weeks. To wrap you will need black or white clay for cellulite, plastic wrap, mineral water and a blanket. Mix 0,5 kg of clay with mineral water until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Apply the clay mass to the desired area of the body, cover it with plastic wrap and cover it with a blanket. After 30 minutes, wash off the clay with warm water.
Cellulite cupping massage
Anti-cellulite massage using cans is an excellent alternative to vacuum massage, which is carried out in beauty salons. In both of these cases, a vacuum is created on the skin, which heats it up and increases the blood flow at the massage site. Cupping massage will allow you to easily eliminate the “orange peel” effect on your hands. It is impossible to achieve this effect with body wraps or physical exercises.
If you have no desire to mess with cans, you can buy a vacuum massager to get rid of cellulite. It works the same way, but much easier to use.
Anti-cellulite massage with cups is contraindicated in pregnancy, as well as in the presence of any tumors, skin diseases, cardiovascular system and varicose veins. Vacuum jars for cellulite should be used no more than once every two days. Banks should not be placed under the knees or in the groin area.
Cupping massage is best done after exercise. The ideal option is when the body is well warmed up, however, it is strongly not recommended to steam the skin.
On the problem area, honey or essential oils (citrus, apricot, peach or almond), heated in a water bath, must be applied in combination with massage oils. Place the can and squeeze it a little to create a vacuum. The jar needs to be lightly pressed down and twisted a little. Do this with light movements so that there is no feeling of pain or discomfort. In the process of cupping massage, you can perform circular, longitudinal, zigzag movements from the bottom up.
Anti-cellulite massage with banks: we do it at home
Banks can be placed in another way. First, you should choose a comfortable place for the massage – a sofa or a bed. Cover it with cling film or plastic. Then apply cellulite oil to your skin and place several cans. Press down a little and create a vacuum. The first time you need to lie for no more than 5 minutes, if you feel discomfort, you must immediately remove the cans. If this is not the first time a can massage for cellulite has been performed, you can keep the cans for up to 30 minutes. After the massage, it is advisable to apply an anti-cellulite cream to the skin.
Honey massage will help get rid of cellulite in the buttocks and thighs. Before doing it, apply 2 tsp on the buttocks. liquid honey, then massage the honey over the skin. Massage for five minutes, then move on to patting movements.
Anti-cellulite massage can be done with scrub, special gels and creams, essential oils, coffee or honey
Honey massage should last no more than 7-10 minutes. If you do it daily, within a week you will see tangible results: cellulite will decrease, and the skin will become soft and smooth.
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