All aesthetic and cosmetology clinics promise getting rid of the infamous orange peel on the legs. It has long been clear that various creams and massagers are not able to cope with this problem. You can get rid of cellulite only by applying an integrated approach in practice. The anti-cellulite diet in this case takes a leading position.
Causes of cellulite
Cellulite is scientifically called lipodystrophy. Cellulite appears against the background of serious transformations occurring at the level of subcutaneous fat. Blood and lymph, which constantly circulate in the tissues, not only deliver nutrients to them, but also cleanse the cells of decay products and toxins. With cellulite, blood microcirculation is disturbed, as a result of which all the waste products of cells, including excess fluid, remain under the skin. These deposits gradually accumulate, increase in size, bulge outward, forming tubercles that look so unsightly on the skin.
Causes that can provoke the appearance of cellulite:
Poor environmental conditions in the place where a person lives.
Nervous shocks.
Hormonal disorders. Taking medications.
Excessive physical activity that provokes injury to muscles and connective tissues.
Wearing tight underwear.
However, the main reason that provokes the formation of cellulite is malnutrition. If a person overeats, it contributes to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, disruption of metabolic processes, and the spread of cellulite to new areas of the body. Naturally, errors in the diet are not the only factor that causes the appearance of an orange peel, but it is the leading one. Even the heredity that most women talk about is not a sentence called “cellulite”. If you eat right, this problem can be avoided.
Basic rules of the anti-cellulite diet
Nutrition rules that a woman suffering from cellulite should follow:
Salt should be consumed in a minimum amount. Well, if you can completely eliminate it from the diet. If this condition is not met, you will need to tune in to the fact that the process of getting rid of cellulite will be delayed for an indefinite period.
In the diet, be sure to include foods that are rich in calcium and potassium. These substances allow you to remove excess fluid from the body, making the skin toned and elastic.
An anti-cellulite diet involves eating vegetables, fish and seafood.
Permitted and prohibited products
To help the body in the fight against cellulite, you need to adhere to proper nutrition.
It involves the inclusion of the following products in the menu:
About 200 ml of red wine for each day, but not more than the indicated volume.
Olive and linseed oil.
Seafood: lean fish, mussels, shrimp.
Sour-milk products with a low percentage of fat content (yogurt, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir).
Vegetables that contain a minimum amount of starch.
Buckwheat and oatmeal.
Wholemeal rye bread.
Dried fruits.
Fruit. Preference should be given to pineapples.
Products that should not be on the menu:
Any alcoholic beverages other than red wine.
Bakery products.
Drinks containing gases.
Animal fats, which can be obtained from lard, lamb, oily fish, butter, cheese, and cream.
Ketchup and mayonnaise.
Canned foods.
Sugar and sweets.
Salinity, pure salt, marinades.
Partially limited products
Gluten. There is a point of view that a protein called gluten contributes to the formation of cellulite. It is found in cereals and cereals. Studies have even been carried out in this direction, but their final results have not stood up to criticism, so further study of gluten in terms of its effect on cellulite is required. However, if a person decides to adhere to an anti-cellulite diet, then he is recommended to give up oats, barley and rice for 21 days. Nothing terrible will happen during this time, and losing weight will be able to judge whether gluten affects the process of cellulite formation.
Bananas. Bananas are a source of sugar, which is found in large quantities in fruits. However, bananas also contain potassium, which allows you to remove excess fluid from the body and increase blood flow. You should not pass on bananas, but it is not recommended to completely abandon them.
Potatoes. There is a lot of starch in potatoes, so it is recommended to refuse to eat it. However, not everything is so simple, because potatoes are a source of fiber that the body needs, so from time to time you still need to include it in your menu. On an anti-cellulite diet, you can eat no more than 2 boiled potatoes 2-3 times a week.
Dairy. Some experts insist that in order to get rid of cellulite, you should stop consuming dairy products. In fact, this statement is debatable. Most professionals recommend trying to eliminate orange peel without giving up dairy. If the result cannot be achieved, then it is already possible to remove them from your diet for a while.
Menu anti-cellulite diet for 10 days from Nicole Ronsard
Nicole Ronsard is a famous American cosmetologist. She developed the most popular diet to date to combat cellulite. The menu is based on fruits and other food of plant origin. You need to refuse only grapes and bananas.
The menu is divided into even and odd days.
During odd days (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) the following regimen should be followed:
Breakfast: a portion of fruit or berries that can be eaten neat, or made into a salad, but should not be seasoned.
Lunch: At this time, vegetables are eaten from which a salad is prepared. You can season it with vegetable oil and lemon juice, add some nuts and seeds.
Dinner: you should choose between vegetables, fruits or berries. They are eaten raw.
On any of these days, you can eat up to 2,5 kg of plant foods. In between the main approaches to the table, you should drink water, herbal decoctions and green tea.
Menu for even days (2, 4, 6, 8, 10):
Breakfast: fresh vegetables and fruits, from which a salad should be prepared. Wash it all down with green tea or coffee.
Lunch: baked vegetables, or porridge with vegetables.
Dinner: You should combine raw and baked vegetables, for example, steam some of them, and eat some raw.
During snacks between main meals, you can drink kefir and eat cottage cheese. Continue to adhere to this menu should be for 10 days, but no more.