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The future of cancer treatment is immunotherapy. This is a branch of medicine that American oncologists have chosen. Already ancient doctors knew plants, especially herbs, that stimulated the immune system. Many of them owe their beneficial effects to antioxidants. They fight free radicals that damage our DNA. Many vegetables, fruits and herbs that have anti-cancer properties are available in stores all year round. Some of them are even growing in Poland.
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1/ 15 Dandelion
Dandelion, commonly known as dandelion, is a plant used to make preparations to support the liver. However, not many people know that dandelion can also be eaten! Dandelion salads are especially popular in Mediterranean countries. To prepare the dandelion for consumption, it is enough to blanch its leaves with boiling water. It is worth finding out because it is a rich source of vitamin C, B6 and A. In addition, it contains large amounts of calcium, iron, potassium and magnesium. The latest research by British and American scientists has confirmed that the compounds contained in the dandelion root have anti-cancer properties. In some patients who underwent oncological treatment and for several months drank dried dandelion root tea three times a day, a reduction in tumors was observed. Research is ongoing to explain how the infusion works, find out what is the optimal concentration for it, and see if it works similar in different types of cancer.
2/ 15 Milk thistle
Silibin, a compound in milk thistle seeds, inhibits the proliferation of lung cancer. This plant has been used in natural medicine for over two thousand years. Now the properties of milk thistle have been confirmed through research at conventional medical schools. Silibin belongs to the group of flavonoids with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Research that proved the anti-cancer effect of this substance was carried out at the University of Colorado and led by Dr. Alpna Tyagi. Together with a team of scientists, he compared the effects of silybin to lung cancer drugs that are currently undergoing clinical trials. – Natural products like silybin may be as effective as the best drugs currently tested – the researcher confirmed.
3/ 15 Parsley and celery
Sounds mysterious – apigenin. It is found in popular and cheap vegetables that grow in Poland – parsley and celery. It has recently been found that it can reduce hormone-dependent breast tumors. These are those whose growth stimulates, among others the use of hormone replacement therapy during menopause. The research was conducted in the USA at the University of Missouri. Scientists have proven that apigenin not only stimulates the death of tumor cells, but also reduces the expression of genes related to tumor enlargement. It also inhibits their multiplication, because the blood vessels that nourish tumors are thinner, which hinders their growth.
4/ 15 Saffron
Saffron is one of the most expensive spices. Why? For just one kg of spices, you need to use 150. flowers. However, it is an irreplaceable plant in the fight against cancer. Saffron, like curcumin and capsaicin, inhibits the proliferation of cancer cells and stimulates apoptosis. This effect has been scientifically confirmed in clinical trials in patients with liver cancer.
5/ 15 Chilli peppers
Just as curcumin has anti-cancer properties in turmeric, capsaicin in paprika. It also provokes the tumor cells into apoptosis. Over the years, capsaicin has been added to supplements to stimulate appetite and digestion. Now researchers have proven that it can also help fight cancer. However, the dose must be determined by the doctor, because capsaicin irritates the gastric mucosa.
6/15 Papaya
Papaya extract, specifically its leaves, slows down the multiplication of cervical, lung, breast and pancreatic cancer cells. Like curcumin and capsaicin contained in paprika, it stimulates the suicidal death of cancer cells. What substance in papaya is so beneficial? Scientists have still not been able to isolate it, but they have been able to confirm that papaya leaf extract does indeed have anti-cancer properties.
7/ 15 Red onion and apples
Good onions, like apples, contain quercetin. It is a substance belonging to the group of flavonoids that works in the fight against cancers of the pancreas, colon and lungs. Of course, eating onions is not a substitute for quitting smoking, but we encourage each of the smokers to quit smoking to support their immune system with quercetin.
8/ 15 Ginger
Ginger, unlike saffron, is very cheap. This is good news because its root is great for preventing cancer. It has been shown to reduce inflammation in the intestines, which, if left untreated, can lead to cancer development, and to fight ovarian cancer cells that have already formed. Like curcumin, it stimulates them to apoptosis. And also for autophagy, i.e. self-eating.
9/15 Oregano
Oregano owes its anti-cancer properties to a record amount of flavonoids. Among them, apigenin is in the lead. Its anti-cancer effect has been scientifically confirmed in the case of pancreatic cancer, which is one of the most deadly cancers. Scientists at the German University of Bonn are also doing research on other substances in oregano. They have already confirmed, among others the anti-inflammatory properties of beta-carophyllin. The research results were published in the magazine “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences”.
10/ 15 Pomegranate juice
– In recent years, cancer has become a real scourge of humanity – says prof. David Khayat, French Oncologist, in The True Anti-Cancer Diet. He knows what he is writing about, because he has been treating cancer patients for 30 years and is the head of the oncology department at the Pitié-Salpetriere hospital in Paris. Among the most important anti-cancer products, he mentions pomegranate juice in the first place. It contains a lot of antioxidants, especially those produced industrially.
11/ 15 Green tea
Green tea came second on the anti-cancer list of prof. David Khayat, author of the book “The True Anti-Cancer Diet”. A famous oncologist confirms that epigallocatechin gallat in green tea leaves kills cancer cells. It is known for sure the liver and intestines. Moreover, the destructive effect bypasses healthy cells in the body. Unlike chemotherapy, which, by hitting the tumor, also kills healthy cells, including the rapidly dividing bone marrow cells responsible for the body’s immunity.
12/15 Cocoa
It has been known for a long time that chocolate with cocoa improves the mood. And each of us was aware of this, although he did not use the results of university research. However, such studies have finally been carried out. They also proved that cocoa also works against cancer! David Khayat, a French oncologist, also mentions the anti-cancer effects of cocoa in his “Real Anti-Cancer Diet”.
13/ 15 Broccoli, tomato, cauliflower
Broccoli and tomatoes are more effective in fighting prostate cancer when eaten together rather than separately. How do we know about this? The results of the research that proved it were published by American scientists in the magazine “Cancer Research”. Under the supervision of prof. Erdman, conducted research on lycopene (the red component of tomatoes) and sulfur compounds found in broccoli (they enhance the activity of enzymes responsible for the breakdown of carcinogenic substances). The scientific experiment with broccoli and tomatoes also resulted in the following guidelines: To protect against prostate cancer, men in their XNUMXs should eat one and a half cups of broccoli and two and a half cups of fresh tomatoes (or a cup of tomato puree) daily. Similar studies conducted in Europe have shown that eating cauliflower on a regular basis is similar to broccoli and tomatoes, i.e. anti-cancer.
14/ 15 Garlic
It contains as many as 30 anti-cancer substances. The most famous one is allicin. Unfortunately, it is she who is responsible for the unpleasant smell of garlic. As you can see, it also “scares away” cancer. Research in China has shown that eating raw garlic at least twice a week reduces the risk of developing cancer. In the case of lung cancer, by as much as 40 percent. The anti-cancer effect has also been observed in cancer of the gastrointestinal tract – specifically of the stomach and colon.
15/15 Turmeric
Turmeric, or turmeric, a popular spice in Indian cuisine, may inhibit the development of breast cancer and its metastasis. We owe the discovery of these extraordinary properties to American scientists from the University of Houston in Texas. They proved that curcumin – the active compound of turmeric, stimulates the suicide death of cancer cells. This effect is greatest in the presence of black pepper or paprika, especially chilli. Americans have proven that curcumin prevents the development of cancer of the breast, colon, stomach, liver, and even ovaries and leukemia. They are also conducting research to see if curcumin has a similar effect in the treatment of pancreatic cancer and multiple myeloma. Source: Medonet, Onet Zdrowie, PAP