Anti-appetite products

Losing weight is a serious task, and often a struggle doomed to failure. However, there are 10 products that allow you to reduce the lunch portion and protect yourself against hunger pangs and hasty snacks. According to nutritionists from the University of Illinois, the cause of constant hunger during a slimming diet is fundamental – the stomach and the entire digestive system, used to larger portions, reacts quickly to their reduction and the result is a growing feeling of hunger. The result is that most diets last no more than a week. However, scientists say there are types of foods that can trick the stomach into sending satiety signals to the brain early, allowing you to reduce portions without risking your hunger return. The weekly Time magazine presented the most important of them.

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1/ 10 Avocados

Half an avocado added to dinner will make the person who is on the diet feel full by evening. In the case of women, 22 percent. of the respondents felt more full after such a dinner, and all of them had 24 percent. Craving less to snack three hours later than eating lunch with the same amount of calories but without an avocado. These results were published in the “Nutrition Journal” this spring. However, the avocado diet is not healthy for everyone – it is a fruit that promotes the production of cholesterol and contains the most of this compound among the fruits available on the market.

2/ 10 Beans, chickpeas, lentils

Although many diets exclude these vegetables absolutely from the menu, beans, chickpeas, peas, and lentils are actually rich sources of antioxidants, vitamin B, dietary fiber, and iron. On one condition – peas must not be overcooked, and other vegetables must be soaked and simmered (canned vegetables are of little value). Cooking with a teaspoon of cumin protects against their bloating effects, which are often complained of by women. Eating them, according to a University of Texas study published in the Obesity journal, actually prevents you from eating large portions for lunch; the reason is the large amount of plant fibers they contain. According to research, the content of these vegetables in the menu means that people who are slimming in 31 percent. cases feel more full than on a menu without these vegetables. According to the same research, the content of this type of legume in the menu allows for a significant reduction in the portion of meat and reduces the appetite for afternoon snacks by more than 1/3.

3/ 10 Soups

The diet should pay special attention to vegetable soups, say researchers at Penn State University. A bowl of such soup for the first dinner course reduces the size of the eaten portion, especially food containing meat, by 20 percent. According to dietitian Beth Saltz, who runs the popular US food website, soups are “critical to our appetite because they fill the stomach and provide few calories.”

4/ 10 Silage

Pickled cucumbers, kimchi, sauerkraut and other pickled vegetables that contain short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), according to a study published in the Annals of The New York Academy of Sciences, “facilitate communication between the digestive tract and the brain.” SCFAs stimulate the production of hormones that penetrate the blood-brain barrier and regulate the appetite signaling system. Pickled vegetables are an excellent source of probiotics that facilitate the growth of intestinal bacteria and regulate their work. Recent studies show that probiotics with the addition of inulin reduce appetite, which leads to weight loss. However, it is worth remembering that pickled vegetables are quite problematic for people with functional disorders of the liver and the flatulence caused by them – they are rather not recommended for them.

5/10 Chili

Chili powder has long been recognized as an excellent dietary supplement. It contains capsaicin. This alkaloid, which is soluble in alcohol and fat, speeds up your metabolism considerably. According to scientists from the Dutch Maastricht University, its addition to a hot dinner dish makes us eat a smaller portion. According to the results of their research, published in the magazine “Appetite”, a portion of less than 1/4 teaspoon of powder (not from the strongest species of Mexican peppers, because even the most persistent amateurs of spicy spices could not stand it) in the entire meal means that we eat up to 30 percent less, experiencing a feeling of fullness faster. According to research, chili eaters consume 75 percent. calories constituting their daily requirement, but they do not feel the desire to eat larger portions or appetite for snacks. The opposite happens with people who do not eat chili – even after consuming 100% servings. caloric intake, still have an appetite.

6/ 10 Dark chocolate

It is worth mentioning that dark chocolate is not ordinary dark chocolate, but chocolate with a content of over 60%. cocoa, oa the best so-called black chocolate, which is over 70 percent. cocoa. According to researchers from the University of New York, black chocolate eaten in small doses every day lowers blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on the heart and contributes to faster reconstruction of neurons in the brain. Contrary to appearances, it also quickly gives the impression of filling, unlike milk chocolate, which even makes the consumption of additional salty and sweet snacks. According to a study in the Nutrition & Diabetes magazine, people who eat black chocolate consume 17 percent of their meals. less caloric than people who do not eat it at all.

7/ 10 Eggs

But boiled, not scrambled or fried eggs! According to scientists from the University of Missouri, soft-boiled or hard-boiled eggs eaten at breakfast allow you to safely wait until lunch or a later dinner without snacks. This is the result of protein consumption – consuming a 300 kcal calorie meal containing 30-39 grams of egg protein causes a feeling of fullness and reduces the possibility of feeling hungry for several hours. Eating this high-protein breakfast also means that you will eat fewer calories by the end of the day.

8/ 10 Peanuts

According to a study in the British Journal of Nutrition, obese women who ate 42,5 g of peanuts a day or 3 teaspoons of peanut butter and wholemeal cereals with milk and orange juice for breakfast did not feel hungry for up to 12 hours longer than women of the same body who did not eat peanuts. “Peanuts are made for appetite control as they contain unsaturated fatty acids, protein and fibers,” said dietitian Dr. Cynthia Sass, who participated in the study. Peanuts with the addition of carbohydrates such as brown rice, fruit or porridge reduce blood sugar levels and slow down digestion. It is worth noting, however, that people with hyperacidity should eat them carefully – they are only.

9/ 10 Oatmeal

«Hard or soft hot Swedish-style porridge is rare on the Polish table. Meanwhile, cereal or muesli with cold milk do not have such a positive effect as she, “says a study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition. The subjects ate 250 kcal meals consisting of cereals or porridge with the addition of cold or hot milk with a caloric value of 113 kcal. Porridge eaters felt full longer, were no longer hungry, and refused to eat anything before lunch compared to cereal eaters. This is because oatmeal is rich in plant fibers and contains beta-glucan, a simple sugar found in oat fiber that regulates digestion. In addition, according to studies conducted among children with hypercholesterolaemia, the consumption of 3 g of beta-glucan daily for 4 weeks reduced total cholesterol by 7%, and after 40 days of such a diet, the level of total cholesterol decreased by 39%, and LDL lipoprotein – by 60 percent

10/ 10 Whey

In the Polish variant, it is best to drink sour milk, not devoid of whey. Sometimes whey is also available on the market for direct consumption. According to research published in the journal “Appetite”, drinking whey reduces the appetite. Those who drank the whey ate two hours later than those who drank a regular, sugar-rich fruit drink. Whey is also what bacteria in the digestive tract like – it inhibits the growth of pathogens and fungi, and at the same time contributes to the growth of bacteria that protect against infections.

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