Anti-aging procedures: the most effective methods

The time when daylight hours become short is considered by cosmetologists to be the best period for anti-aging procedures. Innovative ways to help smooth wrinkles and restore skin elasticity.

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plant cells in the Yves Rocher Revival of Youth program, derived from Echinacea angustifolia, increase skin density and reduce wrinkles. “We were able to include intact plant cells in the formulas,” emphasizes Xavier Ormancey, director of science and development at Yves Rocher. – Being in a vial, they retain their structure and, only when they get on the skin, release the active ingredients. As a result, the production of collagen increases by 64%, hyaluronic acid – by 58%. The program includes three types of massage: relaxing (with the help of exotic tagua nuts), tonic apparatus and manual lifting massage. From gentle touches, the skin is smoothed and begins to glow from the inside.

Procedure 75 minutes, price 3990 rubles.

Institute of Plant Cosmetics Yves Rocher: st. Tverskaya, 4, t. (495) 692 2000,

Fibro strike – a hardware procedure that stimulates the production of connective tissue cells of fibroblasts: the firmness and elasticity of our skin depend on their number. “The effect is comparable to that of beauty injections,” says Nina Rybinskaya, cosmetologist, chief physician of the Lantan clinic. “But this pleasant procedure does not involve punctures!” Fibrostrike is suitable for the face, neck, décolleté and hands. The recommended course duration is 4 sessions. The result appears immediately and lasts up to a year.

Procedure 60 minutes, price 18 rubles.

Clinic of plastic surgery and cosmetology “Lantan”: st. Barclay, 6, building 5, t. (495) 660 9290,

“Laennec” – This placenta-based drug normalizes the main processes in our body, including improving the quality of the skin. “The placenta is rich in cytokines, signaling molecules that activate the hidden reserves of the body,” says Nadezhda Sosnovskaya, cosmetologist, leading specialist at the EMC Aesthetic Medicine Clinic. “Besides this, the placenta is a powerful natural moisturizer.” Often, already after the first procedure, there is more energy, sleep normalizes, complexion improves. Gradually, wrinkles and age spots disappear, skin elasticity increases. The method of administration of “Laennec” (an injection, dropper or injection into biologically active points) and the duration of the course are determined by the specialist: on average – 10 sessions.

Procedure from 10 minutes, price from 4000 rubles.

Clinic of Aesthetic Medicine EMC: Spiridonievsky per., 5, t. (495) 933 6654,

Absorbable threads improve skin tone and provide a long-term lifting effect. “Based on its results, the method is comparable to plastic surgery, although it is much less traumatic,” notes Avicenna Abdulmajidova, a plastic surgeon at Art Clinic. Threads based on the material used after operations are inserted into the skin. During the time that they dissolve, dense fibers form in the skin, which serve as a supporting frame for it. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. “After it, there are almost no bruises and swelling,” the surgeon continues. “Day by day, your appearance improves: after 3 months you look better than after a month, and after a year you look better than after 3 months.”

Procedure 30 minutes, price from 30 rubles.

Clinic of plastic surgery “Art Clinic”: 1st Tverskoy-Yamskoy per., 13/5, t. (495) 223 2373,

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