Hollywood stars manage to look great at any age. Moreover, many, such as Uma Thurman, argue that beauty injections and plastic surgeons have nothing to do with it. What’s the secret? Wearing anti-aging makeup.
Head of the Russian branch of the Academy of Permanent Makeup Biotek Anna Savina
Anna Savina, a world-class permanent make-up master, head of the Russian branch of the Biotek Academy of Permanent Make-up, tells how to hide the signs of skin aging and give your face freshness.
Wrinkles, drooping of facial tissues, age spots – all this gives out our age. The main purpose of anti-aging makeup is to give your face a fresh look. First of all, this can be done with the help of tonal means. They should have a very light texture. Otherwise, dense and heavy “foundation” will be hammered into wrinkles and emphasize them. Choose translucent and subtle textures or BB or CC creams. But keep in mind, these drugs simply even out the skin tone. Pigmented spots, which, alas, appear in almost 80% of women with age, need to be masked with concealers. And apply them locally, directly on the age spot, gently drive in with your fingertips.
Likewise, with the help of light tonal concealers, you can correct the nasolabial folds or lighten the areas that need to be highlighted: the upper part of the cheekbone, the area under the eyebrow. Older ladies need to lighten the areas under the wings of the nose, because the older we are, the more vascular changes are noticeable in this place. If you treat the wings of the nose with concealer, the face will look fresher.
Is your goal to lift your eyelids? Then the feathering of all shadows and lines should be directed upwards. Hard clear arrows, especially black ones, should be avoided, because with age-related changes in the eyes, the skin on the upper eyelid becomes insufficiently elastic and smooth, respectively, the arrow can bend and change. It looks unaesthetic.
A light pencil will relieve tired eye syndrome. Apply it to your lower eyelid and you will hide the pinkish skin tone that gives out a stale look. And to give the eyes brightness and sparkle, add a slight highlight or highlight the inner corner of the eye.
Girls who want to look younger should choose blush only in light tones – it always refreshes the face. Their shading is also done upwards – from the cheekbone to the temple area. It is important to thoroughly shade the blush to the ears so that they do not lie in a strip: it ages.
Another important aspect of anti-aging makeup is applying lipstick correctly. Use hard contour pencils to keep it well and not bleed. You need to put a light line above the pencil and on the lipstick – this technique will visually emphasize the contour and neutralize fine wrinkles above the lip.