Anti-aging facial treatments

“What is the most effective anti-aging facial?” – users of search services are endlessly interested. Unfortunately, there is no universal answer. But there are options that have been tested by time and consumers.

What are anti-aging treatments

In search of the best anti-aging facial treatments, mankind has come a long way from alchemical and outright sadistic recipes to scientifically based and completely humane methods. Before you get acquainted with the latter, take our test to determine how much you need them.

Basic indications

When we talk about anti-aging facials, it is quite obvious that they are addressed to people over 35 years old, only at this age can we talk about noticeable manifestations of the aging process.

What are they?

  • The skin loses elasticity.

  • The complexion becomes duller.

  • Wrinkles appear.

  • The sensitivity increases.

  • Swelling develops.

  • The contours of the face lose their clarity.

  • The corners of the lips and eyes drop.

This, of course, happens gradually. Changes accumulate, and as a result, the reflection in the mirror ceases to please. Anti-aging facials help correct the signs of aging.

Operating principle

We must be aware that no best facial treatments can turn back the clock. But that doesn’t mean they’re useless. With the help of anti-aging therapy it is quite possible:

  • restrain the aging process by improving drainage and blood flow (ozone therapy and professional massage);

  • stimulate the synthesis of substances necessary for the skin, which decreases over the years (fillers based on hyaluronic acid, fibroblasts);

  • visually correct age-related changes (Botox, contour plastics);

  • use the internal reserves of the skin, which will force it to renew itself (peelings, photo and laser techniques).


Which anti-aging treatments to choose depends primarily on the type of aging that is genetically determined. To find out how your face will change over time, take our test.

In any case, anti-aging care is a whole strategy that requires an integrated approach. That is, both at home and in the office of a beautician, single actions will not work. A noticeable and relatively stable result occurs only after a course of procedures. But there are other rules of beauty that should not be violated.

  1. Balanced diet.

  2. Physical activity in the fresh air (under the protection of sunscreen).

  3. At least 8 hours of sleep at night.

If none of the rules is followed, then the effect of any activities quickly fades away. And this applies not only to anti-aging care, but also to surgical interventions.
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Cosmetic procedures for facial rejuvenation

In our country, cosmetic procedures are often called salon procedures. This is due to the fact that cosmetic services have not been licensed for quite a long time. But even if you are performing the procedure in a clinic, it makes sense to make sure that the beautician has a license to perform this or that manipulation. Women actively use the services of aesthetic clinics. What procedure do you need? The test will help you figure it out.


Perhaps this is the leader among cosmetic procedures. As anti-aging, several types of peeling are most appropriate and effective.

  • Chemical. Depending on the depth of exposure, it can be superficial, median and deep (the latter is performed only for medical reasons).

  • Laser. There is a more “aggressive” CO2, which simply removes the surface layer of the skin, and a softer Fraxel, when the beautician regulates the depth and zones of exposure. Such a device is used even for the skin of the eyelids.

As you know, peeling is the removal of a part of the stratum corneum of the skin, a controlled injury that triggers active regeneration processes. The activity of fibroblasts as well as the synthesis of elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid are increased and the skin is renewed.

Ekaterina Turubara: “Exfoliation of skin cells helps the epidermis to renew itself.”

Peeling is carried out in the autumn-winter period. Superficial peeling is usually recommended to be done 1-2 times a year. The number of necessary procedures per course, from 3 (for laser peeling) to 6, is prescribed by a cosmetologist, depending on the condition of the skin. However, special skin preparation and special care are required during the recovery period, which can take from 2 to 14 days, depending on the depth of exposure.


The most perfect apparatus is the hands of a master. With the observance of the massage technique, the face is literally transformed:

  • contours are tightened;

  • puffiness goes away;

  • wrinkles are smoothed;

  • complexion improves;

  • the skin becomes toned.

All this is due to the improvement of blood circulation and lymph circulation.

It is very important that manual massage is done by a qualified specialist – the hands of the master work wonders.

Sculptural rejuvenating massage involves 6-12 sessions annually.

Contour plastic

Until recently, local injections of hyaluronic acid (mainly in the lower part of the face) were considered to be perhaps the best cosmetic procedure for facial rejuvenation to replenish lost volume, restore and tighten contours – hence the name “contour plastic”. Usually 1-3 sessions are required, because the first injection “leaves” for moisturizing the skin. Since hyaluronic acid gradually decomposes, the effect disappears after six months or a year and the procedure has to be repeated.

Recently, lipofilling has attracted interest. It involves the local injection of the patient’s own fat. First, a small amount of adipose tissue is taken, for example, from the abdomen. Then it is cleaned and injected into the area of ​​deep wrinkles – for example, nasolabial. Unlike hyaluronic acid, adipose tissue does not break down and simply takes root in a new place.

Botulinum toxin injections

Botox is a veteran in the anti-aging market. It has been successfully used to smooth out wrinkles (mainly in the upper part of the face) by blocking facial muscles. Muscles do not contract – therefore, the skin does not wrinkle. But this drug also breaks down within six months, so the injections have to be repeated.

Botox is often combined with contouring and other anti-aging procedures.


It is also called “Dracula therapy” and is considered a revolution in rejuvenation. The patient’s own blood plasma is injected into the problem areas of the face (where wrinkles, sagging, etc. are observed). It is rich in growth factors that stimulate the work of fibroblasts that synthesize collagen and elastin for skin elasticity. There is the most natural stimulation of cellular activity, the so-called self-rejuvenation.

The procedure begins with blood sampling from a vein, then the blood is separated into plasma and red blood cells in a special centrifuge. Platelet-rich plasma is injected under the skin. The result is noticeable in a week.

Usually, a course of 3-5 sessions is required for a lasting effect. The procedure is repeated about once a year, as the effect gradually decreases.

Plasmolifting is considered one of the safest procedures for facial rejuvenation. However, it cannot be used for diabetes mellitus, problems with blood clotting, and hematopoiesis disorders.

Ozone therapy

Few people know that a mesotherapy cocktail can literally consist of air, that is, an ozone-oxygen mixture.

Ozone therapy as a rejuvenating facial treatment is a variant of mesotherapy. Only instead of vitamin and other cocktails, an oxygen-ozone mixture is injected under the skin. This almost instantly saturates the blood with oxygen and speeds up the renewal processes.

The result is a fresh look, excellent turgor. The relief and complexion also improve, traces of fatigue and small wrinkles around the eyes disappear.

Ozone therapy, like mesotherapy and biorevitalization, is a preventive anti-aging procedure. It is especially useful in early spring.


Despite the suspicious association with the word “photoaging”, the procedure fully justifies its name. Exposure of the skin to light pulses does not destroy the surface layer, as in peeling, but acts on the deeper structures of the skin.

Only a competent cosmetologist can make the right individual choice of an effective rejuvenation technique.

In this case, broadband intense pulsed light (IPL), devoid of ultraviolet or infrared frequencies, works. It is not necessary to count on a facelift or the disappearance of deep wrinkles after photorejuvenation (5-8 sessions are performed). But he can:

  • get rid of age spots;

  • remove the vascular network;

  • even out complexion;

  • improve overall skin turgor.

RF lifting

Radio wave lifting is rightfully considered one of the best cosmetic procedures for facial rejuvenation. It is also called thermolifting or radiolifting. As the name suggests, skin tissue is heated by radio frequency radiation. The depth of penetration (up to several millimeters) is selected and adjusted by the beautician.

This warming up has a stimulating effect on fibroblasts and improves blood circulation. As a result, the lifting effect is really noticeable. But several sessions are required – their number depends on the problem and the chosen depth of exposure.

The effect lasts 2-3 years, but an annual maintenance treatment (not a course) may be required. In this case, as a rule, there is no recovery period.

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Anti-aging treatments at home

Whatever procedure you choose from a cosmetologist, regular and competent daily care is necessary to maintain the effect.

Finished cosmetics

In addition to gentle cleansers, as well as day and night creams, it makes sense to use peels with anti-aging effectiveness, serums, concentrates and masks.

Day cream for the face “Intensive rejuvenation 55+” Garnier

Due to rice proteins and plant cells of youth, it reduces wrinkles, makes the face oval clearer and improves skin elasticity.

Glycolic 10 Renew Overnight, SkinCeuticals performs the function of peeling due to glycolic (10%) and phytic (2%) acids. The softening complex of jojoba esters and sunflower and mimosa waxes soften the skin, restores the protective film, which helps to maintain the skin’s hydrobalance.

Deep action regenerating serum Revitalift laser x3, L’Oréal Paris makes the skin noticeably firmer and firmer, as it contains a rich set of active ingredients: exfoliating LHA, moisturizing hyaluronic acid and proxylan, which strengthens the fibers that support the skin.

Anti-aging complex care-sculptor “Age expert 45+”, L’Oréal Paris has a complex anti-aging effect on the skin due to proretinol A and peptides in the composition. The skin becomes firmer and smoother.

Microalgae express tissue mask for intense hydration Minéral 89, Vichy contains hyaluronic acid in high concentration, therefore it gives an instant tightening and refreshing effect. Also in the formula of the mask there is thermal water from Vichy springs to protect the skin.

12,5% ​​Vitamin C Powerful-Strength Line-Reducing Concentrate, Kiehl’s includes a shock dose of vitamin C, which stimulates collagen synthesis, actively fights age-related changes: smoothes wrinkles, evens out complexion.

Intensively transforming day cream for all skin types Blue Therapy Amber Algae Revitalize, Biotherm contains a fraction of the probiotic thermal plankton and an extract of the amber algae Amber Algae. Unveils more defined facial contours for firmer, younger looking skin.

Маска Re-Plasty High Definition Peel, Helena Rubinstein features a dense, plastic gel texture and a formula that contains an exfoliating complex and urea to hydrate the skin. Improves complexion, smoothes wrinkles. Suitable for evening use 2 times a week. The mask is kept on the skin for 5 minutes and then washed off. Then you can apply night anti-aging care products.

Homemade cosmetics

The anti-aging effect of home masks is questionable by experts accustomed to evidence-based medicine. However, why not try if cosmetic creativity is a pleasure?

Mask with honey and avocado


  1. ½ avocado;

  2. 1 Art. l. honey.

How to cook:

  1. Thoroughly mash the avocado with a fork until it becomes a smooth puree.

  2. mix avocado with honey until smooth.

How to use:

  1. cleanse the face;

  2. apply an even layer of the mask, bypassing the area around the eyes;

  3. leave for 15-20 minutes;

  4. gently remove the mask with a soft cloth;

  5. wash your face with water and pat dry with a towel;

  6. wipe the skin with tonic and apply cream.

Anti-aging clay mask


  1. 1 tsp dry cosmetic clay;

  2. 1 tsp oatmeal;

  3. 1 tsp. dry milk;

  4. 1 tsp. honey;

  5. 1 tsp olive (or other) oil;

  6. 1 drop of essential oil (lavender, citrus, sandalwood, rose).

How to cook:

  1. grind oatmeal into flour;

  2. mix thoroughly all the ingredients, except for the essential oil;

  3. add water if necessary to achieve the desired consistency;

  4. add essential oil and mix again.

How to use:

  1. cleanse the skin;

  2. Apply the mask in an even layer, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips;

  3. leave for 10 minutes;

  4. rinse thoroughly with water using a sponge or damp cloth;

  5. Wipe the skin with tonic and apply anti-aging care.


On the one hand, we blame overly active facial expressions for the formation of wrinkles. On the other hand, it has long been proven that the right fitness for the face helps to maintain clarity of contours and improves skin condition.

Self massage

Of course, you should not count on the sculptural effect of a massage with your own hands. But it is quite possible to achieve noticeable results, especially when it comes to gravitational ptosis, when the oval of the face loses its clarity.

Ekaterina Turubara: “Self-massage on a regular basis can really improve skin elasticity and correct oval, as well as improve complexion.”

Please note a few important notes.

  • It is better to take care of yourself in the evening, slowly, when the skin is set to renew itself.

  • Massage can only be done after applying a cream or moisturizing mask, otherwise there is a risk of injuring the skin.

  • Products with a gel or serum texture are not suitable for massage.

  • All movements should be directed from the bottom up and from the center of the face to the periphery.

Roller massagers for the face may well bring benefits.

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Rules for preparing for anti-aging procedures

Any anti-aging procedure by a cosmetologist requires skin preparation: it is necessary to protect it from stress as much as possible and provide additional moisture.

  • It should take at least two weeks (and preferably a month) after active sunbathing.

  • Simultaneous or continuous passage of procedures similar in effect is not recommended.

  • A few days before the procedure, it makes sense to completely refrain from smoking and alcohol.

  • Try to avoid spicy and salty foods so as not to stress the blood vessels and cause swelling.

  • It does not hurt to conduct a course of intensive moisturizing with serums or masks.

  • It is important to understand that many procedures are quite painful and may take several days to recover.

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Safety measures

The decision on cosmetic procedures should be made together with a specialist. Sometimes additional testing is required. Some hardware techniques are not recommended for cardiovascular problems. Injections – for violations of blood clotting. Contraindications to any procedures are:

  • damage to the skin;

  • the presence of neoplasms;

  • inflammatory processes and viral diseases.

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