Anti-aging diet, 7 days, -4 kg

Losing weight up to 4 kg in 7 days.

The average daily calorie content is 940 Kcal.

With the right nutrition, you can delay aging and improve your appearance. As numerous scientific studies prove, this is indeed the case. The anti-aging diet (also called the lifting diet) was developed by US dermatologist Nicholas Perricone. If you follow the recommendations given by a specialist, the skin can be made much smoother and more elastic.

Anti-aging diet requirements

The diet of a rejuvenating diet should be made up by rejecting (or minimizing as much as possible) food “garbage”: store-bought high-calorie sweets, fast food, smoked meats, semi-finished products. Also, at least for a while, it is necessary to forget about excessively salty food, hard cheeses with a high percentage of fat, sausages, whole milk, pasta from soft wheat, various flour products, fatty meats, mayonnaise, store sauces, potatoes, sugar.

Introduce more healthy, low-fat food into your diet. Eat lean meat and fish, fruits, vegetables, berries, herbs, as well as dairy and sour milk products of low fat content.

From drinks, a weighty taboo has been imposed on the use of alcohol, soda, store juices. It is recommended to abstain from coffee during a rejuvenating diet or drink it extremely rarely. It is better to give preference to green or herbal tea. All food that cannot be eaten raw should be heat treated as gently as possible (bake in the oven or grill, boil, simmer, but not fry). It is recommended to eat, according to the rules of the method, three times a day. If you are accustomed to fractional (for example, five meals a day), this is not a problem. Make the portions smaller and eat as usual. Just choose the right foods for your snacks. Then they will only benefit your body.

The anti-aging technique is based on the “three whales” – three food products that Perricone recommends to consume as often as possible. Namely – this is fish, asparagus and blueberries. Let’s take a closer look at each favorite of the lifting diet.

  • Fish

    Fish of the salmon family is considered especially useful. It is maximally rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which supply the skin with many useful substances that allow it to delight its owners with a young look and elasticity for a long time. Fish and other seafood contain a large amount of vitamins of groups A, B, D, as well as protein, which is easily absorbed by the human body.

  • Asparagus

    This vegetable is a favorite among the Mediterranean people, who boast a much longer life expectancy than many other countries. And for good reason! Indeed, their diet includes a lot of seafood, fish, vegetables, fruits, herbs, olive oil. Asparagus is included in many dishes. Also, Mediterranean people often eat it in its pure form. Having a fairly low calorie content, this vegetable is very healthy. In addition to many different vitamins, antioxidants that prevent the premature aging of our skin, asparagus contains folic acid. Thanks to her, new cells are born in the body. Asparagus is easily and quickly digested.

  • Blueberries

    This berry is a real leader in antioxidants accumulated in it, which have the ability to protect cells from the influence of free radicals and minimize the negative impact of harmful environmental factors. So we strongly recommend not to miss the extra opportunity to pamper yourself with this berry.

It is recommended to start the day with a glass of water at room temperature. Drink it 20-30 minutes before breakfast. And of course, remember to drink water regularly throughout the day. The stratum corneum is 20% water. If a person does not drink enough fluids, the skin becomes dry and rough, which contributes to its premature aging.

The following are examples for the anti-aging diet recommended by Nicholas Perricone.

Breakfast Examples:

– an omelet made from three proteins and one yolk of chicken eggs; a serving of steamed oatmeal from a few tablespoons of dry cereal, with 20 g of almonds or other nuts; a quarter cup of berries or a couple of melon slices;

– an omelet of two chicken eggs in the company of mushrooms; an apple or other non-starchy fruit;

– up to 150 g of boiled or steamed salmon; pear or a slice or two of melons;

– about 150 g of cottage cheese (fat-free or low fat) with fruit.

Lunch examples:

– up to 170 g of lean fish (trout is an excellent option), cooked with steam or grilled; a portion of salad from non-starchy vegetables and various greens, seasoned with a small amount of vegetable oil; kiwi or a couple of melon slices;

– 150-170 g of tuna, canned in their own juice; a portion of green salad with lemon juice; a handful of fresh berries (best of all – blueberries);

– 170 g sardines in oil; a portion of boiled asparagus; a quarter cup of fresh berries and a couple of melon slices;

– a bowl of cabbage soup based on fresh cabbage; about 150 g of boiled or steamed fish in the company of non-starchy vegetables;

– a slice of boiled chicken with green salad; bowl of vegetable puree soup without frying; a glass of fruit juice.

Examples of dinners:

– about 150 g of boiled salmon; Vegetable Salad; a small pear plus a glass of kefir;

– a couple of steamed fish cakes; a serving of seaweed salad and a glass of empty yogurt;

– 150 g of boiled chicken fillet without skin and 200 ml of freshly squeezed fruit juice;

– a mix of broccoli, white cabbage and spinach, cooked without adding oil; a couple of slices of unsalted cheese; a glass of yogurt without additives or kefir.

Adhere to the rules of the lifting technique, if you feel good, you can take a long time. After all, it does not contradict the norms of a healthy lifestyle and, with a well-designed menu, does not make the body experience stress due to the lack of components necessary for normal functioning.

Scientists identify and products that are most harmful to the appearance and condition of the skin… Try to use them extremely rarely in the post-dietary period, but rather forget about them altogether.

  • Confection

    Excessive intake of sugar into the body contributes to the glycation process. In this case, “sweet” molecules combine together with protein-type molecules. In this regard, collagen is destroyed – a protein that is responsible for maintaining the elasticity of the skin, its healthy and attractive appearance.

  • Alcohol

    Drinks containing alcohol, when consumed in excess, have a negative effect on the condition of the liver, whose functioning is directly related to the appearance of the skin. Acne, yellowish complexion, premature wrinkles may well be the result of alcohol consumption.

  • Fat meat

    Non-lean meat products contribute to the production of free radicals in the body. They also strip electrons from healthy cells. This harms the body as a whole. As a result, the skin is unable to produce enough collagen. This is how premature aging comes.

  • Trans fats

    Synthetic fats can cause skin inflammation. In addition, when they enter the body, the skin is more susceptible to the influence of ultraviolet rays. As a rule, fast food products, semi-finished products, fried foods, and shop sweets cannot do without trans fats.

  • Strong coffee

    This drink, beloved by many, like alcohol, contributes to the fact that the skin dries and, as a result, ages more likely.

  • Soft pasta and baked goods

    They affect collagen and elastin destructively, because of which the skin loses its elasticity, becomes flabby.

Anti-aging diet menu

Nicholas Perricone’s Rejuvenating Diet Daily Diet Example

Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese with apple slices; green tea.

Lunch: steamed fish; a portion of salad from non-starchy vegetables and herbs; kiwi or a couple of melon slices; a cup of green tea.

Dinner: boiled or steamed chicken fillet with stewed eggplant or other vegetables that you like; freshly squeezed apple juice.

Anti-aging diet contraindications

Due to its balance, such a diet can be adopted by everyone who does not have serious health problems or diseases that require a different diet.

Benefits of an anti-aging diet

  1. The effects of a rejuvenating diet tend to be noticeable pretty soon. As people who have tested this technique on themselves note, after a week, the result, as they say, is on the face. The skin becomes firmer and more attractive, acquires a healthy and fresh look.
  2. In addition, on a rejuvenating diet, while correcting calorie intake, you can lose weight. By consuming the above products and reducing the daily calorie content to 1200-1500 units, you will not only transform your appearance, but also correctly and reliably get rid of extra pounds.
  3. The diet is considered balanced in terms of the set of substances and components and should not harm the body. Therefore, its principles are supported by many nutritionists and doctors.
  4. The food prescribed in the diet helps a person stay active and energetic.
  5. The products on the menu help to increase immunity and are a natural way to prevent many diseases, having a general positive effect on the body.
  6. A wide selection of diet food allows you to choose the one that suits your taste.
  7. The technique is not accompanied by an unpleasant feeling of hunger and torment from many inhibitions.

Disadvantages of an anti-aging diet

  • No significant drawbacks were found in the anti-aging diet.
  • But it is worth noting that for a long and tangible effect, the basic rules of the technique must be adhered to as long as possible. Since, alas, when you return to the wrong diet, the appearance will probably also deteriorate. And an unpleasant bonus can also make itself felt when overweight returned.

Repeated anti-aging diet

If there are no contraindications, you can return to the anti-aging diet again whenever you want.

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