Anti-aging cream for men

Is it easy to be young when you are over 50? Yes, in general, it’s not so difficult if you don’t lose drive and take good care of your skin.

Features of anti-aging cream for men

Men are lucky – age-related changes on their skin are less pronounced. They have higher levels of collagen and elastin, and hence the density of the skin and subcutaneous fat, which seems to women a monstrous injustice. This means that the contours of the face in men change little with age, practically do not fade. In any case, if there is no significant excess weight. Age is given out only by wrinkles, sometimes quite noticeable.

For a men’s cream, it is especially important that it is easy to apply and quickly absorbed, leaving a pleasant feeling of freshness.

But sooner or later, a man will need an anti-aging cream. Consistency can be considered its feature – a product addressed to a man should be easy to apply and instantly absorbed. Men do not really like to linger in front of the mirror for a long time and spend time on multi-stage long-term care.

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Composition of antiaging cream

There is no discrimination based on gender in the composition of anti-aging cosmetics. The ingredients are used no less effective than in products for women.
  • Moisturizing hyaluronic acid.

  • Exfoliating and skin-renewing ingredients: retinol, lipohydroxy acid.

  • Antioxidants that prevent and repair damage caused by oxidative stress, which is involved in the aging process. These include vitamins A, C, E, resveratrol, astaxanthin.

  • Proxylan, peptides and glycopeptides are anti-aging components.

  • Caffeine, adenosine – energy.

  • Soothing components, as men’s skin often becomes sensitive due to daily shaving. Among them are allantoin, plant extracts, B vitamins.

  • Silicones and waxes for a fast visible effect.

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How to choose

Each age has its own skin needs, be guided by them when choosing a facial product.

After 30 years

After 30 years, it makes sense to replenish the standard gentleman’s cosmetic set with the first anti-aging cream or gel. Quite often, it replaces the aftershave. Look for the label “against the first signs of aging” or “against the first wrinkles” on the packaging.

As part of an anti-aging cream for this age category, the main focus is on antioxidants. While we are talking about preventing age-related changes in the skin and reducing its sensitivity.

After 40 years

At this age, for those who have not done this before, it is useful to introduce products for the skin around the eyes into daily care – sleepless nights no longer pass without a trace. In anti-aging face creams, moisturizers and antioxidants are combined with components that stimulate renewal and give a lifting effect.

It is quite likely that a young man, upon waking up, will find bags under his eyes. In chronic sleep deprivation, products for the skin around the eyes are especially relevant.

After 50 years

Gradually, due to a decrease in testosterone (its level in men begins to fall from the age of 30), dryness may appear in areas of increased sensitivity, for example, on the cheekbones, around the lips. Due to shaving, the integrity of the epidermis is violated, and over the years, the recovery processes are slower.

Men aged 50+ can use products with light oils. But, of course, not to the extent that women require.

Light gray hair and smile wrinkles, of course, do not interfere with natural charm. But good skin care can even help you feel better.

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7 best anti-aging products for men

According to the editors of Healthy-Food, it is useful for men to include products in their care that promote youthfulness and elasticity of the skin.

Anti-aging cosmetics for men 30+

Night concentrated antioxidant care Resveratrol BE, SkinCeuticals It is intended, as the name suggests, for evening care. The most active restoration of the skin occurs precisely under the cover of night. Light gel contains a trio of powerful antioxidants:
  1. resveratrol is a component of red grape extract;

  2. baicalin – an extract from the Baikal skullcap;

  3. vitamin E (tocopherol).

The skin becomes smooth, elastic, better resists external influences.

Antioxidant day care against the first signs of aging Homme Age Fitness Advanced Day, Biotherm proves the power of ocean-sourced anti-aging ingredients. The antioxidant astaxanthin, derived from algae, and spirulina, rich in amino acids and other useful substances, come to the fore.

Anti-aging cosmetics for men 40-50+

Anti-aging care “Men Expert Vitallifting 5”, L’Oréal Paris recommended for use after shaving, but is a complete anti-aging tool. The formula includes a retinol derivative that stimulates cell renewal. Lipohydroxy acid (LHA) also opens the way for young cells. The product contains ginseng root of life extract – a storehouse of antioxidants. Plus cocoa extract and shea butter for softening action.

Thus, the product is enriched with five active ingredients that refresh the complexion, make the skin moisturized, visibly more toned and protect it from aggressive environmental factors.

Light cream for normal to oily skin with signs of aging Face Cream, SkinCeuticals helps cells to function fully, correcting damage. Chamomile, rose, soybean, sesame, grape seed oils soften the skin, restore the hydrolipidic mantle. Cucumber extract moisturizes and refreshes, the skin becomes more elastic, young.
Anti-aging cream Force Supreme Youth Architect Cream, Biotherm is heavy anti-aging artillery. The cream acts even on deep wrinkles. Three branded components provide comprehensive care: Life Plankton strengthens the skin, saturates it with 35 beneficial ingredients; proxilan smoothes wrinkles; its action is enhanced by Youth Algae algae extract. The skin becomes smoother, firmer and more elastic.

Men’s eye creams

Serum-gel for the skin around the eyes against wrinkles Force Supreme Eye Architect Serum, Biotherm contains Life Plankton, proxylan, Blue Algae (algae extract), rejuvenates the skin around the eyes, reducing wrinkles, removing swelling, erasing signs of fatigue. A convenient applicator simplifies the application process and increases the effectiveness of the serum, because it acts as a cooling massager.

Men’s multifunctional anti-aging cream for the skin around the eyes Age Defender Eye Repair, Kiehl’s Due to the extracts of flaxseed and rye, rich in vitamins, microelements and substances that strengthen the skin, it comprehensively cares for the vulnerable area around the eyes.

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Rules and recommendations for application

  • Anti-aging cream can be used as an aftershave.

  • The face cream is applied with smooth massaging movements in the direction from the central part of the face to the periphery.

  • Cream around the eyes on the upper fixed eyelid is distributed from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, and on the lower – from the outer corner of the eye to the inner.

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Safety measures

Three important things:

  1. make sure you don’t have allergies by testing cosmetics on your wrist;

  2. apply the cream with soft and smooth movements so as not to injure the skin;

  3. carefully read the manufacturer’s recommendations and focus on your own feelings (if you feel discomfort, stop using the product).

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