Anthurium diseases: how to treat

Anthurium diseases: how to treat

Anthurium is considered to be one of the most beautiful indoor flowers. It is loved for its large shiny leaves and original wax flowers. The natural habitat of this plant is tropical forests. Because of this, there are difficulties in growing anthurium in urban apartments.

Anthurium is an evergreen plant whose leaves are bright and shiny. The plant is quite capricious, so it gets sick with improper care. Most often, symptoms appear on the leaves.

To save the plant, it is important to identify anthurium diseases in time.

Anthurium diseases are divided into 2 groups:

  • non-infectious;
  • infectious.

Non-communicable diseases are not spread to other houseplants. They are the result of improper containment conditions. When the source of the disease is removed, the anthurium will recover.

If the violations that were made during the care are corrected, and the flower still continues to hurt, then this is an infectious disease. If you do not diagnose and learn how to treat diseases of anthurium leaves in the shortest possible time, other indoor flowers will also get sick.

By the nature of the deformation of the leaves, you can find out what mistakes in the care the florist made.

Dark spots that get larger over time indicate a lack of light. An indirect sign of this disease can be considered pallor of the leaves. For treatment, the flowerpot must be moved to a brighter place.

Excessive light can cause the same spots. Direct sunlight in summer causes burns. In this case, the leaves of the plant roll up into a tube. Anthurium must be removed from the windowsill deep into the room.

The yellowness of the leaves indicates that watering is carried out with water of increased hardness. The affected foliage must be removed. And before watering, pass the water through a filter or defend for at least a day.

Weak growth and lack of flowering indicate that the plant needs feeding.

Leaf rust is the most common anthurium infection. At first, the disease manifests itself on the underside of the leaf blades in the form of red loose thickenings. Then the virus also infects the front of the leaves. Soon, the leaves are completely covered with orange spots and fall off.

You need to start treatment by removing the affected leaves. A diseased plant is treated with 1% Bordeaux liquid or other fungicidal preparations

If you water the anthurium on time, give it top dressing and provide it with the necessary heat, the flower will delight the owners with a healthy appearance.

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