Anthony Burgess “A Clockwork Orange»

Энтони Бёрджес «Заводной апельсин»Today on the “Bookshelf” is the novel “A Clockwork Orange” by Anthony Burgess, released in 1962 and adapted in 1971 by Stanley Kubrick. According to the plot of the work, London was “captured” by teenage gangs, for whom violence turned into a sport. The main character of the novel, Alex, also has a gang consisting of teenagers like him. They speak their own slang, which they call “Nadsat”. I invented this jargon myselfAnthony Burgess, writing down some Russian words in Latin (during the development of the plot, the author was in Leningrad, this was also reflected in the names of some places in the novel – Victory Park, the Melody store, etc.), and “nadsat” is nothing more than the decimal prefix “— nadtsat”. Alex and his gang, dressed up in extravagant costumes, hang around London every night, get into fights with other gangs, attack passers-by, rob shops and even kill. For the murder, Alex goes to prison, where he agrees to experimental treatment in exchange for early release. The treatment consists of brainwashing, as a result of which even the thought of violence causes terrible pain, which leads him to attempt suicide. The book inspired more than one musical group to create songs, and some dedicated albums to it, for example, Sepultura and the Russian collective B-2.


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