Anthocyanins – application. Where can you find anthocyanins?

Anthocyanins are natural plant dyes. Their color depends on the pH of the cell juice – they can vary in color from red through blue to purple. They are widely used in the food industry, but also in the pharmaceutical industry. What are the properties of anthocyanins?

Anthocyanins, as mentioned, include natural dyes. These are, for example, cyanidine, pelargonidine or delphinidine. They give color to fruit and flowers. They are invaluable when it comes to protective properties that help prevent liver or cardiovascular diseases. Depending on the plant in which they occur, they can have various protective effects. And so, for example, blackcurrant, blueberry fruit or the recently fashionable blueberry have a vasoprotective effect, which means that they seal and strengthen blood vessels, especially those present in the eyeball. In addition, anthocyanins inhibit degenerative processes because they weaken the action of free radicals. So they will strengthen and sharpen your eyesight.

In turn, dark grapes and red wine are rich in anthocyanins, which have the ability to inhibit inflammatory processes, strengthen capillaries, and reduce clumping (aggregation) of blood platelets. They lower blood pressure due to the secretion of nitric oxide, which dilates the blood vessels. Thanks to this, the risk of strokes and heart attacks is reduced, and headaches are alleviated.

Dark fruit – anthocyanin wealth

The presence of anthocyanins can be easily seen. They are found in red, blue (navy blue) or purple fruits. So they will be: the aforementioned blackcurrant, bilberry, American and Canadian blueberries, elderberries, plums, but also red cabbage, cranberries, raspberries and strawberries. However, research shows that the greatest wealth of anthocyanins can be found in tart chokeberry. There are about 8000-10000 mg (per kilogram of fresh fruit weight) of anthocyanins. Chokeberry is followed by eggplant and dark grapes (up to 7500 mg / kg). Interestingly, onions also contain anthocyanins. However, this is a small amount, approx. 200 mg / kg.

  1. Black currant – 5% anthocyanins – the YANGO dietary supplement is available in packages of 90 capsules.

Anthocyanins are used to prevent many diseases

We can reap the most benefits from anthocyanins in summer and autumn. To preserve their valuable effect, we should prepare compotes, juices or preserves such as jams and preserves from plants containing anthocyanins. Freezing fruit is also a good way.

Drinking a glass of red wine from time to time – within reason of course, will provide valuable anthocyanins. This will help prevent cardiovascular diseases, thus lowering the risk of strokes or myocardial infarction. We can add a handful of fresh or frozen fruit to the morning porridge – in addition to the obvious healing properties, we will add flavor to the dish.

Anthocyanins with colds

Very often we can find remedies for colds in pharmacies, which are enriched with extracts of chokeberry, black currant, elderberry or raspberries. However, instead of using often expensive preparations, we can add the juice of the above-mentioned fruits to the tea. Anthocyanins are very often found in plants along with vitamin C, which will help fight infection.

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