Antek Królikowski suffers from multiple sclerosis. It is a “disease with many faces”. How to recognize it?

Antek Królikowski revealed that he suffers from an incurable disease. “I got such a gift in the form of a diagnosis of MS, that is multiple sclerosis” – he said in the TVN program “Across the Atlantic”. Karolina Gruszka informed about her illness a few months ago. The actors describe that they experienced some symptoms before. The first symptoms of multiple sclerosis usually occur in young people. What should worry you?

  1. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is called a multi-faceted disease. Its symptoms may vary. Numbness, tingling, blurred vision, and even tiredness can all be symptoms of MS
  2. Typically, the first symptoms of multiple sclerosis appear between the ages of 20 and 40. Recently, young actors: Karolina Gruszka and Antek Królikowski informed about the disease
  3. Even at the beginning of the century, diagnosis often meant a sentence for the patient: in a short time he became a disabled person. Today, doctors emphasize that tremendous progress has been made and that patients can lead a normal life. However, early diagnosis is extremely important
  4. More information can be found on the TvoiLokony home page

Recently, actress Karolina Gruszka (41) told about her illness. Now the actor Antek Królikowski (33) revealed that he has been living with the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis for several years.

«It all started with the fact that in 2016 I was invited to participate in an entertainment program and suddenly on stage something came out of the gut, down the throat and into the brain. Suddenly I was paralyzed all over the left side of my face. On December 6, for Santa Claus I got such a “gift” in the form of a diagnosis – he confessed in the 7th episode of the program “Across the Atlantic”. – MS, or multiple sclerosis. An incurable disease from the central nervous system – added Królikowski.

The rest of the text below the video:

Multiple sclerosis – “a disease with many faces”

Stwardnienie rozsiane może wystąpić w każdym wieku, jednak pierwsze objawy pojawiają się zwykle między 20. a 40. rokiem życia. Tak właśnie było w przypadku znanych aktorów.

Multiple sclerosis is also often abbreviated as MS, from Latin sclerosis multiplex. «It is a chronic and inflammatory disease of the central nervous system in which there is multifocal (disseminated) damage to the nervous tissue – the so-called demyelination, which over time results in the death of neurons and the atrophy of the brain »- we read on the website of the Neurobilized Campaign, which aims to support people with neurological diseases.

The causes of MS are not fully understood. Scientists point to genetic background, environmental factors, and even diet, smoking or deficiency vitamin D..

There is no test that quickly confirms that a patient has multiple sclerosis. Referred to as “A disease with many faces”, MS can have different symptoms. – Multiple sclerosis is a very variable disease, so the symptoms can be very different – explained the neurologist, prof. Krzysztof Selmaj, director of the Neurology Center in Łódź.

  1. The first symptoms of MS appear several years before diagnosis

Early symptoms of multiple sclerosis

What warning signals should you be aware of? Here is a list of symptoms that may be evidence of MS:

  1. powtarzające się problemy z utrzymaniem równowagi i zawroty głowy;
  2. tingling and numbness in the arms, legs, fingers and face, especially on one side of the body (mild at first, worsening over time);
  3. painful muscle spasms, especially in the legs;
  4. deterioration of vision;
  5. chronic fatigue, even after a night’s sleep (usually worsens in the afternoon – accompanied by drowsiness and muscle soreness);
  6. bladder and bowel problems (diarrhea, constipation);
  7. difficulty concentrating, memory impairment;
  8. depresja, stany lękowe, wahania nastroju.

W diagnostyce stwardnienia rozsianego lekarze wykorzystują badanie rezonansem magnetycznym z kontrastem mózgu i rdzenia kręgowego, a mniej rutynowo: badanie płynu mózgowo-rdzeniowego i wzrokowe potencjały wywołane.

Treatment of multiple sclerosis. MS is no longer a sentence

Experts point out that there has been significant progress in the treatment of MS. Early diagnosis and highly effective preparations enable patients to lead a normal life. Królikowski himself emphasizes this. – I try to live actively – He said. And he added: “In my head I have fires that are extinguished by a treatment that I use every month in the hospital«.

Gruszka also emphasized: early diagnosis made it possible to tame the disease. – I take my medication twice a year and I don’t actually think of myself in terms of a sick person – she described in “Dzień Dobry TVN”.

Alarming symptoms? A strange feeling? Make an appointment with a neurologist and take care of your health

Read also:

  1. This could be one of the first symptoms of MS
  2. Half of the patients lose their fitness a few years after diagnosis. We do not know the causes of the disease
  3. This could be one of the first symptoms of MS

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