Another symptom of “COVID-19 long tail”. Women observe disturbing changes
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More and more people in the world are experiencing the symptoms of the so-called “COVID-19 long tail”. Ailments persist long after the coronavirus has been defeated, and so far it is not known why. It also turns out that the condition causes “destructive changes” in the course of menstruation, which negatively affects the entire life of these women. What did they observe? We remind you of one of the most popular texts on Onet in January.

  1. More and more COVID-19 survivors report worrying changes in their menstrual flow
  2. Most of the women MNT contacted reported that, since they contracted COVID-19, they experienced, inter alia, irregular periods and worsening of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms
  3. Edith: My periods have changed in frequency, duration, intensity and the level of pain experienced during them. I also experience recurrences of COVID-19 symptoms before my period
  4. Jean, who has been taking birth control pills for many years, worries that her periods keep coming back – even though she continues to take the pill
  5. All women interviewed by MNT admitted that when they shared their observations and concerns with their doctors, they received little or no support or explanations.
  6. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

«Long tail COVID-19» – symptoms

In addition to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, scientists are starting to see another problem that will need to be tackled. It is becoming increasingly clear that there are people who have overcome COVID-19 but have not recovered, and the complications that have arisen can last for many months, maybe even years, making it impossible to live a normal life.

A few weeks ago, Dr. Anthony Fauci, a leading US infectious disease expert, estimated 10 to 30 percent of the problem could be affected. people infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Many of them are young people who had no previous health problems. Moreover, the severity of the course of the coronavirus infection does not seem to be the decisive factor here.

  1. «COVID-19 long tail». Expert: You may become disabled for months, if not years

The most common persistent symptom in young and previously healthy people who have had COVID-19 is debilitating fatigue, reminiscent of CFS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Recuperators also report exertional dyspnea (shortness of breath that occurs during exercise or movement), confusion, memory and communication problems, and unusual skin sensations (tingling, stinging, feeling cold, burning, numbness) for no apparent physical cause. There may also be post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety disorders, depression, and insomnia. Some may experience delirium.

There are also more and more voices from women who have beaten COVID-19 and are now seeing disturbing changes in the course of their periods. Medical News Today reported the cases of several of them (names have been changed).

“My cycles changed as soon as I got COVID-19”

Most of the women MNT contacted reported that people have experienced irregular periods, unusual menstrual blood clotting, and exacerbation of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms since they contracted COVID-19.

– My menstrual cycles changed immediately after I got COVID-19. After two weeks of my fight against the coronavirus, I was supposed to have my period, but it didn’t. Also in the next month. During the next eight months, I only had five periods – said Róża.

For me, the periods have changed in frequency, duration, intensity, and the level of pain experienced during them. I also experience recurring COVID-19 symptoms before my period – extreme fatigue, muscle aches that completely block my body, Edith confided.

  1. Muscle pain during COVID-19. «He was so strong I couldn’t touch myself»

Jean, who has been taking birth control pills for many years, is worried that her periods keep coming back – even though she continues to use the pills. – I have been taking birth control pills for 10 years. I didn’t have periods during this period (…) Since I got sick, I have my period regularly and I also have a lot of blood clots. The latter symptom was also observed by several other women.

«I feel like I have PMS all the time»

Most of the women MNT spoke to admitted that the symptoms of “long COVID” and changes in menstrual cycles have affected their quality of life.

“The reason I started using birth control was because of my extremely painful periods and other debilitating PMS symptoms. Now these symptoms have come back, but not to the same extent as before the contraceptive was used, says Jean. Edith told about the significant emotional impact of these changes: “I feel like I have PMS all the time. COVID-19 has also made me more emotionally vulnerable. I am aware of the emotional swings that I am experiencing now and that I have never had before.

Rose experiences many debilitating symptoms just before the onset of menstruation: – In the days leading up to menstruation, it is harder for me to breathe, I have migraines with aura, I feel sharp pain in my fingertips, and my joints hurt too – he says.

To these problems comes another. All women interviewed by MNT admitted that when they shared their observations and concerns with their doctors, they received little or no support or explanation. – My gynecologist only says it is due to the stress my body is going through due to COVID-19 Jean says. Bianca directly admits that due to doctors’ resistance, she conducts her own research on long-term COVID and self-medication, which she admits can be dangerous.

Some women admit that they do not have enough confidence in the health care system and do not even try to seek help with missed periods or other “COVID-19 long tail” symptoms. – I didn’t dare discuss any more of my problems with my GP as he always rejects them One of the ladies said. Rose was lucky in this regard, who, she says, eventually found a team of doctors who believed her.

We are all still learning how COVID-19 affects the body and what its effects are. However, Jean would like researchers and doctors to be “more interested in long-term COVID – both on a general level and on the effects of the disease on menstrual cycles.”

“COVID-19 long tail” and its effect on menstruation. Opinion of doctors

So far, doctors are unclear about the underlying causes of menstrual changes during and after COVID-19. However, several hypotheses have been put forward.

– Stress itself is known to cause irregular periods by disrupting the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovary axis. We see this in people who experience other chronic conditions, severe stress, anxiety, and / or PTSD, explains Dr. Linda Fan of the Yale School of Medicine in New Haven.

According to Dr. Fan, it is possible that the new coronavirus is affecting the female reproductive organs. “There is a chance that the effects of SARS-CoV-2 on other organs are also having a negative effect on the function of the ovaries,” he says. However, as he points out, observations so far do not indicate changes in fertility.

  1. The coronavirus affects not only the lungs. It affects all organs

Dr. Valinda Nwadike, an obstetrician-gynecologist, notes that (based on anecdotal evidence) changes in the menstrual cycle may be dependent “on the length and severity of COVID-19”. – Some patients experience heavier cycles, others they are more lean. But what she said drew attention was a return to normal cycles as COVID-19 symptoms soften and fade away.

“One or two delayed or changed periods shouldn’t cause you too much anxiety,” says Dr. Fan. The doctor also encourages women after COVID-19 who experience menstrual changes to speak to their doctors and perform additional tests if necessary (including blood counts to check for anemia, possible pregnancy or thyroid function). Dr. Fun also recommends keeping a detailed register of changes related to menstruation.

During menstruation, it is worth considering the use of reusable products. They are economical, comfortable and hygienic. On Medonet Market you can buy, for example:

  1. Perfect Cup – a set of menstrual cups,
  2. FunCup – set of menstrual cups.

However, if you are not convinced of this type of product, order the Vuokkoset Sensitive Cotton Pads with Wings for the night made of biodegradable ingredients.

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