Another housing estate at risk of rabies in Białystok

A bat died in the Dojlidy Górne housing estate in Białystok was sick with rabies – confirmed the research. Therefore, from Friday in this region, dogs and cats cannot be led without a leash – it was announced at a press conference in the City Hall.

After Dziesięciny (housing estates are located in different parts of the city), this is the second area at risk of rabies in Białystok. Precautions are in place in both areas, prohibitions on releasing dogs and cats, organizing animal exhibitions, information leaflets are distributed to residents, and municipal services monitor whether these restrictions are respected.

Poviat veterinarian Dariusz Filianowicz assured that there was no reason to panic. At the same time, he warned that if a dead bat is found, do not take it in your hands without protection, and it is best to call the municipal police. A person who has been bitten should immediately report to a health center, for example, to undergo the necessary vaccinations.

If we take precautions, we’ll be safe. It’s not even a flu that can be caught by sneezing, ‘he said.

The first case of rabies in a bat was detected in early August in the Dziesięciny housing estate. The animal has bitten a woman who is undergoing a series of vaccinations. In the meantime, four other cases of found bats were also investigated – including one in the city center – but the results of the study did not confirm rabies. In the Upper Dojlidy Mountains, the bat did not come into contact with humans.

Filianowicz recalled that rabies is a viral, infectious disease that can be transmitted to a person from an animal, e.g. through a bite. A symptom of human disease is hydrophobia, i.e. involuntary muscle contractions at the sight or sound of water. The virus is sensitive, among others to chloroform, acid reactions, ethyl alcohol, formalin, but also soap. Therefore, if a bite occurs, it is a good idea to wash the injured area several times with soap, he advised. However, it is obligatory to see a doctor.

The district veterinary inspector also reminded that the sick animal shows anxiety, excessive excitability, has fits of rage, drooling or hoarse voice. A sick wild animal is not afraid of a human being, it does not run away, and may even be caressed. He added that sick bats cannot fly, but only crawl; fall over on their backs. At the same time, he reminded that bats are under protection.

In recent days, the Municipal Police have been summoned several times to apartments, into which bats have fallen through the open windows. The Municipal Police and veterinary inspection advise residents to open the window wide, leave the room, turn off the light, and the animal will fly away in such situations.

According to the veterinary inspection data, the number of rabies outbreaks has been low in recent years and has significantly decreased over the last 10 years. In 2000, there were 289 such outbreaks, a year later 182, in 2002 156, in subsequent years this number ranges from 1 to 41. In 2009, it was only one case of rabies in a fox. Soon, further vaccinations against rabies in foxes are to begin in Podlasie. Vaccines will be dropped from airplanes. (PAP)

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