Another face of stress, or what to do when your stomach hurts from nerves?
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Remember a stressful situation. Did your stomach ache then? Was it accompanied by an unpleasant twisting, squeezing sensation, or vigorous cramps? These are the first symptoms that you shouldn’t take lightly. Otherwise you will run into serious gastric problems. So check what you can do when your stomach hurts with nerves.

Why does my stomach hurt when I’m stressed?

According to research, stress is the second leading cause of abdominal pain *. It can be caused by work, overload of duties, family problems, buying a flat, moving, or even planning a trip. Wondering why a stressful situation causes stomach pain? What is the exact cause of it?

Under the influence of a stressful situation, the level of hormones: noradrenaline, adrenaline and cortisol rises sharply. The brain then sends an impulse to tissues and organs to prepare them for battle. The body starts up fuel reserves, the blood glucose level also increases. Stress also stimulates the intestines to work, causing painful contractions. It disrupts the production of hormones and enzymes of the digestive system, which leads to constipation, diarrhea or flatulence.

Stress is also one of the leading causes of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), which causes a variety of gastrointestinal symptoms. They intensify in difficult situations, before a business meeting, exam, or visit to the dentist. Remember not to ignore these ailments. Untreated Irritable Bowel Syndrome can disrupt the smooth muscles of the digestive tract.

What can help with stomach pain?

It is estimated that abdominal pain affects up to 62 percent. Poles *. Contrary to popular belief, most of them are not menstrual at all. Abdominal discomfort can manifest itself not only in pain, but also in a feeling of twisting, cramps and squeezing. As the source of the ailments may be different, the painkiller will not always be the best solution – it is worth considering reaching for a diastolic drug, such as NO-SPA, which is a proven diastolic drug that has been available on the market for many years.

NO-SPA contains the active ingredient drotaverine hydrochloride, which soothes smooth muscle spasms, usually manifested by pain in the abdominal cavity. No-Spę can be used as an adjunct to abdominal pain associated with, for example, irritable bowel syndrome, flatulence, gastric and duodenal ulcer disease. No-Spa has a diastolic effect, hitting the source of pain – contraction, thanks to which it reduces pain in the abdominal cavity. No-spa can also help with dysmenorrhea, diseases of the biliary tract and contractile conditions of smooth muscles of the urinary tract.

In the case of intestinal problems, it is worth considering whether a diastolic drug would not be a better solution than painkillers (NSAIDs), they can even aggravate them.

However, if the symptoms do not improve after a few days or they get worse, be sure to see a specialist. He will carry out appropriate tests to find out what is the cause of the ailments. If the abdominal pain is psychological, it will most likely refer you to a psychiatrist or psychologist. A specialist will diagnose the cause of the problems and propose an appropriate therapy.

How can you still help yourself?

Relaxing massage, music therapy, art therapy, or popular relaxation techniques can relieve stress. Therefore, try to set aside at least a few minutes just for yourself every day. You can also relieve your daily nervousness by practicing yoga, meditating, walking or running. Do you like riding a bike? Then go for a bike ride. Regular physical activity will make you more resistant to stress.

You can also take a hot bath with lavender oil, 8 drops are enough. Also, remember to get enough sleep. Get 7-9 hours of sleep every day, this way you will relax and strengthen your body. The right amount of sleep will help you cope with stress better. Surround yourself with calm, positive people who will support you in difficult situations.

It is difficult to completely eliminate stressful situations. We are constantly in a hurry, we have a lot of responsibilities, we want to prove ourselves in various situations. We also often go beyond the comfort zone. Then there is a feeling of anxiety, stress or strong emotions. When we have a stomach ache, we often suspect that it may signal an illness. However, chronic stress can often be the cause.

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