Another evidence of the harmfulness of red meat – scientists have proven that it promotes heart disease

Scientists have long been saying that a diet rich in red meat is harmful to health. Studies have shown that liking this product increases the risk of diseases such as cancer of the colon, pancreas, stroke, and endometriosis. Now researchers from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) in the US have shown that frequent consumption of red meat harms the heart. This was reported by the “European Heart Journal” published by the European Society of Cardiology.

NHLBI researchers found that frequent consumption of red meat (beef, pork) raises levels of trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) – a compound that has a huge impact on the build-up of atherosclerotic plaque in the bloodstream, leading to many heart diseases. TMAO is produced in the intestines during the digestion of L-carnitine in red meat. The experiment they conducted showed that people who like red meat have three times higher TMAO levels than those who consume mainly white meat or vegetable protein. Giving up red meat brought TMAO levels back to normal.

113 healthy people of both sexes were recruited for the study. Participants followed a diet with a predominantly red meat, white meat, or plant protein source for three months. The diet changed every month so that each person tested each one (in random order). Using the red meat diet, participants consumed about 230 grams of meat per day (the equivalent of about seven slices of bacon). After one month, their blood levels of TMAO tripled threefold. The other two diets did not produce this result.

The mechanism by which trimethylamine N-oxide affects the risk of cardiovascular disease is complex. The studies conducted so far indicate that TMAO increases cholesterol deposits in the cells of the artery walls. This compound also interacts with platelets, increasing the risk of blood clots.

The results of these studies suggest that measuring and lowering TMAO levels in the blood through diet may be an effective method to help prevent heart disease.

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