Another drug withdrawn from pharmacies. It is a popular hormonal agent

Climara 50 hormone patches are being withdrawn from pharmacies – reported the website It was a popular drug, but by the decision of its manufacturer, distribution to the Polish market was terminated.

«According to the Bayer representative, the distribution of Climara-50 on the Polish market has been completed and the preparation will no longer be available in pharmacies.» – informs the portal

Climara 50 is a hormonal drug in the form of patches placed on the skin. It contains estrogens, i.e. female sex hormones. It is intended for women who are one year after the menopause.

This preparation was used to relieve menopause, which is caused by a decrease in the activity of hormones. Symptoms include hot flashes, sleep disturbances and mood swings.

Climara disappears from pharmacies. What to replace it with?

Anna Pochopień, a pharmacist and editor of the website answered the question of what to replace the drug with. It turns out there are several alternatives.

You can also get Systen 50 as patches, but its availability is very limited. Other medications with estrogen include Estrofem, administered in the form of tablets, and Lenzetto transdermal spray.

It is worth remembering that if you have a prescription for Climatra 50, you cannot buy another drug instead. To receive replacement treatment, see your doctor.

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