What is SGA?
Anorexic Readiness Syndrome is a set of indicators that which may give rise to a risk of full-blown development disturbance. These indicators are located in all spheres of functioning: both cognitive, behavioral and emotional. They inform about irregularities in the implementation of the need for food and attitude to your body. The diagnosis of the anorexic readiness syndrome does not, however, prejudge Fr. the occurrence of this disorder. It is simply a risk factor and comes under form of anorectic behavior.
Anorexic behavior
Anorexic behaviors are called behaviors that indicate irregularities in the approach to food and one’s own body. Highlight here belongs:
– increased interest in food and its values nutritional
– excessive interest in diets and / or other methods weight control
– periodically increasing physical activity
– susceptibility to the influence of advertising and mass culture
– over-focusing on appearance and body
– comparing yourself with others and underestimating your own attractiveness
– emotional lability that is conditioned primarily all with regard to the body and food
– a tendency to control body weight
– emotional tension related to the tendency to control weight
– perfectionism, increased need for competition and / or control
Diagnosis SGA
All these behaviors may indicate a predisposition to development of full-blown anorexia. Of course, a single signal is not still diagnostic. You have to remember that all these symptoms can happen occasionally reveal, e.g. in situations of low mood or stress. Only a combination of several factors, i.e. the presence of a set of indicators and them greater than average strength indicates anorexic readiness syndrome. SGA differs from anorexia in that anorexic behaviors are less severe than in anorexia nervosa, they are milder and occur periodically. So SGA is a condition premorbid anorexia.
We can do better by isolating anorectic behavior understand why only some people develop full-blown anorexia in response to intrapsychic and interpersonal problems and why only some people are so susceptible to the influences of mass culture.
Which is conducive to the occurrence SGA?
It is assumed that the occurrence of the anorexic readiness syndrome is associated with the occurrence of a series of unfavorable family factors, psychological and socio-cultural in childhood, which makes it grows up in unfavorable conditions. Such a chronic experience difficult situation associated with the lack of appropriate methods of coping with stress causes a tendency to deal with problems and tension due to an incorrect attitude towards food and your body. Including SGA meaning and anorexia are recognized as a specific type of coping style deal with stress. Of course, this is combined with low self-esteem, perfectionism and an increased need to compete. Fearful attitudes produced by abnormal parenting processes can also enhance body focus and tendency to suppressing anxiety through compulsive self-improvement. In other words, necessary the condition for SGA to occur is the occurrence of a difficult situation.
Why create subsequent disorders?
One might wonder why create more units disorders like anorexic readiness syndrome when we have so many already defined eating disorders. However, the diagnosis of SGA is needed. Observation anorexic behaviors, i.e. the diagnosis of anorexic readiness syndrome, it will allow you to react to the problem faster. At this stage, the introduction of measures preventive measures (e.g. learning to cope with stress) and / or treatment will be provided much more effective than with full-blown anorexia.
You can read more about untreated anorexia in the article: Untreated anorexia and its health consequences
Main photo: Photo credit: mst7022 / Foter / CC BY